WWE RAW Results: #1 Contender crowned in controversial fashion; Authority figure returns

We got a huge reveal about Elimination Chamber tonight on RAW!
We got a huge reveal about Elimination Chamber tonight on RAW!

Shane McMahon kicked off RAW with Adam Pearce and announced that the main event of Elimination Chamber, the six-man Elimination Chamber match, will be a WWE Championship match. Drew McIntyre will be defending his title against AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Sheamus, Randy Orton, and The Miz. Shane thanked Adam for coming up with the concept of having a title defense at the main event of the PPV.

AJ Styles made his entrance while Shane was walking out, and he met Styles and Omos on the ramp. AJ thanked Adam for setting up the title match at Elimination Chamber after Shane was gone. We headed for a match on RAW with Styles taking on Jeff Hardy.

AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy on RAW

AJ was taken down early on before The Phenomenal One took Jeff to the corner and unloaded on him. Jeff hurt his knee after dodging a big move and falling from the turnbuckles. Jeff rolled out of the ring, and Styles followed him with a chop block to the knee on the outside. AJ focused on the knee and sent Hardy into the steel steps before we headed for commercials.

After the break, AJ tried to lock in the calf crusher and got it in on the injured knee, but Hardy got to the bottom rope. Hardy's chances of making it to the Elimination Chamber looked slim, but he still managed to trip AJ up on the ropes and hit a DDT for a near fall. Hardy dodged the Styles Clash and hit the Twist of Fate, but AJ dodged the Swanton Bomb and went back to the calf crusher, forcing Hardy to tap out.

Result: AJ Styles def. Jeff Hardy

Match rating: B

Keith Lee and Riddle were backstage on RAW when Lee said that he had what it takes to beat Bobby Lashley.

Still backstage on RAW, Sheamus was mad at Adam Pearce for setting him up against five other Superstars at Elimination Champer instead of a singles match.


Xavier Woods and Slapjack kicked us off, and Ali was on commentary, threatening to expose the corruption in WWE. Woods hit a big move and tagged in Kofi, who took Slapjack down before T-Bar was tagged in.

T-Bar was tossing Kofi around the ring but was dumped over the ropes before Slapjack got involved. Kofi hit a dive on both opponents on the outside. After a break on RAW, RETRIBUTION was back in control, and Woods was isolated in the ring.

Woods managed to make the tag, and Kofi took back control with a Boom Drop on Slapjack and the Trouble in Paradise on T-Bar on the apron. Woods came in for the Daybreak to pick up the win.

Result: New Day def. RETRIBUTION

Match rating: B

Bad Bunny was backstage on RAW with Damian Priest, who was set to face Angel Garza tonight.

'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair was back on RAW with Lacey Evans and said that he did not take orders from anyone, especially his daughter. He added that he was helping Evans' career because she had great promise and needed a mentor to climb up the roster and beat Asuka.

Charlotte came out and said that Evans was just using her dad to further her career. Charlotte said Flair was embarrassing himself and her own family name by helping Evans. Ric Flair suggested that Charlotte should form a tag team with Evans instead of Asuka.

Evans revealed that WWE management promised her a title shot if she beats Charlotte. The Queen challenged her to a match right then, and she accepted.

Backstage on RAW, Angel Garza was getting along well with Miz & Morrison.

Lacey Evans vs. Charlotte on RAW

Charlotte was in trouble as the match began, and Lacey targeted her injured arm to get the upper hand early on. Flair dodged a neck breaker and hit a huge clothesline, but Lacey dodged the following Figure-Four attempt.

Lacey Evans vs. Charlotte on RAW (contd...)

Lacey Evans had Charlotte worked up during the match on RAW when she did the Nature Boy strut before leaving the ring, and Charlotte took the time to show her how it's really done. Back after a break, Evans was in control and hit a top rope move, but Charlotte got her knees up.

The two went outside, where Ric ran a distraction and allowed Lacey to take Charlotte down. Back in the ring, Charlotte hit the spear and unloaded on Lacey in the corner. The ref tried to stop her, but she shoved him aside, earning a disqualification.

Result: Lacey Evans def. Charlotte via DQ

Match rating: B+

Edge was back on RAW and said that he was unsure of who would walk away from Elimination Chamber as champion. He said he didn't like Drew's odds and that he would wait for the PPV to be over before making his decision.

