WWE Raw December 12th: Analysing and grading each segment

The New Day successfully survived two great triple threat matches for the titles, breaking Demolition’s record

With WWE Roadblock: End of the Line just six days away, this week’s Raw was focused on finalising the card and build for the PPV.

While Roadblock: End of the Line was the main concentration of the show, the Red brand also showcased New Day’s attempt to reach Demolition’s record for the longest reign as tag team champions at 478 days, which they would reach if they were able to make it through this week’s episode.

Two triple threat tag matches for the titles were the highlights of this week’s show, but other segments impressed. Mick Foley and Sami Zayn’s tensions boiled over in a brilliant and emotional war of words. Another edition of the Rollins Report led to a brawl between the duos of JeriKO and Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins.

Jack Gallagher was very entertaining in his interference in the Daivari/Dorado Cruiserweight match. These segments and more were the highlights on another good edition of Raw, but which segments stole the show? Let’s find out, as I analyse and grade each segment from the December 12th edition of WWE Raw.

Rusev and Lana Promo:

A weak segment that did little for the Rusev/Cass feud

Grade: 5/10

This was a weak segment that did little for the developing Enzo and Cass/Rusev feud. Rusev and Lana teasing that they were going to show what they do ‘behind closed doors’ was stupid, as everyone knew they weren’t actually going to show anything. It felt contrived and painted Lana once again, as only significant for her lust.

Cass’ music was, for some reason, blaring during his promo. Whether this was due to a lack of confidence from WWE about his mic skill or a technical malfunction, either way it was annoying. The crowd was silent during Rusev and Cass’ brawl, even though it was hard-hitting.

A match between the two at Roadblock was announced, and it should be solid, but if the crowd isn’t into it, like they weren’t here then they will have a tough time. Overall, a weak segment that did little to have fans anticipating the Cass/Rusev match.


New Day vs. Gallows and Anderson vs. Cesaro and Sheamus (Tag Titles)

A strong opener, although just a preview of what was to come later in the main event

Grade: 8/10

This was a solid match to open the show, although it was more of a preview for the main event we would receive later in the night. New Day’s opening promo was fun, even with their material becoming stale.

Although it would’ve been harder to orchestrate, having one member of each team in the ring would’ve helped the action stay fast and furious. Instead one team was almost always left out of the action. Still, the matchup was solid, and Cesaro’s hot tag in the closing stages of the bout was incredible.

Sheamus and Cesaro looked great here, and with the New Day now past the record, the titles should be on Sheamus and Cesaro very soon, and they are definitely deserving. The finish was a wise way for New Day to retain, as they sneakily stole the win from Sheamus and Cesaro, who were so close to winning the gold.

Hopefully, Cesaro and Sheamus vs. New Day is set for Roadblock. Overall, a strong opener that was a weaker version of the main event we received later, and was a tad short.

Braun Strowman vs. Curtis Axel:

Braun Strowman dominated with another strong win

Grade: 7/10

This was your usual mediocre squash match for Strowman, although it was wise of WWE to give Strowman a win over a roster member like Axel, rather than local talent. The segment between Sami Zayn and Mick Foley after this match was great, but only a preview of their incredible war of words later in the night.

Zayn demanding a match with Strowman has been excellent, and Foley protecting him due to his past experiences is intriguing. Zayn asking for a trade to SmackDown Live led to the segment later on in the show, and it was a nice way of getting fans excited at the prospect of a trade for Zayn.

Overall, another win for Strowman and a great Zayn/Foley segment that teased the idea of a trade for Zayn to SD Live.

Ariya Daivari vs. Lince Dorado and T.J. Perkins vs. Brian Kendrick:

Crowds continue to be quiet for Cruiserweight action

Grade for both: 7.5/10

This match was forgettable and short, and the crowd was completely dead for the action. That was, until, Jack Gallagher interfered. Stating his intention to interfere and give Daivari a ‘good thrashing’, Gallagher got a strong reaction from the crowd, and his unorthodox, unique character seems to catch fan interest.

Instead of letting Cruiserweights outside of the title picture flounder, it was wise of WWE to capitalise and give Gallagher and Daivari a mini-feud of sorts here. Overall, a forgettable match but a strong showcase of Gallagher, who seems to be increasing in popularity as this feud with Daivari continues.

This was a solid match, although once again, the crowd was incredibly quiet. TJ Perkins has unfortunately lost a lot of momentum as a babyface, and the fans have not been behind him in recent weeks. A clean loss here to Kendrick didn’t help matters either, and a heel turn that was teased with Rich Swann in a backstage segment would be a wise choice.

