WWE Monday Night RAW: Review and results - September 2, 2014

Raw opened this week with Chris Jericho’s highlight reel interrupted by the Authority

As we get closer to the Night of Champions PPV, the anticipation builds among the WWE Universe. This week, RAW rolled out of Des Moines, and the show kicked off with the Highlight Reel.

Highlight Reel with Chris Jericho and The Authority

Jericho stood in the ring with the ring set up for the Highlight Reel segment. Jericho went to introduce Orton, but The Authority made their way out. Triple H and Jericho took shots at each other on the mic, and Triple H plugged in the WWE Network. Triple H said he has been watching Lesnar – Cena at SummerSlam, and said maybe they needed a new #1 contender. Orton took the mic and said only he can beat Lesnar, while Kane said maybe a demon should take care of business. Rollins said the future has arrived, as he got a big pop from the fans in his home state. Jericho also threw his name into the mix, and out came Cena to a mixed reaction.

Cena threatened to sue Triple H and get him fired. Triple H laughed at that, and said Cena’s career ending at NOC isn’t best for business. Rollins threatened to cash in after the match, and Orton reminded everyone that he was due for a rematch after WrestleMania 30. Jericho brought up Reigns, and Orton called him a piece of crap. He said he would drop Reigns if he was in the ring as Jericho and Orton came face – to – face. Reigns music interrupted as he made his way out! Reigns mocked Orton and said he was all talk. He threatened Kane and Rollins, and said they have some unfinished business. Reigns said he wanted a shot at the title as well. Triple H then made a huge six man tag team match, with Roman, Jericho and Cena taking on Rollins, Kane and Orton later on in the show!

Analysis: That was a good opening segment, and it was refreshing to see Jericho back in the mix. He had yet another good verbal joust with Triple H, and with others in the mix for the title, things can get very interesting.

Cesaro and The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus

Miz was out along with his stunt double, Mizdow. Good back and forth action as Cesaro started things off with Dolph, and when Sheamus took out Cesaro to the floor, Dolph nearly landed the fame – asser on Miz, but Mizdow came in as Dolph dropped him with the Zig Zag. Miz came from behind and planted him with the SCF to pick up the victory.

Winners: The Miz and Cesaro

Rating: * ¾

Analysis: Cesaro finally won a match! That in itself is big, although it’s sad to see what WWE has done with Sandow, who is a former MiTB winner. How many of us remember that?

Nikki then cut a promo about how Brie stole her high school crush during her prom, and made out with him. Just when you thought this couldn’t get any more clichéd!

Cameron, Eva Marie and Rosa Mendes vs. Layla, Naomi and Summer Rae

Not long after the match starts, a big brawl breaks out between all the divas. The faces cleared the ring of the heels.

Winner: NA

Rating: Dud

Analysis: Why was this match even made? Layla botched a few moves, Eva is still as green as The Hulk in the ring, and this was just a waste of air time.

Mark Henry and Big Show vs. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan

Henry and Rowan started things off, as both of them got their offenses in. Harper then made his way into the ring, but got a big boot from Henry. Lana and Rusev appeared at the top of the ramp as the heels were in control. The Wyatts worked on Show, but Show finally turned it around with a DDT, and tagged in Henry. Henry disposed off Rowan and went for the WSS on Harper, but Rusev superkicked him to cause the DQ!

Winners by DQ: Big Show and Mark Henry

Rating: * ½

Post match, Wyatts tried to attack Henry and Show, but Show punched Harper through a steel chair. Show guarded Henry as the Wyatts backed off.

Analysis: It’s frustrating to see what the WWE is doing with the Wyatts, who were once the most indestructible force in the company. Harper and Rowan have become nothing more than a joke now, with Cena easily disposing them off last week. This will also lead to a program between Mark Henry and Rusev, with WWE finally pulling the trigger this week.

Nikki once again appeared and talked about how Brie wrecked her car. She said Brie failed her driving test, and gave Nikki’s license to the police. Like Cole once said, “Stop the pain!”

Paul Heyman weighs on John Cena’s winning chances against Brock Lesnar at Night of Champions

Paul Heyman’s Promo

Paul Heyman made his way out to a good reaction. Heyman showed Lesnar destroying Cena at SummerSlam, and cut a promo about how he will do the same once again at Night of Champions PPV.

Jack Swagger (With Colter) vs. Curtis Axel

Colter was back on RAW this week after Rusev jumped him couple of weeks ago. Bo interrupted during the bout, and brought some fans on the ramp. Axel landed a dropkick on Swagger, but Swagger turned things around and applied the Patriot Lock to pick up the victory.

Winner: Jack Swagger

Rating: *

Post match, Bo cut a promo about the fans on the ramp, and said Swagger let all of them down. He made a few jokes about how one lost his life savings, the other failed a citizenship test and the third wants her son to be like Putin and not Swagger. He told Swagger to just Bo – lieve.

