WWE NXT Results: Edge confronts Finn Balor; shocker in the Dusty Classic

Edge has a face-to-face with several top NXT stars; Io Shirai watches over her challengers
Edge has a face-to-face with several top NXT stars; Io Shirai watches over her challengers

Another Wednesday, another NXT. The Black and Gold Brand always has something special for the WWE Universe, and this week is no different with the inclusion of the 2021 Royal Rumble Winner Edge. What's the Rated-R Superstar doing here tonight?

The men and women's NXT Dusty Cups continued with three incredible action-packed matches. That included, of course, a main event featuring The Undisputed Era taking on the unlikely duo of Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher.

Also, Curt Stallion finally got his shot at the NXT Cruiserweight Champion Santos Escobar. No, for real this time. Speaking of Escobar, he's been insulting all the recent NXT and North American Champions, including Karrion Kross. Would Kross make him pay tonight?

We kicked things off tonight with the women's Dusty Cup.

NXT Women's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semi-Final: Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai vs. Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro

Dakota Kai and Kacy Catanzaro started things off for NXT tonight, and the Captain of Team Kick seriously struggled early on. Catanzaro and Carter tagged in and out, hitting some early tandem offense. However, a backbreaker from Kai was enough to put her back in the game, leaving Carter in the ring with Raquel Gonzalez.

Carter battled out of no man's land and caught Gonzalez with a springboard dropkick sending her to the floor. Catanzaro tagged in for a dive but was caught. Gonzalez hit a backbreaker before launching her through the ropes. From here, Catanzaro was on her own as Kai and Gonzalez took turns punishing the American Ninja Warrior.

Eventually, Catanzaro got a window to break through to her partner. Carter took on a fresh Gonzalez and really took the fight to the new monster of NXT's women's division. A series of kicks and dropkicks, not to mention a poorly timed attack from Kai, left Gonzalez out on her feet. A victory roll superkick rocked Gonzalez, and that may have been it were it any other competitor. However, Gonzalez kicked out at one. A distraction from Kai allowed Gonzalez to launch her at high speed into the announcer's desk.

Throughout the break, Carter was taken to task by the superpowered Gonzalez and crafty Kai, as Catanzaro was forced to watch mere feet away. After minutes of torture, Carter avoided a scissor kick by Kai and made it to Catanzaro, who took the fight to Kai. In an impressive moment, Catanzaro climbed a truss on the floor, diving onto and taking out both of her opponents.

Carter suffered a nasty assisted Go To Kick, but Catanzaro ran in for the save. Carter was able to wear down Gonzalez with a sleeper, hammering elbows into the back of her head all the while. On the apron, Catanzaro and Carter stunned Gonzalez with a rope-assisted piledriver and a missile dropkick.

The basement rana and Catanzaro's incredible corkscrew splash nearly knocked Gonzalez out of the tournament, but she was able to kick out. Ultimately, Gonzalez's patented powerbomb sealed the deal, sending Gonzalez and Kai to NXT TakeOver: Vengeance Day.

Results: Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai defeated Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter via pinfall on NXT.

Grade: A-

Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai are in the finals of the NXT Women's Dusty Cup. They'll face either the team of Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon or Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell.

Backstage at NXT, Edge was speaking to General Manager William Regal. Will the Rated-R Superstar be challenging the NXT Champion Finn Balor? What could Edge be doing on the Black and Gold Brand for tonight?

Leon Ruff vs. Austin Theory w/ Johnny Gargano on NXT

Mr. All Day caught the former NXT North American Champion's crossbody, but Leon Ruff landed on his feet coming out of a fallaway slam. However, a drop toe hold by Theory sent him into the second turnbuckle face first. A back suplex dropped Ruff, and Theory took his time from here on out, utilizing his power advantage over Ruff.

After several minutes of dominance, Theory lost control following a victory roll attempt from Ruff. The underdog of NXT battered Theory with clotheslines, punches, and kicks. Ruff set up for a springboard but was distracted by Gargano, who ate a kick to the jaw. Theory managed to hit a missile dropkick regardless.

Both Superstars ran into one another with a pair of shoulder tackles, and Ruff was launched onto the floor, inadvertently hitting Gargano in the process. Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae came down to help him up but were attacked by Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon. The ref chased them away and came back to Ruff laid out on the floor. The Eddie Guerrerro tribute worked, and Gargano was sent to the back.

Back in the ring, Ruff drove Theory's face into the mat with a springboard cutter, but THeory managed to get his foot on the rope. On the floor Ruff was dropped ribs first on the barricade. Theory followed up in the ring with the ATL.

Results: Austin Theory defeated Leon Ruff via pinfall on NXT.

Grade: B+

Theory dropped Ruff with another ATL after the match, making sure to send a message to him and anyone else looking to mess with The Way. As he went to grab the ring bell, he was attacked by Dexter Lumis, who ripped out the hair of Theory as he tried to escape. Hey, what did you think about that moment NXT's Josiah Williams?

