WWE RAW on the mic - Best Quotes


“I want you to beg. Beg!”- Stephanie McMahon

“You’ve got Damien Sandow, the savior of the unwashed masses. Call the match, Cole!”- JBL

“And I’m a capitalist. I do what my boss tells me to do”- JBL

“I would like to apologize for the events that transpired last night on Battleground”- Brad Maddox. Okay, somebody really had to. It was a lackluster main event.

“Ole”- JBL

“Hashtag Fear The Bull”- JBL

“We speak a lot with Renee, she speaks a lot of bull too”- Cole. Come on. That was funny but really, Cole?

“I kicked Ryback in the balls but just to know that he had any”- Punk

“Bullying? That’s a match, Michael. That’s how you compete”- JBL. Go JBL! Enlighten Cole!

“We’re witnessing history here tonight”- Lawler during Backlund’s promo.

“Stand Up Straight when I talk to you”- Backlund

“The WWE universe is not in the arena either”- King. Okay,I know King that you mean the household audience but the ones in the arena are also part of the ‘WWE Universe’

“This match won’t settle anything down. We might as well turn up the volume”.- JBL on the 6 man tag match after the brawl that had just taken place between Bryan and Orton

“Are you going to name me the new face of the WWE”- Alberto Del Rio. Really? That was funny.

“I want you to vote for ol’HB Shizzle”- HBK. Yes! Yes! Yes! We have a winner.

“HB Shizzle”- Fans

“If I can do it, anyone can do it, right?” – King on the WWE App. Technology!

“Alberto, you will be defending your title at Hell In A Cell and your opponent will be John Cena”- Vicki. Okay. SuperCena is returning after an injury that was supposed to keep him away for 4 to 6 months.

“You Stop Him”- JBL to Cole when Cole asks somebody to stop Del Rio from breaking Ricardo’s arm

“Look! Summer’s legs reached from one side of the ring to the other”- King

“Why do we even bother to inform?” Cole on having 200 million followers on Social Media. Yes, seriously. Stop informing on television.

“I think Santino is a little bit faster on the feet that the Great Khali”- King

“We The People”- Fans

“This Cesaro is a beast”- Cole

“Yes, the Rhodes Brothers are back”- Cole

“You Stop Him:- Cole to JBL. Tit for Tat

“I’m not security. I’m a commentator”- JBL

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