WWE RAW: Live Results and Coverage, October 14, 2013

WWE COO Triple H and The Shield

WWE COO Triple H and The Shield

WWE RAW comes to us live from St. Louis, Missouri as we get close to the Hell In A Cell PPV. Michael Cole welcomed us as the Hall of Famer, Shawn Michaels came out to kick things off.

The St. Louis crowd welcomed back Shawn Michaels with a great ovation. Shawn talked about the Hell In A Cell PPV, and said he won’t be biased. He talked about crowning a new WWE champion at Hell In A Cell, and said it wasn’t about him. He talked about training Daniel Bryan, not liking Daniel Bryan and being best friends with Triple H. Shawn said that won’t matter in two weeks, as he will call the match right down the middle. He said that come HIAC, we will have a new WWE champion.

Randy Orton interrupted Shawn Michaels, and said he will always be better than Shawn Michaels. Michaels retorted by saying Shawn didn’t care about Orton, and that Orton should be worried about his opponent for Hell In A Cell PPV, Daniel Bryan. Orton threatened Michaels, and said he would beat Daniel Bryan for the WWE championship, and Michaels would be forced to watch it. Orton said Michaels wasn’t new to screwjobs, but if he screwed him, he won’t come back from what Orton would do to him. Michaels said that if Orton tried to do anything, he would kick his head off his shoulders. Orton tried to go for an RKO, but Shawn countered and tried to go for a Sweet Chin Music, but Orton rolled out of the ring and was attacked by The Miz! The officials tried to separate Miz and Orton as WWE went into commercial.

#RAW is Live!! With @Sh awnMichaels and @RandyOrton #WWE pic.twitter.com/e3lh5hS0VD
— Brooklyn Brawler (@brawlerreal) October 15, 2013
“It’s not that you don’t like me, it’s that you resent me. … I will always be THAT MUCH BETTER than YOU!” – @RandyOrton to #HBK, #RAW
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) October 15, 2013

Analysis: That was a great way to put over the importance of the WWE championship match at HIAC PPV, and also highlighted Michaels’ role during the match as the special guest referee. HBK has a history with all the men involved in the match, which makes the bout all the more interesting. The opening segment was good, as the fans were invested in what HBK had to say. It was a refreshing change from the “Best for business” segments that usually kick things off on RAW.

The Miz vs. Randy Orton

The Miz went on the offense in the early beginning, and caught Orton with a clothesline and dumped him over the top rope. Orton clotheslined Miz on the outside to gain the upper hand. The action spilled back in the ring as Orton stomped away on The Miz. The Miz came back with a chinlock, but Orton tossed him over the top turnbuckle. Orton went for the double hook DDT on the outside, but Miz backed him into the ringpost! Miz tried to make a comeback with kicks and a clothesline in the corner. Miz hit a double axe handle from the top rope, and went for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Orton made a comeback and countered it. Miz tried to go for the Figure Four, but Bray appeared on the giant screen and distracted Miz! The Wyatts were on the entrance ramp when the lights came back on, and Orton took advantage of the distracted and delivered an RKO to pick up the victory!

Winner: Randy Orton

Rating: **

Analysis: Miz is involved in a feud with the Wyatts (I guess we have to forget about Triple H and Stephanie taking out The Miz or Orton trying to injure Miz), and the bout was nothing special.

Bray took the mic and said Miz was everything Bray hated. He said Miz was all about the spotlight and red carpets, and that he was focused only on hurting Miz.

“Do not be afraid my child, I do not wish to see you suffer. I’m just going to put you down! #FollowTheBuzzards” – Bray Wyatt to Miz, #RAW
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) October 15, 2013
The Wyatt Family shares a few words! #RAW pic.twitter.com/VxVjEPvyLi
— Brooklyn Brawler (@brawlerreal) October 15, 2013
The reason Fandango didn’t graduate school. #WWE #Raw pic.twitter.com/0TVcCv2ifH
— The Fans Podcast (@TheFansPodcast) October 15, 2013

Fandango (With Summer) vs. Santino Marella

Santino tried to take advantage in the early going with a leapfrog, but Fandango countered with a suplex. Fandango went to the top, but Santino countered with a series of punches and then a neckbreaker for a nearfall. Santino landed in his usual offense, and went for the Cobra, but Fandango ducked. Santino almost struck Summer with the Cobra, and the distraction allowed Fandango to roll him up for the victory.

