5 WWE Superstars who are fan-friendly and 5 Superstars who are not

These 10 wrestlers have their own feelings towards fans
These 10 wrestlers have their own feelings towards fans

WWE is a global sports entertainment brand where wrestlers from different parts of the world come and wrestle in front of thousands of people and millions of fans watching from around the world. Even though wrestlers need their fans, not all of them care about the WWE Universe at all. Without the fans, these superstars would be nothing today, as they won't have people to showcase their moves and talents to. There won't be any fans to cheer or boo them and to make them feel hyped.

Fans bring money into the WWE, whether it's through ticket sales, merchandise or WWE Network subscriptions. There are numerous WWE Superstars that would go out of their way for their fans. These superstars put their body on the line every week for their fans and whether they're taking selfies or signing autographs, they genuinely care about their fans the same way their fans care about them.

Others just don't care about their fans and think they are goofy and ignorant people. They don't have time for their fans and they'd rather spend their time doing something else than taking selfies and signing autographs. Here are 5 WWE Superstars who are fan-friendly and 5 Superstars who are not

#5. Fan-friendly - Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan loves his fans
Daniel Bryan loves his fans

Daniel Bryan has one of the biggest hearts in the world. When Bryan was forced to retire due to injuries, his retirement speech was filled with gratitude towards his fans. He is a good person on TV and in real life. He deeply cares about his fans and showed them how thankful and grateful he was with them in his speech, and the feeling was mutual. Bryan is aware that his push, the Yes! Movement and numerous championship accomplishments wouldn't have been possible without the overwhelming support of his fans, and he is thankful to them.

He is always there to sign autographs, take selfies and keep in touch with his fans as much as he can. Fans love and care about him as much as he loves and cares about them. The late Connor "The Crusher" Michalek was a WWE fan who received considerable media attention after a social media campaign for him to meet his hero Daniel Bryan. He later met Bryan and other WWE performers a number of times. He died at the age of 8 due to cancer after meeting his hero. This shows how much love Bryan has for his fans and how much love they have for him.


#4 Fan-friendly - Titus O'Neil

The leader of the now disbanded Titus Worldwide is a role model
The leader of the now disbanded Titus Worldwide is a role model

Titus O'Neil is one of those WWE Superstars that you would consider to be your role model. He has been spotted several times with a shirt that says "No Days Off", and he actually means it. Whenever Titus O'Neil has a second to spare, he's probably signing autographs, flying across the country to meet fans and giving gifts to children in need or taking homeless people out to a meal.

He is a humble person in real life and helps anyone that needs help, whether they are a wrestling fan of his or not. He has travelled to different places around the world including South Africa in 2018 where he visited children academy's and helped where he could. His love for others has made him one of the most caring superstars in WWE.


#3. Fan-friendly - Goldberg

Goldberg is a superhero for kids. He interacts with his fans and he's not shy to sign autographs.
Goldberg is a superhero for kids. He interacts with his fans and he's not shy to sign autographs.

Former Universal Champion Goldberg has cared about his fans since he competed in the now defunct WCW promotion. When Goldberg returned to WWE back in 2016, he returned looking humble and thanked all his fans for welcoming him back. He also revealed how much he missed them and the one thing he missed the most was, and I quote, being a superhero for all the children around the world. He also said that when he looked into their eyes, he saw that he was Goldberg.

Goldberg loves meeting fans and has always been engaged with the community including participating in charity golf tournaments, supporting military fighting for animal welfare and visiting children's hospitals. He interacts with his fans and he's not shy to take selfies with them or sign autographs.


#2 Fan-friendly - The Rock

Dwayne The Rock Johnson cares for all his fans
Dwayne The Rock Johnson cares for all his fans

The Rock is arguably one of, if not, the greatest Superstar in all of WWE. He is currently a big Hollywood star and hasn't wrestled in WWE for years since his match with Erick Rowan at WrestleMania 32. Although it took fans a while to embrace him, he never held that against them because The Rock is always happily interacting with his fans whenever he possibly can.

The former WWE Champion is there for his fans whether his taking selfies, volunteering at countless charity events, running the Dwayne Johnson Rock Foundation or donating to the University of Miami, he always does what he can to help others. He once also officiated a wedding of a fan. The Most Electrifying Man in All of Sports Entertainment clearly enjoys meeting people and he admits that that's the best part of his job.


#1. Fan-friendly - John Cena

The Leader of the Cenation - Never Give Up
The Leader of the Cenation - Never Give Up

The 16-time World Champion John Cena has one of the biggest hearts in WWE. It is impossible to forget how much he appreciates his fans. John Cena has millions of fans around the world, which led him to become one of the greatest superstars in WWE history. Between doing charity events, meet & greets, commercials, wrestling and acting, Cena still has the time to interact with his fans as often as he can.

