WWE Hell in a Cell: Live coverage and results, 27th October 2013


We’re live from the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida as WWE rolls out with the Hell In A Cell 2013 PPV. Word came out just hours before the PPV that Curtis Axel injured himself, and wouldn’t be able to compete on the pre – show. The PPV kicked off with the usual “expert panel” and Renee taking care of the social media lounge.

The Miz ran into Vickie, and asked her for a match against Bray Wyatt on the PPV, but Vickie said he wasn’t cleared to compete. Miz then said there will be a fight tonight and left. Josh Mathews interviewed The Shield, and Dean Ambrose was interrupted by Big E Langston, who then challenged him for the United States Heavyweight championship later in the night, and Ambrose accepted.

Pre – show: Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston

The pre show match was changed to Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston, and Sandow came out and cut a promo, and said he might cash in his Money in the Bank contract tonight. Rey Mysterio was at commentary and Sandow dominated the majority of the match and worked on Kofi’s mid section. Kofi tried to make a comeback with a beautiful Hurricanrana from the top rope, but Sandow grounded him before Kofi cameback with a springboard crossbody for a nearfall. Sandow ended things with the Full Nelson finisher to pick up the victory just after the 10 minute mark.

Winner: Damien Sandow

Rating: **

Analysis: The pre – show was changed at the last minute, although Axel was injured at last week’s RAW taping. Sandow was once again relegated to the pre – show, but actually won the match. Does that mean he’ll cash in his MitB contract tonight? Not likely. Main show: The main show opened with a nice video package, looking back at the previous HiAC matches and the rivalries leading up to the PPV.

Goldust and Cody Rhodes vs. The Usos vs. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns in a Triple threat match for the WWE Tag Team championships

Goldust started things off with Rollins, but Rollins immediately tagged in one of The Usos. Both men locked up and Goldust knocked him down with a couple of shoulder blocks. Goldust delivered an inverted atomic drop for a nearfall. Goldust tagged Cody in, who planted Jimmy face first for a nearfall. Jimmy tagged in Jey, who delivered a scoop slam for a nearfall. Cody tagged his brother in, and The Usos isolated Goldust and worked over him. Goldust came back with an upper cut and rights, but Reigns cut Goldust off and ran him into the apron. Reigns tagged himself in and clotheslined Goldust for a 2 count. Rollins then came in and kicked Goldust on the outside. Rollins rolled him in for a 2 count. Rollins then locked in a front facelock, and delivered a cheapshot to Cody Rhodes. Reigns came in and locked in the front facelock, working on Goldust’s neck. Goldust slid Reigns for a 2 count, but Reigns burst out with a clothesline for a nearfall. Goldust tried to tag in his brother, but Reigns cut him off with yet another clothesline. Goldust then hit a DDT out of desperation, but Rollins knocked Cody off the apron! Goldust then tripped Reigns over the top rope, but Rollins knocked The Usos off the apron as well! Reigns almost picked up the victory for his team, but Cody stopped the pinfall predicament! Reigns then started taunting Goldust, but Goldust countered with a powerslam and went for the hot tag to Cody, who came down with a springboard dropkick! Cody knocked Reigns off the apron and rolled Rollins up for a nearfall! Cody then went for the top rope moonsault, but Rollins kicked out at 2! Cody then kicked Rollins in the mid section. One of The Usos made a blind tag and came down with a top rope cross body, but Rollins kicked out. Things broke down and Jey dropkicked Goldust and Reigns out of the ring and delivered a top rope plancha! In the ring, Jimmy Samoan dropped Rollins for a nearfall!

Rollins crotched Jimmy over the top rope, and Cody tagged himself in. Rollins then delivered a kick to the head in the corner, and set Cody up for a superplex! Cody fought out of the predicament and superplexed Rollins over the other four members on the outside! The crowd started a “This is awesome” as Cody, Rollins and Jey made it back to the ring. Reigns speared Jey, but Jimmy superkicked Reigns out of the ring! Rollins threw Jimmy out, and Goldust tried to take advantage, but Rollins kicked him in the head! Cody then came in and went for the Disaster kick, but Rollins tried to counter it into a powerbomb. Cody escaped, and Goldust delivered a right to Rollins and Cody followed it up with the Cross Rhodes to pick up the victory after nearly 18 minutes!

