WWE Monday Night RAW: Live coverage and results - 20th January, 2014

monday night raw

WWE RAW came to us live from Nutter Center in Dayton, Ohio, as the show opened with a tribute to the one and only Martin Luther King Jr. Michael Cole welcomed us as Jerry Lawler was also at ringside. That’s a good sight to see.

The show opened with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon making their way down to the ring. Stephanie welcomed the fans to the show, as Triple H took the microphone. Triple H talked about Royal Rumble and WrestleMania 30, and said the road to WrestleMania starts in just a week’s time! Triple H said it was his honor to welcome back someone who would be a part of the 30 men from the Royal Rumble match. He said this certain superstar was his friend and sometimes his foe. As the crowd anticipated the return of Batista, out came the WWE World Heavyweight champion Randy Orton to a chorus of boos, as Stephanie and Triple H looked on disappointed.

Randy Orton made his way down to the ring and took a microphone as the crowd booed. Stephanie talked about Randy Orton losing to Kofi Kingston last week, and attacking John Cena’s father afterwards. Stephanie yelled at Randy Orton for beating up an “old, defenseless person”. I guess we need to forget the never ending Stephanie – Vince McMahon feud. Anyway, Stephanie plugged in the WWE Network, as Orton started talking. Orton said it was all Stephanie’s and Triple H’s fault. Orton blamed The Authority for everything going south. Orton said that without him, there would be no WWE Network. Orton said they brought in Lesnar, and now Batista to take his title away. Randy Orton said Stephanie and Triple H didn’t protect him, as Triple H chimed in. Triple H told Orton to lower his voice, and Stephanie warned Orton that if he didn’t play by their rules, he could lose the WWE World Heavyweight championship and his spot on the roster. Triple H told Orton to correct things against Kofi, and made a rematch between Orton and Kofi. Hunter also showed a camera backstage and said that was where Cena would enter tonight.

Batista’s music started as the crowd erupted. Batista made his way down to the ring as the crowd chanted his name. Batista posed on top of the turnbuckles and hugged Stephanie and Hunter. Orton extended his hand, but Batista said “Hello” to Randy. Batista warned Orton, saying that he will win the Royal Rumble and beat him or whoever holds the WWE World Heavyweight championship at WrestleMania 30 for the WWE World Heavyweight championship. Batista told Orton to deal with it and dropped the mic, making his way to the back.

Analysis: That was a good opening segment, but WWE could’ve done better with Batista’s return. Orton would go on to face Kofi Kingston once again in the main event of the night, although I’m not too excited about it. Nevertheless, that was a good build up to the Royal Rumble, and it’ll be interesting to see what unfolds as the night goes along.

The Shield vs. Big E Langston, Goldust and Cody Rhodes

Ambrose and Langston started things off as Big E dropped Ambrose with a big shoulder. Rollins came in but Big E gorilla pressed him and dropped him to the mat! Goldust tagged in and went at it with Rollins. Rollins took Goldust to the corner, but Cody tagged himself in and worked on Rollins outside the ring as WWE went into commercial.

Back from commercial and Reigns was in the ring, working over Cody Rhodes. Cody tried to make a comeback by Reigns cut him off. Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose exchanged tags, Triple teaming Cody Rhodes. Rollins covered Cody for a nearfall. Rollins worked over Cody, but missed with a big splash in the corner which gave Cody the window of opportunity, but Reigns came in and knocked Goldust off the apron. Cody nailed Reigns with a beautiful Disaster Kick and tagged in Big E Langston! Langston came in and unloaded on Ambrose and sent Reigns over the top rope! Reigns ran into Ambrose once again, as there appeared to be some tension between the trio.

Big E delivered a belly to belly suplex and went for the Big Ending but Rollins made the save, but Big E sent him crashing onto the floor. Goldust leaped onto Rollins and took him out with a senton! Ambrose came down from the top but Big E caught him, and threw him with an overhead suplex! Big E then splashed Ambrose for yet another nearfall as Reigns interrupted the count! Reigns then knocked Cody out with the superman punch, as Goldust came in, but was speared by Reigns! Big E ran over Reigns, but Ambrose took advantage with a knee to the gut as Rollins tagged in and came down with a stomp on Big E’s head to pick up the victory!

Winner (s): The Shield

Rating: *** ½

Analysis: You put some of the best workers in the opening match of the night and it usually turns out to be a great tag match. Goldust and Cody were as impressive as always, but Reigns was once again made to look great. His offenses on Goldust and Cody were amazing, and the end sequence was absolutely brilliant. The Shield once again picked up the victory, which is the right way to go. Heading into the Royal Rumble, Reigns looks to be a legitimate contender to win the bout and go to WrestleMania!

WWE then showed a video package about Daniel Bryan’s betrayal last week. Daniel Bryan was up next to defend his actions.

