WWE Raw Results, 2 May, 2016, Full Show with Video Highlights

Will all the questions on our mind will be answered?

This week’s Raw comes live from St. Louis and it comes with high expectations. Vince’s McMahon’s strange decision at Payback left head’s scratching as question rose on whether Stephanie and Shane could co-exist. Similarly, the re-enactment of Montreal Screwjob has also left controversy in its wake.

Also read: [Video] WWE RAW Results, 9 May 2016, Full Show with Video Highlights

The IC Title picture became crowded at the end of Payback as four of the major superstars staked their wish to own it. Also, Enzo’s untimely injury put the breaks on the Tag Team Division’s methodical rise in the past peeks. The disbandment of the League of Nations also left questions in it’s wake.

But above all, the main event scene has an unfinished story to tell. It is known that Styles will face Reigns for the WWE title at Extreme Rules, but in what kind of a match? Here how this week’s Raw went down.

Stephanie McMahon gives a gift to Shane


Stephanie McMahon made her way to the ring with what looked like a shopping bag in her hand. Shane's music cuts in before she could do anything else. Shane tries to taunt Stephanie by stealing her lines. Instead, Stephanie offers a peace-offering to Shane to have a new beginning. Shane looks suspicious at first, but soon opens it on her encouragement.

It's the same picture Vince stepped on few weeks ago on Raw. Shane is moved by the gesture and decides to get along with her. But, Kevin Owens interrupts Shane as he prepares to address how Raw will go on tonight's show. Kevin tries to cajole Stephanie to give his rematch for the IC Title.

Cesaro interrupts before any decision could be taken though. Cesaro and Owens both stake their claims on the title. Shane announces Cesaro vs Owens to determine the #1 Contender for the IC Title.

Cesaro vs Kevin Owens ( #1 Contenders match for IC Title)


Miz and Maryse are out on the commentary as both Cesaro and Owens face off. Cesaro gets the control of the match early with a series of uppercuts. But, Owens takes the control of the match with a superkick to the face and starts to concentrate on the shoulder.

After a back and forth match for about ten minutes containing several high spots, the action spills outside. Cesaro attacks Miz who is on the commentary and Miz retaliates by attacking Cesaro in return effectively spoiling the match for both competitors.

Miz and Owens argue about it for a few moments, but they soon turn on Cesaro. Zayn makes the save and clears the ring to stand tall. Looks like all four of the Superstars want the IC Title so badly.

Backstage Segment: Stephanie McMahon meets Dean Ambrose

Ambrose tells to Stephanie that he doesn't buy Stephanie's act and refuses to believe her change of heart. In return, Stephanie offers to be his guest tonight in Ambrose Asylum so that Ambrose her ask any question he feels like asking. Ambrose agrees and makes a face once she moves away.

Backstage Segment: Goldango and Gorgeous Truth

Goldust interrupts R-Truth and Tyler Breeze. He talks about R-Truth teaming with Tyler Breeze and challenges Breeze to a match. Both R-Truth and Fandango volunteer to be in their respective partners corner.

Backstage Segment: Reigns challenges AJ, Gallows and Anderson

Gallows and Anderson cheer up AJ Styles and tell him that he could beat Reigns at Extreme Rules. Roman Reigns crashes the party and says to Styles that he respects him but doesn’t respect Gallows and Anderson. He reaffirms his belief that he doesn't believe Styles could beat him one on one.

Roman then challenges Styles, Gallows and Anderson for a 3 on 3 tag match and The Usos back him up. Gallows, Anderson and AJ agree to set up an explosive main event for the night.

Goldust vs Tyler Breeze


A short match that was more shenanigans than actual wrestling took place. But there was one thing to takeaway from the match though. Tyler Breeze pinned Goldust to end his impressive losing streak.

It was good to see Tyler getting a win here, even if it came against Goldust. But, where it leaves Goldust though is anyone’s guess. WWE should just get on with the formation of Golden Truth. This is getting bored already.

The New Day addresses Enzo’s injury


It is revealed that The Vaudevillains will face The New Day at Extreme Rules. The New Day made their way to the ring to a positive crowd reaction. The cut a promo on Enzo's health addressing his present state. Big E botches the promo but the crowd forgives him easily.

Soon, The Vaudevillains come out to cut their own promo. They say that a real man would have got up after the injury. The crowd boo them and they cut their own promo for Extreme Rules. But, it doesn’t last long. The Dudley Boyz interrupt the proceedings and demand that the tournament should be restarted.

But soon the music of Enzo and Cass hits and the crowd goes nuts. Big Cass makes his way to the ring alone to much disappointment and threatens Simon Gotch for taking out Enzo. Things ultimately end in a brawl with all the men fighting in the ring.

New Day and Big Cass vs The Dudleys and The Vaudevillains


A strong but unexciting match followed. The Vaudevillains and The Dudleys tried to bring life to the match with their heel antics but it didn’t connect well. But, their chemistry can’t be ignored.

A hot tag from Kofi saw Cass clear things up before all hell broke loose. Big Cass and the New Day stood tall as the segment ended.