Winner (s): Goldust and Cody Rhodes

Rating: *** ¾

Analysis: That was an outstanding way to kick off the PPV. The crowd was hot, and they cheered for whatever Goldust did. The finishing sequence was amazing, and the superplex on the outside drew a huge pop from the live crowd. Although the outcome was predictable, it was an enjoyable bout to kick off the Hell In A Cell PPV, and I hope Goldust and Cody retain the titles till early next year, and begin their rumored feud leading to a match at WrestleMania. The Miz came out and cut a promo about how the Wyatt Family has attacked him in recent weeks. Miz said that although he wasn’t cleared to wrestle, he would fight Bray Wyatt and invited him to the ring for a fight. Bray Wyatt then appeared on the big screen in his rocking chair, and said Miz was just a broken man. He told Miz that he wouldn’t want to see the monster that Wyatt really is. Luke and Erick blindsided The Miz and laid waste to him, until the big red machine, Kane made his return for the save! Kane threw both the men outside the ring, and chokeslammed The Miz inside the ring to end the segment!

Analysis: The crowd started a “We want Kane” chant, and they got their wish. Although Kane was far from impressive, this can lead to an interesting feud going forward.

Summer Rae and Fandango vs. The Great Khali and Natalya (With Hornswoggle)

Before the bout, Fandango cut a promo about Miami not knowing what real Salsa is. He said their way was primitive and crude, and that he was the true master of Salsa. He then started dancing with Summer until Khali came out. Khali started things off by dominating Fandango, who tagged in Summer. This brought in Natalya, who took Summer down with a snapmare. Natalya worked on Summer until she dropkicked Natalya, but wasted time taunting and showing off. Natalya took advantage and worked over Summer, and threw her in the corner, which brought Fandango in. Natalya tried to apply the Sharpshooter on Fandango, but Fandango rolled out of the ring. Khali tried to take advantage, but Fandango started working on Khali’s legs which brought the big man down. Fandango tagged Summer in, and Natalya came in and delivered a snap suplex followed by a scoop slam. Summer hung Natalya on the middle rope and rolled Natalya out of nowhere for the pinfall victory after the 6 minute mark!

Winner (s): Fandango and Summer Rae

Rating: * ¼

Analysis: That was an average comedy match that had its bright moments. Natalya showed her skills, and Summer was impressive in her own way.

Big E Langston vs. Dean Ambrose for the WWE United States Heavyweight championship

Ambrose slapped Big E, and E responded with a clothesline for a 2 count! Big E started working on Ambrose, and drilled him with a shoulder to the gut in the corner. Big E caught Ambrose and delivered a backbreaker. Ambrose started chopping Big E, which had no effect on the big man. Langston dropped Ambrose over his back for a 1 count. Big E locked Ambrose in the bear hug, but Ambrose fought out of it. Big E then threw Ambrose over the top rope, but Ambrose pulled Big E into the ring apron, once again taking control of the match. Ambrose hung Big E over the top rope and shoved him into the ring post! Back in the ring, Ambrose worked on Big E and drop kicked him for a 1 count. Ambrose locked in the camel clutch, but Big E picked him up and ran him into the corner. Ambrose locked in the sleeper hold and Big E did the same once again. Big E built momentum with a couple of clotheslines and a big back body drop for a 2 count. Big E missed a splash, but connected with a belly to belly suplex for a 2 count. Big E went for the splash once again, and connected this time for yet another nearfall. Ambrose tried to walk away, but Big E brought him back to the ring. Ambrose kicked Big E as Langston tried to enter through the ropes, and connected with the DDT for a 2 count. Ambrose missed with a running shoulder to the gut, and Langston speared Ambrose through the ropes onto the outside! Big E made it back to the ring, but Ambrose chose to walk away and got counted out after the 12 minute mark, to give Langston the count out victory.

Winner by count out: Big E Langston

Rating: ***

Post match, Big E brought Ambrose into the ring and delivered the Big Ending. Analysis: That was a solid mid card match, and Big E showed just why he’s a natural face. Both Ambrose and Big E suffered minor scratches in the match, as Ambrose was busted open and Big E sported a swollen eye. It was a good US title match which was made on the fly, and both men delivered.