Daniel Bryan made his way out to a thunderous ovation as the Dayton crowd chanted “Yes”! Bryan took the microphone as the crowd started a “Daniel Bryan” chant. Daniel Bryan mocked the powers that be, saying “And some people say I shouldn’t be the face of this company”. Bryan said he had it planned all along, as the crowd chanted “Yes”. Bryan said he did what he did to get back at Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Family. Bryan told Bray that he exposed him, and that he despised the trio. Daniel Bryan then challenged Bray Wyatt to a match at the Royal Rumble, and chanted “Yes” as the entire arena erupted along with Bryan.

Bray Wyatt appeared on the tron and called Bryan a traitor. Bray had some ominous words for Daniel, and asked Daniel Bryan to go home and tell his mother that he loves her, because come Royal Rumble, he won’t be able to do anything else. Bray Wyatt said the people only cheer for him because they kneel, and said Daniel Bryan will suffer at the hands of Bray Wyatt.

Analysis: That was an amazing promo by both the performers. Daniel Bryan, for what it’s worth, is probably the most over superstar since Stone Cold Steve Austin in ’99. None since then have been able to play with the fans, have the fans in the palm of their hands like Daniel Bryan does now. Bray Wyatt’s promo was captivating, and did justice to his character. I hope Bryan goes into the Rumble match as well and wins the whole things, because if anyone deserves to win it, it’s Daniel Bryan.

Fandango (With Summer Rae) vs. Xavier Woods

R – Truth was on commentary as Fandango went on the offensive early in the bout. Xavier made a comeback with some kicks, but missed a splash as Fandango moved, hitting the ropes. Fandango slammed Xavier and went to the top for the legdrop. Fandango came down with the leg drop to pick up the victory.

Winner: Fandango

Rating: * ¼

Analysis: That was just a filler on the show. Truth and Woods can make a great tag team, but they’re left in the middle of nowhere, along with Fandango.

We then saw Emma once again in the crowd, dancing while holding the “#Emmataining” sign.

Backstage, Maddox was talking to Kane but Stephanie stormed in. Stephanie looked mad, and said Kane overstepped his boundaries on Smackdown! when he chokeslammed Punk. Stephanie told Kane to apologize to Punk, as the crowd started a “CM Punk” chant.

Kane came out to address what happened on Smackdown! last week. CM Punk came out to a loud ovation from the Dayton crowd, as Kane got on the microphone and explained his actions. He said his anger got the better of him last week, and apologized to Punk. Punk said he didn’t hear what Kane said, and Kane apologized once again. The crowd started a “One more time” chant as Punk decked Kane with the microphone and pushed him into the ropes. Punk threw Kane out of the ring, and an irate Kane took off his jacket, but Maddox came down to the ring. He brought Road Dogg and Billy Gunn, and said Punk would be facing either one of them.


CM Punk vs. Billy Gunn (With Road Dogg)

The Outlaws played rock, paper, scissors to decide who would take on Punk, and it was Billy Gunn. Punk took Gunn down in the corner and unloaded with rights and kicks as Dogg joined the commentary team. Punk whipped Gunn across the ring as Gunn went to the outside to recuperate. Punk followed Gunn and body slammed him on the apron. Dogg distracted Punk, enabling Gunn to take a cheap shot and take control of the bout as WWE went to commercial.

Back from the break and Gunn was in control with the sleeper hold. Gunn went for a pinfall attempt but Punk kicked out. Gunn once again took control with a dropkick and showed off, as the crowd gave him heat. Punk tossed Gunn out and just as it looked like Punk was going for a suicide dive, he stopped and attacked Road Dogg! Punk unloaded on Dogg and laid him out at the announcer’s desk! Back in the ring, Punk decked Gunn with a heel kick followed by a couple of clotheslines and a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Gunn tried to fight back, and Road Dogg ended up on the apron, but Punk knocked him off. Gunn with a big slam for another 2 count. Gunn missed with a splash in the corner, and Punk went to the top for the Macho Man elbow, but Dogg pulled Gunn from harm’s way. Punk leapt onto Dogg on the outside! Gunn tried to take advantage and brought Punk back into the ring, but missed with the Fame asser! Punk decked Gunn with the GTS to pick up the victory!

Winner: CM Punk

Rating: ** ¾

Post match, Maddox congratulated Punk, but Kane stepped in and congratulated Punk as well. Kane talked about Punk being in the Royal Rumble match, and announced that Punk would be the number one entrant!

Analysis: That was a good TV match, with Punk looking as good as ever. The ending of the bout was well done, and made Punk look good. This will eventually lead to a Punk – Triple H encounter at WrestleMania, which doesn’t necessarily excite me, as I believe Punk should be in the main event. The whole stacking up the odds against Punk reminds me of Chris Benoit’s journey in 2004, but Punk won’t win the Rumble match. I hope that I’m wrong about it.