Same, man. Same.

We got a vignette on NXT for Tian Sha, apparently the name of the woman leading Xia Li and Boa. According to the video, Sha is thousands of years old, among other things. Tian Sha seems to be all about instilling fear, something she's done quite well since appearing on NXT.

NXT Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarter-Finals: Legado Del Fantasma vs. Lucha House Party

Lucha House Party looked strong in the opening here, with Raul Mendoza struggling to get out of the way of their phenomenal high-flying offense. Once he made it to Joaquin Wilde, though, the story changed. A double spinebuster planted Lince Dorado.

Legado Del Fantasma took Dorado to their corner and slowed things down exponentially. Mendoza was, again, the one to lose control as Dorado got to Gran Metalik. However, he quickly made up for his mistake, rocking Metalik with a step-up enzuigiri as he climbed up the ropes. Wilde followed up with a suicide dive as we cut to commercial.

Back from the break, Mendoza was taken off the to with a sunset flip powerbomb, giving Gran Metalik a chance to get to his partner. Dorado and Wilde tagged in, with The Golden Lynx getting the better of Wilde. After a series of misdirects, a diving crossbody nearly put Wilde away. The Golden Rewind also almost sent Legado Del Fantasma out of the tournament.

Wilde managed to put a stop to some tandem offense from LHP, even spiking them with a double springboard DDT. Metalik kicked out, and LHP set Mendoza up on the ropes for Metalik to hit a jaw-dropping assisted hurricanrana, sending him into Wilde below.

Dorado followed up with a moonsault. Back inside the ring, though, Dorado met his end with Legado Del Fantasma's Russian leg sweep/flying roundhouse combination.

Results: Legado Del Fantasma defeated Lucha House Party via pinfall on NXT.

Grade: A+

After the match, NXT's newest high-flying duo MSK came out to talk some trash with their semi-final opponents. Wes Lee and Nash Carter said that Legado Del Fantasma are simply in their way because MSK will be the 2021 NXT Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Winners.

It's on...but a certain Rumble winner has his eyes on the NXT Championship as well
It's on...but a certain Rumble winner has his eyes on the NXT Championship as well

Pete Dunne and the NXT Tag Team Champions address Finn Balor

Pete Dunne told Finn Balor that he wasn't waiting for an NXT Championship match any longer. Last week, he snapped his fingers. It would get worse if The Prince didn't give him the title match he felt he deserved. Balor appeared, his fingers taped up, looking for a fight. He said Dunne's hiding behind Oney Lorcan and Danny Buch, leading to The Bruiserweight sending them away.

Dunne warned him that the first chance he gets, he'll be taking the NXT Championship from Balor. The champ revealed that he wouldn't have to take long, as they'll be fighting for the title at NXT TakeOver: Vengeance. Just as that bombshell dropped, Metalingus by Alter Bridge hit, and Edge made his way to an NXT ring for the first time ever.

The 2021 WWE Royal Rumble Winner said that on Monday and Friday nights, WWE focuses on the "E." In NXT, however, they focus on that second "W" and that's something that excited Edge. The Rated-R Superstar stated that NXT helped give him his passion back, and he used that to win the Rumble on Sunday.

He saw so much of himself in Pete Dunne, the good and the bad. Balor? He's operating on a level so far away and above anybody else in wrestling. Those two are two of the best wrestlers on the planet. Edge said that he'll be watching TakeOver because he's never had the NXT Title, and it's something he's pretty intrigued by.

It was revealed backstage that Johnny Gargano would be defending his NXT North American Championship against Kushida at TakeOver: Vengeance. Gargano, angry at the "K" word being uttered, took the interviewer with her to Regal's office, where Kushida was lying in wait. Gargano attacked him, leading to Kushida seemingly injuring his arm.

Io Shirai with the best seat in the house.
Io Shirai with the best seat in the house.

Jessi Kamea w/The Robert Stone Brand vs. Toni Storm on NXT

Former NXT UK Women's Champion took The Robert Stone Brand's newest acquisition to the mat quickly. However, Kamea hung Toni Storm up on the top for a punt kick to the gut.

Before they could continue the match, Mercedes Martinez rushed the ring, attacking Storm.

Results: No Contest.

NXT Women's Champion Io Shirai made her way to the ring as well. Robert Stone pulled his two clients away, stating that they didn't need to be a part of this brawl. Shirai landed on both women as they moved to the floor, hitting her moonsault.

At NXT TakeOver: Vengeance, Shirai will put her belt on the line against Toni Storm and Mercedes Martinez.

Curt Stallion cut a promo about his big match against Santos Escobar tonight. Would he actually get his NXT Cruiserweight Championship opportunity?

We got a short vignette hyping up the return of Cameron Grimes. Next week, it'll be Grime Time on NXT once again.