CM Punk vs. Ryback and Paul Heyman in a 2 on 1 Handicap match inside the HiAC

Heyman came out and cut a promo about how he was the Satan in the WWE, and that he would make CM Punk pay for the deeds he had done. Heyman claimed he was the best in the world, and managed to get on top of the steel structure to escape Punk’s wrath. Ryback and Punk started things off inside the cell, and Punk took it to Ryback with kicks to his leg. Punk delivered a suicide dive on the outside, but Ryback gained control when Punk missed a shot with the kendo stick. Ryback delivered a couple of shots with the kendo stick and ran Punk into the steel structure. Ryback brought Punk inside the ring and continued working over Punk. Ryback drilled Punk with a couple of shoulders to the gut and whipped him into the corner for a 2 count. Punk threw Ryback over the top rope, and delivered an elbow from the top! Ryback shoved Punk onto the steel steps to regain control, and suplexed Punk onto the steel structure multiple times! Ryback delivered a backdrop for a 2 count, and continued working over Punk and Heyman watched from the top of the cell structure! Ryback locked in a chinlock, and delivered a jawbuster for yet another 2 count. Ryback continued to work on Punk’s mid section, but Punk countered with a cross body from the top rope for a 2 count. Punk delivered a knee to the jaw, but was caught off a springboard and was drilled with a powerslam for a 2 count. Ryback went for the Shell Shocked, but Punk fought out of it and drilled Ryback with the kendo stick! Punk caught Ryback with yet another running knee, and connected with the elbow drop for a 2 count. Punk connected with kendo stick shots and brought a table into the equation! Ryback tried to powerbomb Punk over the side of the table, but Punk escaped only to be crotched over the side of the table by Ryback! Ryback then delivered the meathook clothesline for a 2 count. Ryback went for a powerbomb once again, but Punk low – blowed Ryback and delivered the elbow through the table! The crowd started a “CM Punk” chant as Punk delivered a kendo stick shot and hit the GTS on Ryback for the pinfall victory in just under 15 minutes.

Winner: CM Punk

Rating: ***

Post match, Punk started climbing the cell structure with a kendo stick! Punk finally got his hands on Heyman, and drilled him with stiff kendo stick shots! Punk then delivered the GTS on top of the cell structure and posed on top to end the segment. Analysis: That was a good match, considering it was against Ryback. Heyman standing on top of the cell was an ingenious move to begin with, but this shouldn’t be the big “blow off”, as it felt underwhelming. Nevertheless, this will likely be the end of the feud between CM Punk and Paul Heyman, and CM Punk can get back to the main event scene. Backstage, Renee interviewed Daniel Bryan, and he said that tonight, he will have a fair shot at the WWE title. Daniel Bryan said that for the sake of the fans, he hoped that Shawn Michaels would do what’s right. He also mentioned that the “Yes!” phenomenon started in Miami after WrestleMania 28, and ended the segment by chanting “Yes”.

Los Matadores (With El Torito) vs. The Real Americans (With Zeb Colter)

Zeb cut a promo about Los Matadores being illegal immigrants, and Cesaro and Swagger went right at it against the Los Matadores, and the duo delivered the Swagger bomb – Double foot stomp combination on Diego. The Real Americans started working in tandem, and Cesaro locked in a chinlock, but Diego came back with an elbow and sent Swagger over the top rope. Cesaro delivered a cheapshot on Fernando, and Cesaro swung Diego around in the giant Cesaro swing! That was awesome, anyway, Diego connected with an enzuigiri and tagged in Fernando, who took Cesaro and Swagger out with Hurricanranas and tilt – a – whirl facebusters. Swagger locked in the ankle lock on Fernando, but he shoved Swagger into Cesaro. Los Matadores then double teamed Swagger to pick up the victory.

Winner (s): Los Matadores

Rating: ** ½

Post match, El Torito delivered Hurricanranas to Cesaro, and took out Swagger and Zeb Colter. Analysis: That was a decent 7 minute bout, but Cesaro and Swagger have been on a losing streak. The Real Americans need to get back to winning ways; I’d rather wish Cesaro received a singles push. Anyway, it was a decent bout that the fans loved. The giant Cesaro swing was impressive as always.

Alberto Del Rio vs. John Cena for the World Heavyweight championship

Cena and Del Rio locked up, as Del Rio targeted Cena’s injured arm. The dueling “Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks” chants started as Cena took Del Rio down with a shoulder block, but favored his injured arm. Del Rio concentrated on Cena’s injured arm, and Cena retaliated with right hands and a bulldog for a 1 count. Del Rio connected with a dropkick and a kick to the injured arm as Cena rolled out of the ring. Del Rio connected with a big boot and fended Cena off when he tried to go for the STF, and delivered a German suplex! Del Rio went back to working on Cena’s injured arm, but Cena came back with a dropkick! Del Rio stopped Cena in his tracks and went right back to the injured arm. Sandow was shown backstage, watching the bout as Del Rio went on the offense, but got caught when Cena dropkicked him. Cena went for his usual offense, and connected with the five knuckle shuffle. Del Rio dropped Cena with the backstabber and went for the cross arm breaker, but Cena reversed it with a tornado DDT off the second rope for a nearfall!

Cena went to the top, but Del Rio connected with the running enziguiri for a nearfall. Del Rio connected with a tilt – a – whirl backbreaker for yet another nearfall. Cena connected with a cross body from the top rope for a 2 count. Cena countered a cross arm breaker attempt and locked in the STF. Del Rio reached the bottom rope, and connected with the shining wizard kick to the head for a nearfall, and locked in the cross arm breaker! Cena countered it into a powerbomb and connected with the AA to pick up the victory!

