RAW Results: Big E attacked; New No.1 Contender crowned

Liv Morgan finally got her big opportunity on RAW
Liv Morgan finally got her big opportunity on RAW

Backstage before RAW kicked off, Kevin Owens tried to apologize to Big E once more for last week, but the WWE Champion said that he had a match tonight and didn't care.

Seth Rollins kicked off RAW and appointed himself the leader of the RAW locker room heading into Survivor Series.

The crowd chanted for Kevin Owens, but Rollins called him a snake, pointing at his feud with Sami Zayn. Rollins called Owens gutless, soulless, and a liar. KO came out after being repeatedly called a loser and chased after Seth.

Owens caught up to Seth and tried for a powerbomb at ringside, but Rollins used the ropes to get free and retreated backstage.

Backstage, Riddle was excited about their new friends, the Street Profits, but Randy said he didn't care about them and told the Profits to their face that if they were dealing with Omos, they were on their own.

RK-Bro & The Street Profits vs. The Dirty Dawgs, AJ Styles & Omos on RAW

Roode and Ford kicked off the match, with The Street Profits dominating early on. Dawkins tagged in, followed by Riddle and Ziggler before the Dawgs and AJ's team isolated Riddle in their corner.

The Original Bro was about to take a Powerbomb to the outside but managed to drag AJ out over the ropes with him. Back on RAW after a break, Roode got a near fall on Riddle before AJ came in and locked in a chokehold.

Orton tagged in and was set up for the RKO on Ziggler when Roode interrupted him and was thrown out of the ring. Randy took out Ziggler and AJ, but Omos caught AJ in the air before stepping into the ring.

RK-Bro & The Street Profits vs. The Dirty Dawgs, AJ Styles & Omos on RAW (contd..)

After a break on RAW, Omos was manhandling Ford in the ring and tagged in Roode. Ziggler came in as the heels continued to isolate Montez in their corner. AJ came back in and hit a Backbreaker before Randy tried to interfere. However, he was sent back to his corner.

Ford reversed into a dropkick before Roode and Dawkins were tagged in. Dawkins hit a neckbreaker on Roode before Omos tagged in. Riddle was back in and the giant took him down before the Dawgs dragged Randy off the apron.

Omos was about to finish it with AJ but Ziggler tried to force a tag leading to a brawl between the heels. Roode was driven into the barricade by Omos after taking out AJ and Ziggler used the distraction to pick up the pin on Riddle.

Result: The Dirty Dawgs, AJ Styles & Omos def. RK-Bro & The Street Profits

After the match, Orton came back and took Ziggler out with an RKO for messing with his team in the match.

Grade: B

Rey and Dominik Mysterio were out next on RAW after a run-in with Kevin Owens backstage.

Adam Pearce was back and said that every member on team RAW was a former WWE Champion except for Dominik. Adam told Dom he could only be on the team if he could beat Bobby Lashley in a match right then.

Bobby Lashley vs. Dominik Mysterio on RAW

Dominik got tackled into oblivion right off the bat but managed to get some offense on the apron before being caught mid-air. Dominik managed to send Lashley outside and hit a dive but was caught and driven into the ring post.

Lashley hit Dom with a big slam before locking in the Hurt Lock but Dom tried to break free. Lashley literally stopped Dom from tapping out and continued his onslaught.

Rey tried to help his son but took a big boot on the outside before Dom was sent into the ring post once more. Back in the ring, Lashley hit a Spear and got the Hurt Lock once more before picking up the win.

Result: Bobby Lashley def. Dominik Mysterio

Grade: B-

Backstage, Rollins riled up the Alpha Academy to go and take out Big E as RAW went on.

Big E vs. Chad Gable on RAW

Big E got an early near fall before dragging Chad to the apron for the splash. The WWE Champ hung up Gable on the ropes, but Chad reversed out and went after Big E's legs.

Gable hit chop blocks to the injured knee before being sent over the ropes. Gable came back and blocked a Suplex before climbing up for a moonsault and a near fall.

Gable got a huge belly-to-back suplex before trying to lift E, but it backfired. Big E dropped Gable and hit the Big Ending for the win.

Result: Big E def. Chad Gable

Another big win for the WWE Champ Big E!
Another big win for the WWE Champ Big E!

Grade: C

Backstage, Owens tried to convince R-Truth that he wouldn't cheat in a match, but the former 24/7 Champion started rambling about random things.

Doudrop was backstage with the rest of the Women's locker room and said she deserved to be on the Survivor Series team more than Bianca Belair. Nikki A.S.H. and others backed her up and wanted to be part of the team well before Zelina and Carmella made fun of them.

