WWE Monday Night RAW: Live coverage and results - April 20, 2015

WWE Monday Night Raw results

Hello everyone and welcome to our live coverage of Monday Night Raw. With Extreme Rules as the next destination on Sunday, April 26, WWE makes its last pit stop at the Times Union Center, Albany in NY. WWE announced that Triple H will be returning to make some important announcements.

He will also be dealing with the Kane and Seth Rollins situation that occurred last Monday night. Stay tuned for more updates!

Note: (This page updates in every 5 minutes)

Post match, Rollins took the mic and cut a promo about beating Orton. Triple H made his way out and looked kind of upset. Rollins cut him off and said that he proved he was the man tonight, and will prove it once again on Sunday. Kane made his way out as Rollins asked for the cage to be lowered. Orton sneaked inside the cage and decked Rollins with a huge RKO to end the show.

Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler

8:25 AM: Good back and forth action between Ziggler and Rollins, as Ziggler connected with a dropkick, but was sent out of the ring. Rollins worked on Ziggler as the crowd chanted for Dolph, and Ziggler responded with a jawbreaker and a back elbow.

8:30 AM: Ziggler connected with a clothesline, as Rollins countered with a neckbreaker. More back and forth action, as Sheamus headed down to the ring as Ziggler was in control, providing the distraction. Rollins took advantage of it and nailed the running powerbomb, and drilled Ziggler to the mat to pick up the victory.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Backstage segment with Kane and Seth Rollins

8:13 AM: Renee asked Kane what he thought about Rollins’ tweet, as Kane stormed into Rollins’ dressing room. Rollins said he was sorry, and said he would dedicate his match with Ziggler to Kane. Rollins and J & J Security walked away, as Orton was seen stalking them.

Ryback vs. Adam Rose

8:10 AM: Ryback took on Adam Rose, and dominated the bout. Rose managed to get some offense in with rights and a dropkick, but Ryback put him down with a clothesline and the Shell Shocked to pick up the victory.

Winner: Ryback

Post match, two Rosebuds tried to attack Ryback, but he clotheslined them and delivered a double Shell Shocked to end the segment, as Rosa checked on Rose.

Never dress like food around a guy that chants #FeedMeMore! @Ryback22 #Rosebuds #RAW http://t.co/48pZZEl2Lm

— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) April 21, 2015

Backstage, Bray Wyatt cut a promo and said he was the new face of fear.

The Miz vs. Mizdow, where the winner gets the rights for the Miz brand

7:55 AM: Mizdow made his way out, followed by The Miz. Mizdow almost instantly got the victory by rolling Miz up, but Miz kicked out at 2. Mizdow rolled Miz up again, and Miz retaliated by rolling Mizdow up for a nearfall. Miz then went on the offensive, but Mizdow countered with the backbreaker – neckbreaker combination.

7:58 AM: Miz decked Mizdow with a big boot, and went for the SCF, but Mizdow countered, and Summer Rae raked Mizdow’s eyes, leading to Miz drilling Mizdow with the SCF to pick up the victory.

Winner: The Miz

Post match, Summer and Miz celebrated, and just as Miz was about to deliver his promo, Orton came out of nowhere and decked him with an RKO!

.@MikeTheMiz gets to keep his "brand" on @WWE #Raw, thanks to @RealSummerWWE! #Mizdow http://t.co/cbbYuS5IMG

— WWE (@WWE) April 21, 2015

Backstage segment with Cena and Rusev

7:46 AM: Backstage, Renee interviewed The Miz, but she said Byron was standing by with Cena as the cameras shifted to Cena’s interview. Cena talked about Kane answering the challenge, but was attacked by Rusev.

7:48 AM: Rusev locked Cena in the Camel Clutch with the chain wrapped around Cena’s face, and had to be pulled off Cena by a referee, as Cena was knocked out.

John Cena Open Invitational

7:30 AM: Cena made his way out to a mixed reaction. Cena then cut a promo about proving his haters wrong, and looked fired up as he said Rusev would want to take Cena out at Extreme Rules. Cena said he would take Rusev out and shove the chain up Rusev’s behind. He then called out his opponent for the Open Challenge.

John Cena vs. Kane for the WWE United States championship

7:34 AM: Cena looked surprised as Kane answered Cena’s challenge. Kane immediately took control of the match as the crowd started the dueling “Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks” chants. Kane decked Cena with rights and clotheslines and went for a pinfall, but Cena kicked out at 2.

7:38 AM: Kane continued attacking Cena, as he came down on Cena, squashing him. Kane missed a splash in the corner, and Cena dropped him with the turning sidewalk slam. Kane countered with a chokeslam for yet another nearfall.

7:40 AM: Kane called for the tombstone piledriver, but Cena reversed it into an AA to pick up the victory, as Rollins and J & J Security laughed in the back.

Winner and still the WWE United States champion: John Cena

Sheamus vs. Zack Ryder

7:20 AM: Sheamus asked the referee to ring the bell, and immediately decked Zack with a Brogue Kick. He then stalled, saying he could pin Zack right there, but said there was no fun in that. He then rag dolled Zack in the ring, saying he had no business to be in his ring. He decked Ryder with kicks and knees, and threw him out of the ring.

7:24 AM: Sheamus kept talking on the mic, and decked Ryder with another Brogue Kick on the outside. Sheamus brought Zack in the ring and went for another Brogue Kick, but Dolph Ziggler made the save with a Zig Zag to give Sheamus the DQ victory.