Miz & Morrison came out with Angel Garza. The Miz said if Edge won at WrestleMania, he would cash in his Money in the Bank contract.

Edge called Miz stupid for announcing his plans on RAW before saying that Miz had bigger problems like the Elimination Chamber and in the nearest future, Bad Bunny.

Damian Priest vs. Angel Garza on RAW

Priest picked up a win on RAW thanks to Bunny
Priest picked up a win on RAW thanks to Bunny

Bad Bunny was at ringside for the match before Damian Priest kicked Garza halfway across the ring to start the match. Garza took control with a big sequence and took down Priest. The ref was distracted when Morrison hit a cheap shot on Priest from ringside.

Priest was about to finish the match when Miz & Morrison interrupted and then attacked him outside the ring. Bad Bunny stole Miz's MITB briefcase and tossed it in the ring, causing Miz & Morrison to be sent off before Priest hit The Reckoning for the win.

Result: Damian Priest def. Angel Garza

Match rating: C

Drew McIntyre was backstage at RAW and said that all Sheamus had to do to get a title shot was ask.

We learned that Lacey Evans earned her shot at the RAW Women's Championship while Bianca Belair said she was not sure who to challenge yet before being joined by Asuka.

Keith Lee vs. Riddle on RAW

MVP was on commentary for the match on the RAW. Riddle got an armbar early on, and Lee casually lifted him with one arm before tossing him across the ring. Riddle hit some big shots in the corner before he was tackled into the next century, thanks to Lee.

Riddle kept fighting back and hit a Pele kick before getting a near fall. Riddle hit the floating Bro for another near fall before hitting a series of Brotons.

Lee blocked the Final Flash, and Riddle went for a triangle lock/armbar combo. Riddle got the Final Flash in, but Lee still got the Spirit Bomb in for the win.

Result: Keith Lee def. Riddle

Bobby Lashley attacked Lee after the match and got the Hurt Lock in on Riddle. Lashley then sent Keith Lee into the ring post and hit him with the steel steps.

Match rating: A

Randy Orton was backstage on RAW and said that he hates leaving loose ends and that he will finish off Drew McIntyre for good tonight.

Nia Jax vs. Lana - Tables match on RAW

Nia Jax took control early during the Tables match on RAW. Jax hit a couple of powerbombs and kept taunting Lana, calling her an idiot. Jax hit the elevated stretch muffler on the injured leg of Lana before sending her into the turnbuckles.

Lana caught Jax on the ropes and hit some kicks on the apron next to a table, but Nia took her down with a headbutt. Jax stomped on her face but missed the leg drop on the apron. Jax was yelling in pain when Lana pushed her through a table to pick up the win.

Result: Nia Jax def. Lana

Shayna attacked Lana after the match, but Naomi made the save and caused Baszler to retreat right away.

Match rating: C

Naomi vs. Shayna Baszler on RAW

Shayna charged at Noami, but Naomi dodged it, hitting a Hurricanerana on Baszler. Baszler locked in the Kirifuda Clutch, but Naomi found her way to the ropes before Baszler just decided to walk out of the ring, looking for Lana.

Baszler attacked Lana on the outside and sent her into the barricades before she was rolled up off her own distraction, and Naomi picked up the quick win.

Result: Naomi def. Shayna Baszler

Match rating: C

Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre on RAW

Both men went for their finishers early on in the main event of RAW. Randy Orton left the ring to recoup. Drew McIntyre almost hit the draping DDT on Randy before Sheamus' music hit and he walked out. Randy capitalized off the distraction and wiped Drew out by sending him into the ring post before we headed for a break.

Back on RAW, Randy dropped Drew on the announcers' desk before taking it back to the ring. McIntyre tried to hit the Future Shock DDT, but Orton reversed it into the Jack-knife cover. Orton hit a superplex and got a near fall before McIntyre hit the Glasgow Kiss, looking to finish the match with the Futureshock DDT.

Sheamus came in and tried to hit McIntyre with a Brogue Kick, but the WWE Champion got out of the way with Orton bearing the brunt, thus ending the match with a DQ.

Result: Randy Orton def. Drew McIntyre via DQ

Match rating: A

Episode rating: B

Things are getting heated with WrestleMania just over a month away. Shane and Adam Pearce are set up a great Elimination Chamber tonight on RAW. We got another visit from Edge, the Miz declared his plans to cash in, and Kofi Kingston's in-ring return.

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