Kendrick’s character is still entertaining even with him not as Champion, and he picked up a solid win here. The triple threat for the Cruiserweight title between Swann, Perkins and Kendrick will be a strong match, but the crowd may not be into it. Overall, a solid match, with Swann, Perkins and Kendrick set to clash at Roadblock.

Rollins Report with Kevin Owens:

Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens’ tensions continue to be highlighted

Grade: 8/10

This was a strong segment that led to the finalisation of the main event, with Reigns and Rollins and JeriKO announced as challengers for New Day later in the night. Rollins calling out Triple H again keeps their bad blood central, while he continues to focus on Jericho, but the Game needs to make an appearance sooner rather than later.

Jericho and Owens’ tension was once again great, as their implosion continues to be teased. Rollins incorporating some comedy into his banter with Owens and Jericho was fine, but it comes across as somewhat cheesy, given he should be determined and focused on bringing JeriKO down.

The beatdown of Rollins kept Jericho and Owens on the same page heading into the night’s main event, but it was very obvious Reigns would make the save. The babyface save from Reigns did not work considering the crowd’s reaction, but it at least gave a reason for the two teaming up later.

Overall, a strong segment that saw Jericho and Rollins and Owens and Reigns continue to clash, heading into their respective matches at Roadblock, as well as setting up the Triple Threat tag main event for later on.

Bayley vs. Alicia Fox:

Bayley picks up another insignificant win

Grade: 6/10

This was a glorified squash that gave Bayley another insignificant win over Fox.

Given that the reason these two were facing off was due to Fox destroying a ‘Bayley Bear’, there wasn’t much anticipation from the crowd. It is a shame to see Bayley without a rivalry heading into another PPV, and WWE should definitely focus on giving her a solid feud after Roadblock.

Still, it was nice to see the crowd still loving Bayley despite the insignificance of this matchup. Overall, a quick squash match that saw Bayley pick up another win.

Jinder Mahal vs. Sami Zayn, Mick Foley/Sami Zayn Confrontation:

One of the best Raw promo segments in months

Grade: 9.75/10

The match here was nothing special. It was the post-match events that caught fan attention. Zayn and Foley engaged in a war of words over the former’s potential trade to SD Live, with Foley suggesting he be traded for Eva Marie, firing up the Underdog from the Underground even more.

The emotion here felt legitimate, which is something you can’t say for most of WWE programming. Zayn demanding a match with Strowman was incredible, and he is perfect as the never say die, courageous babyface.

Drawing attention to the similarities between Foley and Zayn was a wise move here as well, with Foley protecting Zayn from punishment that he was unable to avoid in the past. Although fans will be disappointed that the trade to SD Live didn’t happen, these clashes with Foley and hunger for a match with Strowman, is making Zayn a star on Raw anyway.

The match with Strowman at Roadblock for Zayn will be intriguing, as a loss may send him on his way to the blue brand, while a victory will propel him to one of the top babyfaces on Raw. Let’s hope WWE capitalise on what has been an extraordinary build so far, with this segment easily being one of the best on Raw in weeks.

Overall, a spectacular segment that showcased Zayn as the courageous babyface, as he looks to take down Strowman with no regard for his well-being, much like Foley did in the past with men bigger than him.

If you missed this segment, I highly recommend checking it out:


Triple Threat Tag Title Match (JeriKO vs New Day vs Reigns and Rollins):

An incredible match with cool spots, including this tower of doom

Grade: 9/10

This was a fantastic main event that outdid the opening bout earlier on.

Fast-paced action, cool spots and near falls propelled this to be one of the better Raw main events of 2016. The possibility of New Day losing the titles so close to breaking the record, had fans on the edge of their seats, and the unpredictability of the triple threat stipulation brought fans on a rollercoaster of action.

Not only was the match splendid, but the subplots within the bout were great storytelling. Jericho and Owens’ tensions were evident once again, with the two almost coming to blows due to an accidental pinfall breakup by Owens, when he landed on Jericho. Their implosion is extremely close, and it will be amazing when it eventually occurs.

Secondly, the New Day once again sneaked away with the win, as Xavier Woods pinned Jericho who had just been hit by a Pedigree from Rollins. This only increases fan anticipation for who will eventually topple the trio for the titles, as they continually sneak away with the gold.

Reigns standing tall was necessary to keep his feud with Owens centre stage, although the US title has been irrelevant with Reigns as Champion. He should either move out of the main event scene after Roadblock or drop the U.S. Championship.

Still, overall, a spectacular main event that had fans on the edge of their seats, with New Day sneaking away with the victory. Congratulations to the trio for becoming the longest reigning tag team champions in WWE history.

Check out the main event here:


Overall Grade for Raw: 8/10

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