Rey and Dominik were in the trainer's room as RAW went on, tending to Dom's injuries. Rey said that if Pearce wanted to replace his son on Team RAW, he should have just done it instead of putting him in a tough match against Lashley.

Drake Maverick vs. Reginald - 24/7 Championship match on RAW

Reggie got a big flipping splash in the corner and was about to try for a pin when R-Truth came in with a referee, not knowing that the 24/7 Title rules were waived during the match. The Hurt Business came and wiped Truth out before the match continued.

Maverick picked up the win via distraction and became the new 24/7 champion. Drake was celebrating his win when Tozawa stepped out from under the ring and pinned him to become the new champ!

Result: Drake Maverick def. Reginald to win the 24-7 Championship but lost it right away

Corey Graves took the opportunity to get off the announce desk and rolled Tozawa over for the pin. Graves picked up the 24?7 title for all of five seconds before Byron Saxton pinned him and became Champion.

Saxton was immediately wiped out by Maverick who won it back, but Reggie pinned him in the ring and ran away as 24/7 Champion.

Grade: B

Doudrop was backstage on RAW and called Bianca out for getting title shot after title shot, even after losing repeatedly, while the rest of the locker room was always overlooked. Belair claimed that Doudrop was only looking out for herself before heading out for her match.

Liv Morgan vs. Bianca Belair vs. Rhea Ripley vs. Carmella vs. Zelina Vega - Fatal Five-Way No.1 Contender's match on RAW

A brawl broke out before the bell was even rung and Becky Lynch yelled at them from the announcer's table as we headed to a break. Back on RAW, the match was underway and Zelina and Carmella teamed up to take out Ripley after eliminating Morgan and Belair from the equation.

Ripley was being mauled in the ring but managed to sidestep out of a knee strike and rolled out before Morgan came back and took out Carmella. Zelina wiped Liv out before Rhea returned and got a near fall on Zelina.

Back after a break, Carmella got a few near falls on Ripley and Morgan before she was sent out of the ring. Ripley and Belair duked it out in the ring before Rhea reversed a KOD and hit a massive boot.

Liv Morgan vs. Bianca Belair vs. Rhea Ripley vs. Carmella vs. Zelina Vega - Fatal Five-Way No.1 Contender's match on RAW (contd...)

Ripley got a near fall off a Riptide but Morgan broke it up on RAW. Morgan hit the oblivion before Zelina broke up her pin attempt.

Zelina took a KOD from Bianca before Doudrop showed up and dragged Belair out of the ring and attacked her before she could get the pin.

Carmella tried to capitalize off the distraction but Liv Morgan rolled her up with the crucifix and picked up the win.

Result: Liv Morgan won the Fatal Five-Way match and earned a shot at the RAW Women's Championship

Grade: B+

Backstage on RAW, Big E said he would be there ringside for the next match to make sure Rollins or Owens couldn't cheat tonight.

Seth Rollins came out and claimed that he and Kevin Owens were working together last week against Big E. Owens walked out and attacked The Messiah right away and Rollins fled over the barricades and into the crowd as we headed for a break.

Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens on RAW

The main event of RAW was underway when we returned from commercials and Owens was dominating early on. Outside the ring, Rollins took a Senton and a Cannonball against the barricades as the match continued.

After another break on RAW, Rollins was in control and stomped on KO's chest before getting a near fall off a Snap Suplex. Owens came back with a DDT and rolled out of the way of a Frog Splash.

Owens hit a Frog Splash of his own and got a near fall. After a break on RAW, KO was still unable to get the pin on Rollins and went up to the ropes but Seth met him up there with some strikes.

Rollins tried for a Superplex but Owens blocked it and hit a risky superplex of his own. Rollins got a rope break with his foot, breaking the pin before he came back with a Pedigree. Owens kicked out of it and took a Bucklebomb.

Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens on RAW (contd...)

KO hit a Pop-up Powerbomb off a counter and got another near fall before they headed outside on RAW. Owens sent Rollins into the chair Big E was sitting on but the run-in with the WWE Champ caused him to miss the ten-count before getting back in the ring.

Result: Seth Rollins def. Kevin Owens via count-out

Owens attacked Big E and sent him into the ring steps, blaming him for the loss. KO hit a powerbomb and destroyed the WWE champ before going back to stomp on him some more.

Owens was absolutely livid and a group of officials had to step in and drag him away as RAW went off the air.

Grade: A

Episode grade: A-

The RAW roster is gearing up for the battle of the brands as the road to Survivor Series heats up and the men's and women's teams are set up for the red brand. Liv Morgan received a future title opportunity while we got a big round of 24/7 Title changes with Corey Graves and Byron Saxton holding the gold amidst the chaos.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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