WWE RAW Results October 9th 2017, Latest RAW winners and video highlights, The Shield reunite

Guess who's back!
Guess who's back!

After an eventful Hell in a Cell PPV, the pressure was on RAW to deliver a solid show as TLC approached. And boy oh boy, did they deliver!

A monumental reunion, a title change, and some significant storyline progression in the undercard were the biggest takeaways from tonight's show.

So without further adieu, here are the results and highlights from this week's RAW:

Opening segment

This week's show started with a video package of last week's mugging of Roman Reigns and the subsequent Shield reunion teaser.

Miz TV kicked off the proceedings with the Mizzies part 2! This should be good! He cut a promo claiming he gives credit where it's due and said that the Miztourage is like a family.

He spoke about one member and awarded Curtis Axel the award for perseverance. He dedicated the award to Bo Dallas, who was absent owing to a sickness. You deserve it chants echo around the arena. We agree these dudes do deserve it.

The next award was presented to the Bar, who came out and accepted the honor. Sheamus took to the mic and thanked Roman Reigns for the beating he took last week. Cesaro did the same for Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose before Miz touched upon the topic that is on everyone's lips, the Shield Reunion.

Miz claimed they did what John Cena and Undertaker could not do, and that is to put an end to Roman Reigns.He then revealed the real Big Dog of the WWE; The Miz himself.

He dedicated the Mizzie to his unborn child and spoke about being the real hero. This was cue for an interruption as Roman Reigns' music hit.

He came out to a decent reaction, as the pop outweighed the boos. Reigns warned Miz to shut up but the A-Lister claimed that the rumors of a Shield reunion were nothing but hype just like the Big Dog himself!

Reigns shot down the rumors and then it finally happened! Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins made their entrances as the band got back together and they were looking for a fight!ey

They rushed to the ring and took Sheamus, Cesaro and Curtis Axel out before zeroing in on The Miz. They laid him out but that wasn't all! It was a throwback to cherish as Miz got a taste of the iconic Shield Triple Powerbomb.

It was electric as the 'brothers' stood over the lifeless body of the Miz with the fist bump as their theme song played in the background! Them feels!



Jason Jordan vs. Karl Anderson


It was time for the in-ring action to get underway after a healthy dose of nostalgia. Jordan and Anderson looked to get some momentum going into TLC, something that the good brothers haven't tasted in a while.

Jordan began the match on top but the Anderson targeted Jordan's knees and took control of the match as RAW went into a commercial break.

Anderson had Jordan down in a lock as we returned from the break. Anderson kept up the pressure with a Spinebuster (one of the best in the game).

It was time for the babyface comeback as Jordan answered with a few stiff punches and kicks. Gallows' distraction paid no dividends as Jordan hit the Neckbreaker on Anderson for the win.

Jason Jordan def. Karl Anderson


Elias vs. Apollo Crews

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The fans in Indianapolis seemed like they wanted to walk with Elias as they were quite vocal to his promo. He trashed them in classic heel fashion before introducing his new song.

He was, however, interrupted by Titus O'Neil, who came out playing the banjo. An awful job at it too! He mocked Elias and hyped up the entrance Crews all while harping on the banjo.

Titus is a legend! Let's walk with Titus Worldwiiiiiide!

The match kicked off after the break as Apollo was on the defensive with Elias wore him down with a host of kicks.

Crews created some separation with a clothesline and got a two-count. He stopped Elias from escaping and looked to finish things off before Elias hit the Drift Away outta nowhere. 1...2...3! The Drifter drifted away with another win.

Elias def. Apollo Crews


Enzo Amore calls out Kurt Angle


The 'realest champ in the room' came out and went after Kurt Angle from the get-go. He accused the RAW GM of going back on his word regarding the no-contact clause that stated anyone who attacks Enzo from the 'loserweight division' would never get a title shot.

He claimed Angle is doing nothing worthwhile and demanded the GM to come out. The Olympic Gold medalist duly obliged.

The fans in Indianapolis chanted 'you suck' in all its glory as Angle entered the ring. Enzo demanded an explanation on why Kalisto was not fired for attacking him. Angle clarified that Kalisto was signed to a Cruiserweight contract after the no-contact clause was formulated.

Angle meant business as he announced Enzo Amore vs. Kalisto for the title not for TLC, but for tonight!

And guess what, it will be a Lumberjack match! The cruiserweights will surround the ring as the match will be the main event as requested by Enzo himself.


Braun Strowman vs. Matt Hardy


We all know how this one ended! Anyway, a novel match from the WWE

The story of the match was all about Hardy trying all of his moves in his arsenal only to see the Monster Among Men thwart it with ease. He tried everything -- leaps, kicks, punches and clotheslines -- but Strowman stood like a rock.

Strowman continued the dominance after the break but Hardy, much to the surprise of many, mounted a comeback! He moved out of a Strowman spear that sent the beast into the steel ring post.

He hit the Twist of Fate but Strowman kicked out at 1! That was hardly one! Damn! Strowman looked to finish things off with chokeslam followed by the running powerslam. 1...2...3! Strowman picked up the win but he wasn't done yet!

He picked Hardy up and began walking backstage. But wait! The Shield stopped him right in his tracks! Holy crap!

The reunited faction, sporting new t-shirts, stared the Monster Amond Men down before attacking him with their collective hound-like instincts.Reigns first speared Strowman down and we all know what happened next!