Becky Lynch vs Emma


The match brought life to the crowd once more. The twitter war these two women were involved in culminated in a bout. These women showcased all their agility and maneuverability and put on a great match.

Becky dominated early with her explosive offense and later Emma came back with vicious shots. Emma excelled as heel as she pulled Becky around the ring with her hair. After a good back and forth match, the match culminated in traditional heel mannerism. In the end it was a thumb to the eye that helped Emma win her match. But, we can be assured that their rivalry is not yet over.

Ambrose Asylum with Stephanie McMahon as special guest


The Ambrose Asylum had a controversial guest today and it was none other than Stephanie McMahon. Dean started his questioning of Stephanie McMahon with a straight forward question. He stated that he refuses to believe the nice Stephanie at all.

Ambrose then poked Stephanie further by showing an image of Reigns spearing Stephanie at WrestleMania and asked her opinions on it. He then tries to rile up Stephanie and cause her to lose her temper by mentioning Shane getting control of Raw along with her. Stephanie struggles to control her temper but somehow manages it.

Ambrose was not done yet though, he listed out all the sacrifices Stephanie had to make and pointed out how Shane never made them. He then asked whether it hurt to see Shane receive all the things without making any sacrifices. Stephanie’s face was shrunk and she positively looked near to loose her cool. (It was hard to see Stephanie like that though, I think it broke Kayfabe and affected Stephanie in a deeper level.)

Stephanie then took her own measure of revenge as she canceled Ambrose Asylum and asked whether it hurt Dean. Once Dean affirmed it and prepared to leave, she introduced that the Highlight Reel is reinstated. Jericho came out with an arrogant swagger and sneered at Ambrose.

Soon a brawl broke out and it ended with Jericho smashing Mitch (You surely remember Ambrose’s plant, don’t you?) on Ambrose’s head.

#1 Contender Battle Royal for the United States Championship


Kalisto watched on from the ringside as midcard superstars who don’t have a feud as of the moment clashed against each other in a Battle Royal to become the #1 contender for his championship.

The match was short, but it also served to establish a few storylines. Halfway into the match, Dolph Ziggler eliminated Baron Corbin. Baron took revenge by pulling Ziggler under the top rope and assaulting him. He then sent him in to Rusev, who eliminated him officially. Similarly, Apollo Crews eliminated Stardust.

The match was mostly dominated by the League of Nations and the tension between them was palpable. In the end, it was Rusev, Sheamus, Del Rio and Ryder in the ring. After assaulting Ryder a while, Del Rio eliminated Sheamus and he was in turn eliminated by Ryder. Rusev eliminated Ryder to become the #1 contender. Lana walked out to celebrate with her fiancee

Charlotte addresses the controversial ending to her title defense


Charlotte makes her way into the ring along with her father Ric Flair and soon addresses the issue. Ric stated that there was no controversy at Payback and Nattie quit just like the entire Hart family. The crowd chanted “B.S” all the while.

Charlotte then calls out the referee Charles Robinson to clear the air surrounding the controversy. Robinson walks in to huge heat from the fans and claims that Nattie was screaming “Stop it! Stop it!” when Charlotte delivered the sharpshooter. As a referee, he says the result of the match is final and Charlotte beams.

Natalya soon comes out and claims that the difference between the Harts and the Flairs is “The Harts were the best there was, are the best there is and will be the best there ever will be.” Nattie regresses about Ric Flair and Charlotte tries to take her out. After taking out Charlotte, Nattie slaps Ric Flair and delivers a sharpshooter to the two-time Hall of Famer.

Charlotte saves her dad, but was unable to save the Rolex Robinson gifted or the Hall of Fame ring. Natalya stands tall as the segment ends.

Backstage Segment: Stephanie McMahon announces Extreme Rules match.

Stephanie meets the Flairs backstage and discusses what transpired recently and makes an announcement. She announces that Charlotte will defend her title at Extreme Rules against Natalya in a submission match. She also announces to bring out the A-Game of Charlotte she is banning Ric Flair from ringside which shocked the Flairs.

Roman Reigns & The Usos vs AJ Styles, Gallows and Anderson


The explosive main event set earlier in the show was average. But when the last few minutes kicked in, it went from average to good. The character of AJ and Reigns are shaped carefully and it leads a lot more intrigue to the PPV match.

After what looked like an average match where Styles, Gallows and Anderson picked up a pinfall victory, all hell literally broke loose. Gallows and Anderson dragged Reigns to the ring and demanded that AJ use the chair on him. Looking at a helpless Reigns, AJ refused to do the honors.

But The Usos didn’t hesitate. Jimmy Uso delivered a chair shot to Styles’ back and cleared the ring of Anderson and Gallows. Styles recovered and took the chair to Jimmy and Jey’s back. Reigns lost his cool on seeing this and Superman Punched AJ out of the arena. He then power bombed AJ through the announcer’s table for a good measure.

The reaction when Reigns’ face changed as he saw AJ beat Jimmy and Jey was marvelous. AJ, for his part, played it perfectly as he portrayed a reluctant attacker who just couldn’t stop his friends. How this week’s event will change Reigns and Styles’ feud is more interesting to think than what transpired on the show.

Overall, this week’s Raw was average at its best.

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