Winner and the new World Heavyweight champion: John Cena

Rating: ** ¾

Analysis: Well, that wasn’t a surprise. Everyone expected Cena to win, but the only question was whether Sandow would cash – in his contract, which didn’t happen. Anyway, it was a decent bout with good psychology involved. Del Rio concentrated on Cena’s injured arm and Cena persevered and finally won the match and the title.

Brie Bella (With Nikki) vs. AJ Lee (With Tamina) for the WWE Divas championship AJ went on the offense, and delivered a swinging neckbreaker for a 2 count. Brie tried to make a comeback, but AJ stopped her in her tracks. AJ countered Brie’s offense and locked in a front face lock. Brie shoved AJ in the corner, and delivered a couple of dropkicks for a 2 count. Brie countered the Black Widow and locked in the half Boston. Brie knocked Nikki out by mistake, and AJ took advantage and locked in the Black Widow to pick up the victory by submission.

Winner: AJ Lee

Rating: * ½

Analysis: That was a decent divas bout, and I expected Brie to pick up the victory. I don’t know where WWE is going with this, but it might eventually lead to a program between AJ and Tamina for the Divas title. AJ needs new feuds, and that can possibly be for the best.

WWE aired a promo for the main event bout, and Shawn Michaels came out first.

Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan with Shawn Michaels as the special guest referee for the WWE championship

Before the bout, Triple H came out with the WWE championship. Orton started things off with a powerslam, and worked on Daniel Bryan’s mid section. Orton drilled Bryan with the steel steps, and punished Bryan ruthlessly. Bryan reversed an Irish whip and sent Orton crashing into the steel steps. Bryan drilled Orton face first on the steel steps and off the cell, and covered him for a 2 count. Bryan hung Orton in the tree of woe and came down with a baseball slide, and delivered a couple of suicide dives on Orton, but missed with the third. Orton crotched Bryan, but Bryan countered Orton’s offense into a powerbomb!

Bryan and Orton traded blows, and Bryan delivered a running clothesline to Orton. Bryan drilled Orton with a couple of dropkicks and kicks to Orton’s torso, and brought Orton down with head scissors off the top rope. Bryan went for the swandive headbutt and connected for a nearfall! Bryan locked in the LaBelle lock, but Orton rolled out of the ring. Bryan used the cell as a weapon, sending Orton crashing into the structure, and delivered a running dropkick, sandwiching Orton. Bryan went for the steel chair and drilled Orton with multiple chair shots. Bryan brought multiple chairs in the ring, and Shawn Michaels intervened. Bryan went for yet another chair shot, but Orton countered with a thumb to the eye and drilled Bryan with a couple of chair shots for a 2 count. Orton continued to deliver chair shots and covered Bryan multiple times, but Bryan kicked out on every occasion.

Orton delivered a huge superplex on the steel chairs, as Bryan came crashing down on the pile of chairs. Orton covered Bryan for a 2 count, as Orton started arguing with Michaels, which brought out Triple H. Orton delivered a belly to back suplex, but Triple H distracted Michaels, which infuriated Orton. Orton countered the LaBelle lock into a DDT, but Triple H once again distracted Shawn. Bryan countered an RKO attempt and sent Orton crashing into Shawn Michaels, and Triple H used it as an excuse to get into the ring. Bryan delivered a running knee to the head of Orton, but Shawn was still out! Triple H shoved Bryan away, and Bryan delivered the running knee to the head of Triple H! As Bryan turned, Shawn Michaels superkicked Daniel Bryan and Orton covered Bryan to pick up the victory after 23 minutes!

Winner and the new WWE champion: Randy Orton

Rating: *** ½

Analysis: How do you tick people off? Do something that would completely turn away the fans, and that’s what WWE did. It isn’t wrong to say that Triple H has been successful in burying Daniel Bryan, and has made it all about himself and his friends. We were supposed to get a big pay off, and it turned out to be a screwjob! Daniel Bryan deserved to win, and what was a good bout turned sour with the finish. I wouldn’t be surprised if the fans ask for a refund once again purely because of how the PPV ended.

Over – all rating of the PPV: *** (Out of 5 stars)

Everything else on the PPV was solid, but the very ending of the PPV made this a passable one. Daniel Bryan has been screwed out of the title, and it won’t surprise me if his momentum comes to a halt after this. The screwjob made no sense, as there was no need for Shawn Michaels to get involved. Anyway, that does it for the live review. Join us tomorrow as we see the fall out on Monday Night RAW!

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