WWE SmackDown Results, December 4th 2018, Latest SmackDown Live winners and video highlights

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Smackdown kicked off with the contract signing for the 3-Woman TLC match. Becky, Charlotte, and Asuka were all in the ring as Paige conducted the signing. Mandy Rose and Sonya DeVille made their entrance before Paige set up a match between her former teammates and the team of Asuka and Charlotte.


Charlotte & Asuka vs. Sonya DeVille & Mandy Rose

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Asuka & DeVille kicked off the match and the Empress was in control early on but Rose and DeVille hit a big double team move after making the tag. Charlotte came in with the tag and sent the other team running outside before hitting a dive on both of them.

Asuka was legal when we returned from commercials and Rose was in control before Asuka reversed a bearhug and made the tag. Charlotte cleaned house yet again and hit a spear on Sonya before sending Mandy through the ropes. Charlotte hit Asuka and Asuka retaliated with a knee to the head of Flair allowing Sonya to get the three count.

Result: Sonya DeVille & Mandy Rose def. Charlotte & Asuka


Xavier Woods vs. Cesaro vs Jey Uso

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Cesaro was sent out of the ring early on and he happily stayed out while Xavier Woods and Jey Uso went at it. They acknowledged each other and gave each other a high-five before attacking The Swiss Cyborg.

Woods took out Uso with a tornado DDT from the apron to the outside and returned to the ring to get a near fall on Cesaro. Uso hit the splash but Cesaro had his knees up in time. Woods hit the elbow drop but Uso broke the following pin. Cesaro picked up both competitors before Uso came in with a superkick and go the three-count.

Result: Jey Uso def. Cesaro & Xavier Woods


Miz TV: Introducing the 'New' Daniel Bryan

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Miz announced the segment after his entrance but was interrupted by R-Truth and Carmella who just came to have a dance break and left. Miz introduced his guest and Bryan came in to join him in the ring. Miz pointed out that Bryan looked more confident than usual.

Bryan said that he was tired of the WWE Universe bringing him down, calling them all sheep. Miz agreed with his former teammate and said he must do whatever it takes to win. Bryan cut to the chase and brought up the low blow to AJ Styles which happened on one occasion but the fans are worse; they contribute to climate change on a regular basis.

Bryan added that the Yes movement is dead and that the 'New' Daniel Bryan is the champ now before AJ Styles made his entrance and Bryan pushed Miz into AJ. Styles chased Bryan and then caught him but Miz hit the Skull Crushing Finale to AJ for ruining his show.


Backstage, Rusev was frustrated about Shinsuke Nakamura's attack next week. He announced his intentions in becoming the next United States Champion.


Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton

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Hardy hit a jawbreaker and sent Orton outside before hitting him with the ring post. Orton sent Hardy's face into the announce table and Hardy retaliated by dropping Orton on the table as we headed to commercials.

We returned to see Hardy in a chokehold but he got out and hit a Whisper in the Wind for a near fall. Hardy hit the atomic drop and the low dropkick to get another two-count but missed the Twist of Fate.

Orton hit the Snake Eyes DDT and took out Jeff Hardy but both men missed their finishers. Hardy hit the Twist of Fate but Orton escaped the ring. Hardy set Orton up on the announce table but just as he was about to jump, Samoa Joe came on the Titantron with a distraction. Orton came up from behind and got the three count after an RKO.

Result: Randy Orton def. Jeff Hardy


AJ Styles vs. The Miz

... and forces Miz to tap to the Calf Crusher!

Daniel Bryan was on commentary and AJ took control of the match right off the bat. AJ delivered a huge dropkick and The Miz fled the ring. Miz used the ropes to deliver a knee to the back of AJ's head before hitting a neck breaker for a near fall. AJ was on the apron and The Miz delivered a huge kick to the side of the head as Styles hit the ground and we broke for commercials.

AJ went for the Styles Clash but Miz reversed it. Styles went for a roll-up but it was a two-count. Styles hit the phenomenal forearm over the ropes and Daniel Bryan caused a distraction allowing Miz to send AJ into the steel steps. Miz hit the Skull Crushing Finale but AJ kicked out. Bryan tried to interfere again but AJ kicked him away before locking in the calf crusher for the win.

Result: AJ Styles vs. The Miz

Daniel Bryan attacked AJ right after the match and sent him into the ring posts and the announce table. Bryan kept attacking AJ until the officials separated them and returned again for a painful hold as the show ended.


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