Winner: Fandango

Rating: *

Analysis: I don’t know if WWE knows this, but Fandango is actually talented in the ring. From beating Chris Jericho at WrestleMania in his debut match to being a comedy act, Fandango’s fall from grace has been anything but spectacular. I hope he gets into a decent feud sometime soon.

Yes, @CodyRhodesWWE & Goldust get a shot at The Sheild’s #wwe championship #wwe #raw #itsaboutdamntime
— T-Dog & Ace Natural (@T_Natural_Dog) October 15, 2013
Did you know that I was the first guy in @WWE to be slapped by @StephMcMahon? I feel pretty good about having that on my resume. #RAW
— Mick Foley (@realmickfoley) October 15, 2013
“With my support, @TripleH IS the @WWE!” – @StephMcMahon, #RAW
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) October 15, 2013
“We are formally pressing charges for trespassing and assault (against Big Show) … insolence will NOT be tolerated.” – @StephMcMahon, #RAW
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) October 15, 2013

Backstage, Heyman confronted Maddox and said the match at HIAC PPV should be a 2 on 1 handicap match between Punk and the two Paul Heyman guys. Maddox disagreed, and made a ‘beat the clock’ challenge for Ryback and Punk, and the winner gets to choose the stipulation for their match at the HIAC PPV.

WWE aired a video package for the returning John Cena.

Los Matadores (With El Torito) vs. 3 MB (With Mahal)

Slater was taken out with a Hurricanrana, and was chased by El Torito until one of the Los Matadores took him down with a dive. 3 MB worked on one of the Los Matadores, but Fandango gained the upper hand by hitting a Tilt – a – whirl DDT and made the hot tag to Sergio. They hit the reverse Fireman’s carry finisher to pick up the victory just under the 3 minute mark. Post match, they hit their finisher on Mahal along with El Torito.

Winner (s): Los Matadores

Rating: *

Analysis: If WWE wants the fans to take Los Matadores seriously, they should put them in a match against a team which isn’t seen as a joke.

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon came out as the crowd started a “You got knocked out” chant, which was funny. Stephanie said Big Show had no gratitude, and said they bailed him out of trouble more times than they could remember. Stephanie said they would sell Show’s assets and his house, and that Triple H was WWE, but the reports of his concussions were false.

Triple H got on the mic and said he put his personal preferences aside to do what was best for business. He said he became the authority and put up with a lot for the fans and for the WWE. He said every man has a breaking point, and last week was his, when he got knocked out by the Big Show. The crowd started a “Yes” chant, as Triple H called the fans “villains”. He said that if the fans wanted to see the bad side of Triple H, they would get just that. Triple H said that he felt sorry for anyone who defied him, and said he would unleash his wrath on anyone who said “Yes” again in the WWE.

Daniel Bryan interrupted Triple H, but was attacked by Del Rio from behind. Del Rio then superkicked Daniel Bryan as Stephanie made Alberto Del Rio vs Daniel Bryan in the main event of the show, as Triple H mocked Daniel Bryan. The crowd chanted “No” as Del Rio looked on.

Analysis: That was a good promo to put over the frustrations of the power couple. It’ll be interesting to see what happens with The Big Show going forward. ADR’s attack on Bryan to end the segment was well booked, and the Bryan – Del Rio match should be off the hook later in the night.

R – Truth came out first, followed by Ryback with Paul Heyman in a ‘Beat the clock’ challenge. The one to beat the clock gets to pick the stipulation for the Punk – Ryback match at Hell In A Cell PPV.