He also broke the Make-A-Wish record by granting 500 wishes, which is the most wishes granted by a celebrity. As the The Leader of the Cenation, Cena knows that he wouldn't be where he is right now without his fans and he shows us multiple times that he appreciates them. Love him or hate him, Cena has taught people to "rise above hate" and to never give up.


#5. Not so friendly - CM Punk

He isn't called Punk for nothing. CM Punk is a punk in real life too
He isn't called Punk for nothing. CM Punk is a punk in real life too

Former WWE Champion CM Punk is not a big fan of the crowd. It comes as no surprise as he has been very vocal about it, including in his epic pipebomb promo. He is not very approachable according to both co-workers and wrestling fans. Back in 2012, he attacked a fan after he accidentally attacked him when he ventured into the crowd.

However, over years the years, The Straight Edge Superstar has grown a lot and can now regularly be seen taking selfies with fans, attending meet & greets and interacting with them.

But, CM Punk will always be remembered as a non fan-friendly person in his time at WWE. The video below is proof. After he was pushed several times by a fan, Punk retaliated and decked the fan.


#4. Not so friendly - Randy Orton

The Viper Randy Orton is an ass in real life
The Viper Randy Orton is an ass in real life

Not only is the former WWE Champion Randy Orton one of the most hated WWE Supertars backstage and onscreen, but from his military discharge, stories of him mistreating colleagues and co-workers, it is clear that The Viper Randy has had a bad attitude in the past and present. His bad behaviour extended all the way to his fans.

He has hurled personal insults at some fans, berated others that asked for photos & autographs and even shamed an overzealous fan in 2014 by posting a photo he took with her on Twitter and calling her a Latino Miss Piggy. Appearing on a podcast in 2012, former WWE writer Court Bauer said Orton would pull out his penis and touch himself in front of the new writers as a sort of “initiation rite” for them.

#3. Not so friendly - Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar is a beast in real life as well... as the former Universal Champion is not a very fan friendly person
Brock Lesnar is a beast in real life as well... as the former Universal Champion is not a very fan friendly person

Former Universal Champion Brock Lesnar doesn't enjoy conversing or interacting with fans, and he makes no secret of this. He doesn't like to talk to them at shows, he doesn't stop to talk to them in public and he barely even takes photos with fans. Although he draws in large numbers of people, he is not of those superstars who would go out of their way to please their fans.

The Beast in Carnate Brock Lesnar publicly admitted that he doesn't like gay people and also admitted in a UFC interview that he was a bully when he was young. Brock doesn't respect his fans or his co-workers and is too lazy to show up on Raw or make multiple PPV appearances.


#2. Not so friendly - Bubba Ray Dudley

Bubba Ray Dudley is a dud in real life
Bubba Ray Dudley is a dud in real life

Bubba Ray Dudley still wrestles and makes appearances in independent circuits, and apparently, he is still an ass (and I mean that with all politeness). The former Tag Team Champion made a career out of bullying new wrestlers (Bully Ray), refusing to sign autographs and ignoring fans and being a self-proclaimed jerk both in and out of the ring.

According to ProWresling.Net, D-Von Dudley had the following to say in an intwerview about his longtime tag team partner Bubba Ray Dudley:

"Can Bubba be a prick? Absolutely. He'll be the first to tell you himself. He'll be the first to tell you he's a jerk. He'll be the first to tell you that he don't like people. There are times where we're traveling together and people will come up to me and talk to me and he will just sit there and he won't say anything. And they'll go, "Hey, Bubba. How are you doing?" And he'll look at me and go, "I just want to know something. Do I have, on my forehead, 'I'm a nice person' printed on it? Let me know so I can erase it." He'll be the first to tell you he'll be difficult when he wants to be."


#1. Not so friendly - Al Snow

Al Snow
Al Snow

You might not remember former WWE Superstar Al Snow, and that's probably a good thing. There's no question about it that Al Snow hates wrestling fans. According to Wrestling Inc., in an interview, Snow talked about the negativity among wrestling fans towards the company. He admitted the following in the interview:

"They're the goofiest bunch of people I ever met," Snow said regarding wrestling fans. "I genuinely hate them. I really do. I love the fact that they're fans, but I hate them.
"Opinions is the lowest form of human knowledge, there's no ifs ands or buts about it. You can form an opinion with little or no actual information and then you can go out and spout it off like it's a real fact. But it's nothing more than theory, conjecture and assumption. That's all it is."

Snow said that real knowledge comes from actual experience and information. He said that fans are privy to "information" and have no actual experience, and since they have "information," they think they have "knowledge and understanding of the business that they've never been in and never had any experience."


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