The camera cut backstage where Cena was supposed to come through. We then saw Heyman and Lesnar making their way out to the ring.

We then saw a tribute video to Mae Young. I had written an article about her (Which you can check out here). Mae was an amazing person, and contributed more to the industry than most others have. May her soul rest in peace.

Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio started things off with a side headlock, and then mounted offense on Mysterio. Rey turned things around with a big kick for a 2 count. ADR caught Rey and dropped him over the top rope, and stomped Rey. Rey threw ADR out to the floor and nailed a springboard moonsault from the apron! Rey brought ADR back into the ring and drilled him with a baseball slide kick to ADR’s knee. Rey delivered some stiff rights in the corner and then with a big boot, but got tangled up as ADR took advantage. ADR drilled Rey with rights and boots. ADR went outside the ring and threw Rey into the steps!

ADR brought Rey back in and came down from the top rope for a 2 count. Del Rio slowed the pace of the match with a headlock and countered it into a tilt – a – whirl backbreaker for a 2 count! Rey tried to make a comeback with a kick to ADR’s back, but ADR cut him short with a boot to the head. Rey tried to fight back, but ADR threw him outside from under the top rope as RAW went to commercial.

Back from the break as ADR threw Rey into the steel steps yet again. ADR with yet another nearfall, as ADR tried to take Rey’s mask off! Rey rolled out of the ring to regroup, but ADR brought him in and wrapped him around the ring post! Rey tried to get back into the match, but missed with a splash and ran into the ring post in the corner. ADR turned Rey upside down in the tree of woe and drilled into Mysterio, but missed with a slide kick and ran into the ring post. Rey took ADR down from the top rope and nailed a senton! ADR tried to go for a roll up but Rey rolled through, kicking ADR in the face for a nearfall. ADR tried to counter Rey, but Rey tripped him in position for the 619! ADR caught Rey and catapulted him into the corner. ADR with a big superkick for yet another 2 count! ADR went for the cross armbreaker but Rey dodged it, and nailed with a 619! Rey dropped the dime but ADR caught the ropes in time to break the pin. Rey was holding him arm, and went to the top but ADR caught him while coming down, planting him face first! ADR went for the cross arm breaker and Mysterio tapped out!

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

Rating: *** ¾

Post match, ADR celebrated as Batista’s music hit! The fans went wild as Batista made his way down to the ring. ADR trash talked Batista and charged at him, but Batista dropped him with a spinebuster. Batista then signaled thumbs down and delivered the Batista Bomb to Alberto Del Rio as the fans went berserk! Batista posed for the fans and made his way to the back.

Back from the break and out came Big Show. Show mocked Paul Heyman and Lesnar, and said his match with Lesnar at the Royal Rumble will be his most important bout. Show praised Lesnar but said he didn’t like him. He trash talked his opponent and out came Paul Heyman as the crowd booed.

Heyman didn’t say anything until Lesnar made his way out. Both the men walked down the aisle, as Lesnar smiled. They both turned and made their way to the back! Show asked Lesnar to come back down, and Lesnar obliged, but came out without Heyman. Lesnar slowly made his way down the ring and stared down Show. Lesnar stood nose to nose with Show, and pretended to hit Show with a headbutt as Show backed off. Lesnar laughed, and backed off. Lesnar charged Show, but Show threw him into the corner. Show then backbody dropped Lesnar to the outside! Lesnar was furious, and tried charging at Show with a chair! Show cut Lesnar off and tripped Lesnar to the outside. Lesnar took apart the announcer’s table, and hurled a monitor at Show! Show dared Lesnar to get into the ring with a chair in his hand, but Heyman came down to calm Brock down. Brock and Heyman made their way to the back as the crowd booed.

Analysis: They could have done so much more with the confrontation, but I liked how they teased unleashing the monster in Lesnar. Will Show will at the Royal Rumble? One would think so, but Lesnar needs victories under his belt if WWE wants to go ahead with him as the new number one contender for the WWE World Heavyweight championship. With rumours floating around about Lesnar walking away from the WWE after WrestleMania 30, one would imagine that Lesnar would be putting over Show at the Royal Rumble.

Cameron and Naomi vs. AJ Lee and Tamina

There was a video package which showed AJ Lee throwing a party, but nobody showed up. Bad News Barrett showed up and said nobody liked AJ. AJ accidentally threw the cake at Tamina. Back in action, Tamina started things off with Cameron and AJ tagged in. AJ leveled Cameron for a nearfall. AJ worked over Cameron and tagged Tamina back in for some double teaming. Cameron countered Tamina’s offense with a big boot and made the hot tag to Naomi. Naomi dropped Tamina with a clothesline and an awkward looking hurricanrana. Naomi followed it up with a big elbow and a dropkick, but Tamina slowed her down with a big boot. AJ tagged herself in and skipped around Naomi, but Naomi rolled her up to pick up the pinfall victory!