Yep! Strowman went through the announcer's table! Shield Bomb style! Reigns showed some freakish strength to pick him up as his brothers in arms helped him do the rest.

The Shield is freaking back folks and they mean business! The reasserted the fact by sending a backstage message after the beatdown, claiming they were back to take anyone and everyone down! Believe That!



Micke James steps it up

The legendary star came out to a great reception as she looked to send out a strong statement to Alexa Bliss. She spoke about how she felt left out on RAW when she first returned and blamed it on Bliss.

She advised Bliss to wear her 'big girl pants' when she defends her title at TLC. The RAW Women's Champion, though, wasn't too pleased as she interrupted James.

Bliss looked absolutely gorgeous today! Moving on, she revealed she felt sad for James and how underappreciated she is and in her tribute, aired a video.

She took a shot at James claiming it was way past her bedtime 'grandma' and a barrage of old person jokes followed. James had snapped by then and looked to administer a beatdown on the champ.

Bliss smartly rolled out of the ring as the segment came to an end.

From the Women's title scene to the name of the woman that in on everyone's lips, Asuka. Angle announced a fatal-5-way for tonight, the winner of the match will face Asuka at TLC.

Emma, Sasha Banks, Alicia Fox, Bayley and Dana Brooke, all of them wanted a piece of the Empress of Tomorrow. But don't they realize it already? No one's ready for Asuka! NO ONE!

Brain Kendrick and Jack Gallagher vs. Mustafa Ali and Cedric Alexander


A cruiserweight filler match was up next and it was a really brief affair, thankfully!

The heels dominated for most parts of the match before Ali and Mustafa scripted a comeback only to see a distraction cost them the match.

Kendrick hit the Sliced Bread #2 on Ali for the three-count.

Kendrick and Gallagher def. Ali and Alexander

The Sister Abigail is here


Finn Balor came out to address Bray Wyatt's claims of unleashing Sister Abigail on the WWE Universe and he admitted he couldn't even fathom what's happening anymore.

He states he is not afraid of Wyatt or Abigail and challenges the Eater of Worlds to bring his best. He is cut short by Bray himself, who is seen on the big screen in his rocking chair with a mask of sorts.

Wyatt said that he should be afraid of her and that the season of the witch was upon us all before introducing Sister Abigail.

What followed was weird and cringe-worthy, to say the least. Wyatt began talking in a morphed female voice with a cloth over his head. She or he or whatever it was said that Balor will pay for putting an innocent Bray through a lot of pain. She trashed Irish mythology and claimed that Balor isn't prepared for what's coming.

The segment ended with a trademark Wyatt laugh! Hysterical and awfully long!

Emma vs. Bayley vs. Sasha Banks vs. Alicia Fox vs. Dana Brooke (Fatal 5-Way Elimination match to determine Asuka's TLC opponent)


Emma began the match in smart fashion as she chose to observe the four other stars go at it at each other. Dana Brooke went after Sasha Banks as Fox and Bayley battled it out in a chaotic start.

Brooke landed a couple of good elbows on Emma and Fox but couldn't get the better of Bayley, who connected with a Bayley-to-Belly for the three count. Brooke was the first one to get eliminated.

And guess what, the commentators didn't even know this was an elimination match until the Brooke got booted out! Botchamania!

Banks and Bayley engage after the elimination but Fox played spoilsport and landed botched scissors kick on Bayley. 1...2...3! And just like that the Hugger was out!

Fox, Banks and Emma continued the match after the break. Emma and Fox worked in tandem as they double suplexed Banks. Emma tried to pull off a cheeky one by rolling up Fox for a two-count. A distraught Fox covered Emma herself for another two-count.

Banks shut both of them down with a dropkick! Banks saw Fox reeling in pain and locked in the Banks Statement, leaving her no option but to tap out.

But she completely forgot about Emma lurking in the back, who rolled up the Boss for a shocking upset.

Emma will face Asuka at TLC!

Enzo Amore vs. Kalisto (Lumberjack match for the Cruiserweight Championship)

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The realest champ in the room came out and took a shot at all the Lumberjack cruiserweights surrounding the ring. Enzo did his usual schtick after which Kalisto made a grand entrance.

Remember; no count-outs or DQ!

The match got underway after the formal introductions were done. Enzo kicked things off with a submission followed by a headlock. Kalisto assumed control of the match with a dropkick and a headlock on Enzo as RAW went into a break.

The champ was back in control after the break as he kicked Kalisto and wore him down. Enzo kept the two-time US Champion down with a couple of kicks and the tried-and-tested headlock. He goes for the pinfall but to no avail.

Kalisto created some separation with a huge kick and got a two-count for it. A brawl ensued outside as all hell broke loose after Daivari and Ali got into an altercation

Kalisto popped the fans in attendance after he superplexed Enzo onto every lumberjack on the outside. They all fall like bowling pins! Freaking incredible! Holy sh** chants broke out by this time!

Kalisto and Enzo get back into the ring and an attempted Salida del Sol is countered by Enzo with the JawdonZo. Mustafa All broke the count and enraged Enzo.

Kalisto goes up to the rope and executes the Salida Del Sol! 1....2....3! And your new Cruiserweight Champion! Hell yeah!

Kalisto def. Enzo Amore to become the new Cruiserweight Champion

The entire division celebrated Kalisto's win as the show came to a close!

Also, Roman Reigns will take on Braun Strowman in a Steel Cage match next week on RAW! You just cant miss that considering the history between the two.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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