R – Truth vs. RybacK (With Heyman)

R – Truth tried to throw Ryback off his game, and evaded Ryback. Ryback followed Truth around ringside, but Heyman distracted Truth which finally enabled Ryback to catch up with Truth. Ryback started working on Truth which fetched him a nearfall. Ryback drove his shoulders into Truth’s gut in the corner as the crowd started a “Goldberg” match. A big splash by Ryback fetched him a 2 count. Ryback drove R – Truth into the corner and went for yet another pinfall attempt, but Truth grabbed the bottom rope to break the fall. Ryback whipped Truth into the corner for yet another close count, as the crowd started chanting randomly. Truth countered with a dropkick as the crowd started a “Walrus” chant. Truth came back with a missile dropkick from the top rope for a nearfall! Truth missed an axe kick, but Ryback countered with the Shell Shocked to pick up the victory at the 5:44 mark!

Winner: Ryback

Rating: * ¾

Analysis: That was a decent match, considering it was between Truth and Ryback. CM Punk will face Curtis Axel later in the show, and the time to beat is 5:44. Heyman was perfect in his role as always, but I don’t know how well the Ryback – Heyman alliance would work.

Backstage, Stephanie bumped into the Bellas. She made Brie vs Tamina, and banned Nikki from ringside. She said AJ would be present at ringside. So I guess the Bellas are faces now.

Tons of Funk came out along with The Funkadactyles.

The Real Americans (With Zeb) vs. Tons of Funk (With Funkadactyles)

WWE aired a promo by Zeb as Cesaro started things off with Brodus. Brodus came back with a scoop and tagged in Sweet T. T worked on Cesaro in the corner and monkey flipped him. Swagger came in and took Sweet T off his feet. Swagger started working on T’s knee and ankle, and tagged Cesaro back in. T tried to fight back, but was halted in his tracks. Swagger came down with the Swagger bomb and Cesaro followed up with the double foot stomp for a 2 count. Swagger came back in and worked on T’s ankle, but T came back as both the superstars knocked each other down with a double clothesline. Cesaro came in and showcased his strength by picking him up with a gutwrench suplex. T fought back and made the hot tag to Brodus! Brodus took out Cesaro and Swagger and splashed Cesaro in the corner and delivered the T – Bone suplex! Brodus almost picked up the victory, but Swagger interrupted the pinfall! Brodus threw Swagger out, but Cesaro dropped Brodus with the Neutralizer to pick up the victory after the 6 minute mark!

Winner (s): The Real Americans

Raitng: **

Post match, Cesaro spun Tensai around in the Giant swing!

Analysis: That was a fun little match, and the crowd was firmly behind Cesaro. It’s about time Cesaro received a singles push, as the crowd loves everything Cesaro does. Cesaro’s giant swing on Tensai wasn’t long, but it was impressive nonetheless.

Brie Bella vs. Tamina Snuka (With AJ)

Brie took the fight right to Tamina, but AJ distracted Brie to help Tamina make a comeback. Brie went for the half Boston crab (Or so it looked; that was abysmal) but Tamina made it to the bottom rope to break the submission. Tamina came back with a chinlock and shoved Brie right into the mat for a 2 count! Tamina clotheslined Brie for yet another 2 count as the crowd chanted for AJ. Brie tried to make a comeback with a drop kick from the second rope. Brie delivered some dropkicks and hit a running knee. Brie went for a Hurricanrana, but Tamina countered with a big boot to knock Brie out and pick up the victory just after the 2 minute mark. Post match, she dropped Brie with a Samoan drop as AJ looked on. Tamina then delivered a shoulder breaker and came down with a Snuka splash on Brie. AJ came in and locked Brie in the Black Widow submission hold as the referees tried to break it up. Nikki came out to check on her sister as AJ and Tamina headed to the back.

Winner: Tamina Snuka

Rating: ½*

Analysis: Brie’s matches are painful, and it’s funny how the two former bullies are now faces. WWE wants us to like Brie just because she got engaged to Daniel Bryan. I hardly think that’ll happen; the fans didn’t care about Brie or about the post match attack. They cheered for AJ, and I believe that’ll keep happening no matter what.

Backstage, Bryan confronted Stephanie and Maddox about what Stephanie did to Brie. Stephanie sidestepped it, and told Bryan to check on his fiancé.

Top of the third hour, and this only meant one thing! “It’s clobberin’ time” as Punk came out to a big pop from the St. Louis crowd.