Analysis: I’m honestly lost for words, if this is the best WWE can do with Axel, Swagger and Bo. With Ryback on the shelf for a while, it looks like Axel will be the local jobber once again.

Adam Rose vs. Titus O’Neil

Adam made his way out with the Rosebuds, while Titus had Slater by his side. The bunny took out Slater, which distracted Titus, allowing Rose to take advantage and pick up the victory.

Winner: Adam Rose

Rating: ½ *

Analysis: I like Titus, and he can have a good singles run if WWE takes a chance with him. However, with how things are going, that is a very distant possibility.

Nikki once again cut a promo about how Brie made her life miserable.

Rusev vs. Zack Ryder

Lana cut a promo, ripping on the WWE Universe. Ryder tried to start things off aggressively, but Rusev caught him. Rusev stomped on Ryder and applied the camel clutch to pick up the easy victory.

Winner: Rusev

Rating: ½ *

Post match, Henry came out as Rusev and Lana high tailed from the ring. Henry then cut a promo and said Rusev brought this upon himself, and Henry will induct him into the international wing of Hall of Pain.

Analysis: Henry – Rusev will be a very interesting feud, considering Rusev needs a legitimate tough guy to look like a dominant heel. Henry will be the perfect opponent for Rusev, and it’ll be interesting to see if WWE puts Rusev over Henry at NOC PPV.

Backstage, Stephanie said she could relate to Nikki’s promos, and said she had a huge announcement tonight.

An unrest in the Divas division caused by Stephanie McMahon

In-ring segment with Stephanie, Nikki and Brie

Stephanie made her way down to the ring, and said that being a powerful woman, she commended Nikki for standing up to Brie, and brought Nikki to the ring. The fans started a “boring” chant as Stephanie insulted the fans. She praised Nikki once again and called her the face of the divas division. Stephanie then said Nikki will get a shot at the Divas title, as Brie made her way out. Brie asked Nikki if this was why she sold her soul, and turned her life upside down. Nikki said it was going to be only about her from now, as AJ’s music interrupted the sisters.

AJ made her way out to loud “CM Punk” chants. AJ said she still has her rematch in the works, and told Stephanie to leave the title business to her. Paige then made her way out and said the only thing missing was the Divas champion. Nikki spoke up again and said she would forgive Brie only if she quit the WWE. Nikki told Brie to go back to her troll husband, and have troll babies with him. Brie turned around to leave, but shoved Nikki into Paige! She left the ring to a loud “Yes” chant, as AJ picked up the title as skipped around. Stephanie got in AJ’s face, and asked her to return the title. AJ smiled and gave the title back, but the two had a stare down. Paige took her title back and that was the end of the segment.

Analysis: That was probably the highlight of the night! The fans weren’t into the segment till Brie and AJ showed up, and it looks like WWE will go with a fatal four way at the NOC PPV. That would truly be best for business!

Goldust vs. Jimmy Uso

Goldust made his way out with his brother, as the tag champs waited in the ring. Good back and forth action between Goldust and Jimmy, but Stardust interrupted the bout, leading to Jey and Jimmy taking him out. Goldust brought Jimmy back into the ring and hit the Final Cut to pick up the victory.

Winner: Goldust

Rating: **

Post match, Goldust and Stardust worked on Jey’s injured leg, as Stardust drilled him with a chair. Jimmy and the medics checked on Jey as WWE went into commercial.

Analysis: That was a decent match, and I’m loving the heel run of Goldust and Stardust. It was long overdue, and I hope the duo wins the WWE tag team titles at the NOC PPV.

Backstage, Show and Henry talked about Rusev, and Henry said he had it under control. Show gave Henry some pep talk and that was the end of it.

Main event six-man tag team match

John Cena, Roman Reigns and Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton, Seth Rollins and Kane

The six man tag team match kicked off with The Authority at ringside. Reigns and Orton started things off as Triple H barked orders from ringside. Good back and forth action as Jericho was in control of the match. Orton took Jericho out, while Cena worked on Kane. Cena connected with a German suplex on Rollins, and hit the AA on Kane. Cena mocked The Authority and tagged in Reigns, who speared Kane to pick up the victory for his team.

Winners: Cena, Reigns and Jericho

Rating: ***

Post match, Cena tried to get in Triple H’s face, but Rollins tried to attack him. Cena dropped him with an AA on the announcer’s table, as Cena told Triple H that he will see Lesnar at the NOC PPV. RAW faded with Triple H fuming as Cena posed.

Analysis: That was a solid main event, but I was hoping for something else to come out of it. Looks like we’re still going with Lesnar – Cena II at NOC PPV.

Over – all rating of the show: ** ¾ (Out of 5 stars)

That was a below average show, and the Nikki Bella segments killed most of the interest. Anyway, there were new developments in the divas division, which makes the whole thing interesting. That does it for this week’s review. Hope you’ve enjoyed the show.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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