Winner by DQ: Sheamus

In – ring segment with Roman Reigns

7:10 AM: Reigns made his way out and said he wasn’t in the mood to talk. He called The Big Show out, but Bo Dallas came out instead.

7:12 AM: Bo quoted Yoda, and called Roman the ‘Tim Teabow’ of WWE. Roman retaliated by decking Bo with the Superman punch, and then drilled him with the spear. He then sent a message to The Big Show, and ended by saying Show can “Bo – lieve that”.

Backstage segment with Heath Slater and Erick Rowan

7:00 AM: Backstage, Slater told Rowan that he would accept the John Cena Open Invitational while eating a salad. Rowan walked away, and Orton came out of nowhere and decked Slater with an RKO! He then said, “That makes it three”. That was great.

That's THREE #RKOs for #TheViper on @WWE #RAW! http://t.co/n2PCV3LeQv

— WWE (@WWE) April 21, 2015

Brie Bella vs. Naomi

6:50 AM: Before the match, Naomi talked about waiting for her turn and getting tired of it. Brie came out to a good pop, as both divas went at it with Nikki on commentary. Naomi got the upper hand in the early going, but Brie countered with a clothesline. Naomi responded with forearm shots to the face and kicked Brie through the ropes as WWE went into commercial.

6:53 AM: Back from commercial, and Naomi was still in control. Brie then turned things around with a couple of dropkicks and came down with a missile dropkick. Naomi then delivered a backdrop and hit the rear view to pick up the victory.

Winner: Naomi

Backstage segment with Triple H, Kane and Seth Rollins

6:47 AM: Kane and Seth continued their argument backstage, as Triple H broke things up. He told Kane he wasn’t the monster anymore, but Kane said he was, and would prove it as he walked out. Seth then tried to throw gasolene on fire, but Triple H put Seth down and said he would face Dolph Ziggler later on the show, and asked Seth to step up and show the world what he was about.

In – ring segment with Triple H, Kane and Seth Rollins

6:30 AM: Triple H made his way out to a mostly negative reaction from the live crowd. He talked about WWE being at crossroads a year ago, and put Seth over by saying he was the future of the WWE.

6:35 AM: Triple H then plugged in the next season of Tough Enough, and gave some details of the show, but was interrupted by Kane. Kane then said he was giving Triple H his notice of resignation, and said Seth wasn’t worth it. Triple H tried to persuade Kane, but Seth made his way out with J & J Security.

6:40 AM: Seth verbally laid into Kane and Kane retaliated. Both men exchanged heated words as Triple H tried to calm them down. Triple H then made Kane the guardian of the gate in the Steel Cage match at Extreme Rules. Seth then unwillingly shook Kane’s hand and made his way to the back.

The Director of Operations @KaneWWE explodes on @WWERollins on @WWE #RAW! #TheAuthority http://t.co/tZfYOsMjtq

— WWE (@WWE) April 21, 2015

Fandango vs. Curtis Axel

6:20 AM: Fandango made his way out as the crowd was Fandango-ing. Axel was in control in the early going, taking Fandango down. Axel took Fandango down with punches and kicks, but Fandango turned things around by rolling Axel up for a nearfall.

6:25 AM: Fandango took Axel down with a couple of clotheslines and came down with the leg drop to pick up the victory.

Winner: Fandango

Lucha Dragons vs. The New Day for the #1 contender’s spot

6:05 AM: Kalisto and Big E started things off as the crowd cheered for Lucha Dragons. More back and forth action as Cara tagged in. Woods then provided some distraction as Kofi worked on Cara.

6:13 AM: Kofi worked on Cara some more as Kalisto finally tagged in. Kalisto came out like a house on fire, but Big E managed to stop a pinning predicament. Cara once again became the legal man as both the high flyers hit moonsaults on the outside, but Woods held Cara down so that he couldn’t make it back into the ring!

Winners by count out and #1 contenders: The New Day

Post match, Randy Orton made good on his word by coming down to the ring and hitting Kofi and Woods with RKOs.

Backstage segment with Rollins and Triple H

5:50 AM: Backstage, Seth looked nervous as Titus scared him with his bark, as Triple H appeared. Seth complained about Orton, and Triple H said Seth looked nervous. Seth asked about Kane, and Triple H told him that he gave him the day off to calm down.

5:52 AM: Seth talked about Orton’s warning, as Triple H told him that Orton was just one man and walked away.

Dean Ambrose vs. Luke Harper

5:42 AM: Ambrose made his way out followed by Harper. Harper also delivered a short promo before the match, and both the superstars went at it to kick things off. Ambrose got the upper hand with a bulldog, but Harper decked him with a superkick to turn things around.

5:45 AM: Both men started fighting through the crowd and back near the ringside area, as the match apparently ended in a no contest. Both men then fought at the top of the entrance ramp, and just as it looked like Harper would powerbomb him at the top of the aisle, Ambrose turned things around as Harper escaped.

Winner: No Contest

In – ring segment with Randy Orton

5:30 AM: Orton made his way down to the ring as the steel cage lowered down from the top, as RAW kicked off. Orton then went on a verbal assault on Rollins, and this brought Rollins out with J & J security.

5:40 AM: Rollins took shots at the crowd as the live crowd booed Rollins. He said he was the greatest WWE champion of all time, as Orton said he would RKO anyone he saw tonight. That was a great opening segment to drive the point home.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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