CM Punk vs. Curtis Axel (With Heyman)

Punk cornered Axel in the early going and took him down for a 1 count. Punk mounted with chops and elbows in the corner, but Axel turned the tide with chops and elbows of his own. Axel covered Punk for a 1 count. Axel scooped Punk for a 1 count as Heyman barked instructions from ringside. Punk came back with a high cross body from the top rope for a 1 count. Axel countered with a clothesline as the crowd started a loud “CM Punk” chant. Axel delivered a sidewalk slam backbreaker, but Punk came back with kicks to the gut and covered Axel for a 2 count. Punk came down with the Randy Savage elbow for a 2 count! Punk went for the GTS, but Axel countered with a swinging neckbreaker for a 2 count! Punk tried to fight back but Axel clubbed Punk from behind for a 2 count. Axel hit the Perfectplex for a 2 count! Punk rolled him up for a 2 count, and hit the huge boot and followed it up with the GTS to pick up the victory and beat the clock!

Winner: CM Punk

Rating: **

Punk picked his stipulation, and made his match a handicap match between Punk and Ryback/Heyman inside the Hell in a Cell!

Analysis: That was the right way to go, and HIAC might finally see the end of the Punk – Heyman feud, which has been the feud of the year. The match was short, but the crowd was firmly behind Punk. It’ll be interesting to see how WWE books the grand finale of this feud come HIAC PPV.

Daniel Bryan vs. Alberto Del Rio

The crowd was almost dead for Del Rio, which isn’t surprising. Bryan went after ADR without wasting any time, but Del Rio countered to gain the upper hand. Bryan came back with a series of kicks in the corner as the crowd started a “Daniel Bryan” chant. Bryan delivered some stiff kicks to Del Rio’s torso, but ADR came back with a chinlock. Bryan delivered a series of kicks to ADR’s torso, but ADR countered with a backstabber backbreaker for a 2 count. ADR delivered kicks in the corner, but Bryan came back with a series of kicks of his own. ADR moved out of the way as Bryan went for a dropkick in the corner, and gained the upper hand as WWE went to commercial.

Back from the commercial and Del Rio avoided yet another Bryan assault and gained the upper hand. Bryan countered and tried to lock in the LaBelle lock, but ADR made it to the bottom rope! Bryan started working on ADR in the corner, but ADR came back with a Tilt – a – whirl backbreaker! ADR’s mouth was busted open, and ADR locked Bryan in a reverse chinlock. Del Rio mocked Bryan and went for the dropkick, but Bryan stopped him in his tracks with a clothesline. ADR made a comeback and hit a dropkick on Bryan from the second rope for a 2 count! Del Rio locked in the chinlock, but Bryan came back with a series of kicks, but ADR sidestepped as Bryan went shoulder first into the ringpost. Bryan hit a series of kicks again and dropped ADR with a running clothesline. Bryan dropped ADR with a series of dropkicks in the corner and brought Del Rio down with a Hurricanrana from the top rope for a 2 count!

ADR countered with a superkick, but Bryan sidestepped him and sent him over the top rope! Bryan delivered a suicide dive onto Del Rio and rolled him back into the ring. Bryan came down with a huge dropkick from the top rope, but was distracted by Randy Orton who went into the trainer’s room, where the Bellas were getting checked. ADR tried to take advantage of the distraction, but Bryan kicked him in the head and went to the back to check on Brie.

Bryan got counted out as he stormed inside the trainer’s room, but there was no Orton. Orton attacked him from behind and threw him headfirst into the corner. The doctors tended to Bryan as Orton left.

Winner by count – out: Alberto Del Rio

Rating: *** ½

Analysis: That was an outstanding TV match for as long as it lasted. The match went well over the 20 minute mark, and saw Bryan and Del Rio put on a solid match until the very end. Orton’s devious actions put over the fact that he’d do anything to win at HIAC, and we’ll have to see if Bryan is 100% after the attack.

Backstage, Triple H and Stephanie confronted The Shield, and said their match against the Rhodes brothers was a No DQ match. They asked the trio to finish the job.

WWE aired a video package about Cena’s recuperation, and his journey to make it back to the WWE.