NXT Cruiserweight Championship: Curt Stallion vs. Santos Escobar w/Legado Del Fantasma

Santos Escobar smiled from the entrance ramp, to the ring, and to the ringing of the bell as he genuinely didn't see Curt Stallion as a threat. Escobar battered Stallion and brought him down to the middle of the mat. Far in the back of the CWC behind the crowd stood Scarlet covered in smoke and red lights. The Smoke Show watched on, obviously the messenger of Karrion Kross.

Eventually, Escobar noticed Scarlett and stared her down while dealing out more punishment on his challenger. He began to grin as he locked eyes her. Stallion managed to break away with a jawbreaker, but a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker left Stallion writhing in pain. Stallion caught Escobar with a schoolboy, nearly getting the win.

At this point, Escobar began to feel the pressure. Scarlet was staring daggers from across the way while Stallion began to pick up the pace. During the break, though, Escobar slammed Stallion onto the steel steps, getting back the upper hand.

The Muscle Buster connected on the inside, and Stallion followed that with a single leg Boston Crab. Stallion scratched and crawled close to the ropes, but Escobar transitioned to an STF, then a crossface.

Stallion refused to break, forcing Escobar to lock in a bow and arrow. It wasn't enough to put Stallion away, though, and the number one contender managed to catch the NXT Cruiserweight Champion with a German suplex. Escobar escaped to the floor but was hit with a high-speed suicide dive. A splash in the ring earned Stallion a two-count.

The double foot trapped DDT was countered, with Escobar launching Stallion into the corner with a suplex. The Phantom Driver and an elevated double underhook gutbuster ended Stallion's run for the gold.

Results: Santos Escobar defeated Curt Stallion via pinfall on NXT.

Grade: B

After the match, Karrion Kross appeared and demolished Legado Del Fantasma. Kross entered the ring, and Santos Escobar refused to back down. Kross said that they seem to have an ever-growing issue, so they're going to settle that. However, he's going to give the NXT Cruiserweight Champion some time to think about the inevitable.

Escobar left the ring, but not once did he break his glare.

Edge may be on borrowed time, courtesy of Karrion Kross. Tick Tock.
Edge may be on borrowed time, courtesy of Karrion Kross. Tick Tock.

In the parking lot, Edge met Karrion Kross, who said that if he challenged for the NXT Championship, he'd be facing Kross, not Finn Balor or Pete Dunne.

NXT Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarter-Final: The Undisputed Era (Adam Cole and Roderick Strong) vs. Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher

Former NXT Champions Tommaso Ciampa and Adam Cole kicked off the main event, with Ciampa getting several near falls over Cole. The Fairy Tale Ending almost saw an early ending, but Cole managed to break away before it could connect.

Timothy Thatcher and Roderick Strong tagged in, with the Thatch-as-Thatch-Can instructor facing off against a fellow mat specialist. Strong managed to get the better of Thatcher, leading to The Undisputed Era taking Thatcher to their corner. Thatcher was able to get to Ciampa in a few short moments, and the Psycho Killer came in like a house on fire.

Roderick Strong was battered by Thatcher and Ciampa, with the newly formed tag team hammering the former NXT North American Champion with strong and stiff strikes. We saw all four men enter the ring, leading to a stalemate before the final break.

Timothy Thatcher had Roderick Strong in the middle of the ring, wearing down the Messiah of the Backbreaker. The Fight Pit Crew (work in progress) again took turns tearing Strong to pieces. Strong had to fight and crawl to make it to Cole, and he had to fight for every inch.

Strong managed to break away finally after a superplex, leading to Tommaso Ciampa and Adam Cole running ni. Cole was on fire, laying out Thatcher and catching Ciampa with a backstabber for a two-count. An ushigoroshi earned Cole another close call.

Ciampa countered the Panama Sunrise and managed to tag out to Thatcher. The NXT Triple Crown Champion caught him, though, locking him in a heel hook. Ciampa managed to break it up after fighting off Roderick Strong.

Strong was the legal man again but was taken down with a massive chop to the face by Timothy Thatcher. After a German suplex, Ciampa was in next for one of his own. More suplexes and a running knee from Ciampa laid out Strong as the former NXT Champ set up for the Fairy Tale Ending. Strong countered, hitting the Angle Slam instead.

Cole ran in and superkicked Thatcher, and Ciampa was knocked out with a superkick/high knee combination. It still wasn't enough. Strong hit

Thatcher yanked Cole out before he could connect with the Last Shot and took Cole down. Strong got some revenge but was caught in the ropes by Ciampa for Willow's Bell.

Results: Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher defeated The Undefeated Era via pinfall on NXT.

Grade: A+

Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher will face the Grizzled Young Veterans in the semi-finals of the NXT Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. As they looked over the trophy, James Drake and Zach Gibson entered frame.

We'll get this hard-hitting brawl of a match next week, but that didn't stop Ciampa from throwing hands to end the night.

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