Winner (s): Naomi and Cameron

Rating: ½ *

Analysis: The video to open the bout was painful and the bout itself was cringe worthy. Sadly, that sums up the Divas division. Where is Natalya? No one cares.

The Usos vs. Erick Rowan and Luke Harper (With Bray Wyatt)

The Usos made their way out first, followed by The Wyatts. Harper and one of the Usos started things off, and Rowan came in and kept up the attack. Rowan tossed the Uso outside, and Harper went to deck him, but Jey ducked, sending Harper into the ring post. Jey dropped Harper and tagged in Jimmy. Jey took out Harper with a huge leap as the Usos took control of the match. Back in the ring, the Uso and Harper traded shots, but the Usos double teamed to keep Harper down. Jimmy nailed a crossbody for a nearfall as Rowan interrupted. Rowan cleared the ring and Harper drilled one of the Usos with a boot for a nearfall! Harper and Rowan regain control of the match until Harper ran into a big boot. Uso tried to go to the top, but Harper shoved him as he went down crashing and burning onto the fan barrier as WWE went to commercial.

Back from the break and Wyatts were in control. Rowan and Harper worked over Jimmy as Bray Wyatt looked on with a smile. Bray then took the mic and started talking about Rumble and Bryan. He said that he was waiting for this Sunday and said hell was waiting for Bryan. Uso turned things around with a big kick and tagged in Jey, who unloaded on Rowan and Harper. Uso came back with a big splash in the corner and a superkick to Rowan on the apron! Uso then leapt on the outside on Rowan, and the other Uso tried to do the same on Harper, but Harper decked him! Bray ordered Harper and Rowan to finish it, but Bryan ran down and attacked Bray Wyatt! This distracted Harper, and the Uso took advantage and rolled him up to pick up the victory! Post match, Bryan and the Usos went to the top of the stage and started a “Yes” chant.

Winner (s): The Usos

Rating: ** ¾

That was yet another solid tag team match between The Usos and The Wyatts. Daniel Bryan cost The Wyatts yet another match, and it will be interesting to see what happens this Sunday. This segment should’ve ended RAW, but there was yet another match between Orton and Kofi. Anyway, yet another victory for The Usos, and they can soon be in contention for the tag team gold.

Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston

The main event of the night saw Orton taking on Kofi in a rematch. Orton started aggressively, but Kofi made a comeback with a series of kicks. Orton kept looking at the tron for Cena, and Kofi took advantage of it, sending Orton to the outside. The action spilled over the fan barrier and back inside the ring as Kofi was all over Orton. Orton managed to get a knee to the gut to slow Kofi down and slammed him onto the announcer’s table. Orton rolled Kofi inside the ring for a nearfall. Orton stomped on Kofi, but Kofi made a comeback with a series of kicks and rights. Orton dropped Kofi and mocked Cena. Kofi tried to fight back, but Orton drilled him with another knee to the gut. Orton followed it up with a suplex and went for an uppercut, but Kofi rolled him for another nearfall! Orton exploded with a clothesline and went for the underhook DDT, but Kofi hit the SOS and went for the pinfall, but Orton kicked out at two! Orton decked Kofi with a shoulder and shots in the corner and Cena made his way into the arena! Orton turned his back on Kofi, and Kofi managed to hold Orton in the ring till Cena arrived. Orton tried to escape but Kofi and Cena decked Orton!

Winner by DQ: Randy Orton

Rating: * ¾

Cena and Orton went over the fan barrier and into the fans section, as Cena drilled Orton with rights. Cena went for the AA, but Orton escaped and made his way to the top of the section. Cena chased Orton through the VIP section and through the concession stands, all the way to the outside. Orton got into a car and hightailed from the arena, as Cena interacted with the fans and made his way back into the building. RAW faded off with Cena standing tall among the fans.

Analysis: That was one of the most uneventful, boring endings in recent episodes. This is why you always need to end on a high. Daniel Bryan should’ve closed the show, but WWE went ahead with the two performers who’d fight for the WWE World Heavyweight championship at the Royal Rumble. Normally, I’d be okay with this, but the booking was so poor that I couldn’t even bear watching the car crash.

Over – all rating of the show: *** (Out of 5 stars)

I’d have given the show a higher rating if it wasn’t for the uneventful ending. That isn’t how you close the last episode of RAW leading up to a major PPV. Anyway, we’re just 5 days away from the Royal Rumble, and it’ll be interesting to see who the “chosen one” is this year. I sincerely hope it would be either Daniel Bryan or CM Punk, but I’ve been wrong before. Anyway, that does it for the review and analysis of this week’s episode. Do join us for the live review of the Royal Rumble this Sunday!

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