Goldust and Cody Rhodes vs. The Shield (With Ambrose) for the WWE Tag Team championships in a No DQ match

Rollins and Cody started things off, and Cody tagged in his brother who came down with a clubbing blow from the top rope. Goldust tagged Cody in, who dropkicked Rollins for a 1 count. Cody delivered a snapmare takedown followed by a kick to the head of Rollins. Cody tagged his brother in as Goldust covered Rollins for a 1 count. The brothers isolated Rollins and worked on him as Ambrose and Reigns looked on. Reigns provided much needed distraction to help Rollins get the upper hand. Rollins tagged Reigns in who started working on Cody Rhodes, who served as the face in peril. Reigns covered Cody for a 2 count, and tagged in Rollins. Rollins dropped Cody with a suplex for yet another 2 count! Goldust cheered his brother on as Rollins worked on Cody. Cody tried to go for the Alabama slam, but Rollins countered, but Cody escaped and made the hot tag to Goldust! Goldust exploded and threw Reigns from the apron, and delivered a running bulldog on Rollins for a 2 count! Goldust missed a running cross body and ended up on the outside as WWE went into the final commercial break of the night.

Back from the break and The Shield gained the upper hand as Rollins worked on Goldust. Goldust reversed a submission hold into a slide for a nearfall! Rollins took him down with a clothesline, but Goldust made a comeback before Reigns came in to stop his momentum. Reigns tried to whiplash Goldust, but he countered with a springboard back elbow! Rollins tried to stop Goldust’s momentum, but Goldust reversed Rollins and made a tag to Cody! Cody sidestepped Reigns and sent him into the ringpost, and came down with a moonsault for a 2 count! Cody came down with a springboard dropkick from the top rope for yet another 2 count as Rollins broke it up. Goldust came in to even the odds, and Cody went for the Cross Rhodes, but Ambrose came in to break it up! The trio attacked Cody Rhodes in the ring and went for a triple powerbomb, but Goldust came in to make the save with a steel chair! Goldust swung the chair at the three members, but the numbers game caught up. Reigns tried to hit Goldust with the chair, but Goldust came back with a running cross body! Cody tried to go for a Disaster Kick off the steel steps, but Rollins caught him and powerbombed him into the barricade! Back in the ring, Goldust delivered an Atomic drop to Reigns, and hit an Atomic drop to Rollins who came in with a springboard! Goldust sent Rollins out and took Reigns out. Ambrose interfered and landed a couple of shots on Goldust, as the crowd started a “This is awesome” chant! Reigns took Goldust out with a spear through the barricade! The crowd erupted as Show made his way out through the crowd!

Show knocked out Ambrose and Rollins, as Cody missed a Disaster Kick in the ring. Show knocked out Reigns in the ring, and Cody capitalized and covered Reigns to pick up the victory!

Winners and the new WWE Tag Team champions: Goldust and Cody Rhodes

Rating: *** ¾

Post match, Triple H came down to the ring as Show celebrated with the fans with a “Yes” chant! RAW faded with an irate Triple H looking at Big Show in the crowd.

Your new #WWE Tag Team Champions… #RAW http://t.co/PuzA7YvK1q
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) October 15, 2013

Analysis: That was an outstanding tag team match to close the show, which got just about 20 minutes. Goldust has been on a roll ever since he came back to the WWE, and this match was phenomenally booked. We now have new tag team champions! I don’t know how well that fares for The Shield, but I’m happy for the Rhodes brothers.

Over – all rating of the show: *** ¾ (Out of 5 stars)

This week’s show was much better than the last week’s episode, with two outstanding TV matches and storylines being played out. The main event of the show was off the hook, as the St. Louis crowd, which was nonchalant throughout the night came unglued. We now have new tag team champions going into the HIAC PPV, and we now have to wait and see how Triple H reacts to the Big Show spoiling his plans. Also, the Orton – Bryan saga escalated with Orton targeting Bryan’s fiancé, and Punk has the final say in his match at HIAC. Next week promises to be a slobber knocker, as we get ever so close to the HIAC PPV. That does it for this week, and do join us next week for the live review as we see the fall – out from this week’s show.

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