WWE SummerSlam 2018 Results, August 19th, Latest SummerSlam Winners & Video Highlights

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SummerSlam was an incredible event that delivered beyond people's expectations. Here's what went down at The Biggest Party Of The Summer.

Dolph Ziggler (C) vs Seth Rollins - Intercontinental Championship

Dean Ambrose and Drew McIntyre were at ringside. Rollins and Ziggler started off at a fast pace. McIntyre tried to interject early on and Ambrose got in his face to ward him off.

Ziggler took control with a chokehold. Rollins tried to hit a vertical suplex but both men ended up crashing out of the ring. Back in the ring, Rollins hit a neckbreaker and followed it up with a suicide dive.

Ziggler replied with a DDT on the apron and Seth barely managed to get back before the 10-count. Rollins hit an incredible inverted Suplerplex into a reverse Falcon Arrow. Rollins looked to follow it up with a superkick but McIntyre caused a distraction by tossing Ambrose into the steel steps.

Ziggler hit a Zig Zag and Rollins managed to kick out at the last second. Rollins was busted open by now.

McIntyre tried to get involved again but Ambrose hit him with a Dirty Deeds on the floor. Rollins hit Ziggler with a Superkick and followed it up with a Curbstomp for the 3-count to win back the Intercontinental Championship.

Seth Rollins def. Dolph Ziggler


New Day (Xavier Woods and Big E) vs The Bludgeon Brothers

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The Bludgeon Brothers dominate Xavier Woods early on, trading tags and hitting him with power moves. Harper and Rowan then knocked Big E off the apron before hitting him with a powerslam on the floor.

They then rolled Woods out of the ring and set up the steel steps. Woods escaped getting power bombed on the steel steps with a hurracanrana. Woods then crawled back in the ring and made the tag.

Big E hit Rowan with a belly-to-belly suplex on the floor followed by one to Harper. Harper and Rowan went to double team Big E bu Woods came in. Big E hit Harper with a spear through the ropes. The Bludgeon Brothers replied with a double crucifix powerbomb to Big E.

They followed it up with a powerbomb to Woods who kicked out at 2. Big E hit Rowan with a Big Ending at ringside before tagging himself in. Harper hit Big E with a kick to the gut and joined him in the apron. E and Woods hit a Rock Bottom-Backstabber combo to the floor.

Woods went to the top rope and hit an incredible elbow drop to the floor. New Day then went to finish Harper off but Rowan came in with the mallet, causing the DQ.

New Day win by DQ, Bludgeon Brothers retain

Rowan unloaded on Big E with the malled and Harper followed it up with a mallet strike of his own


Braun Strowman vs Kevin Owens (for Braun Strowman's MITB contract)

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Braun wasted no time and immediately ran into Owens like a truck, forcing Owens to roll out of the ring. Strowman then hit KO with a nasty shoulder charge sending him spinning into the barricade. The next shoulder charged sent Owens flipping in midair.

Strowman then hit Owens with a chokeslam on the entrance ramp before rolling Owens into the ring and hitting a running powerslam to pin Owens.

Braun Strowman def. Kevin Owens


Carmella (C) vs Charlotte vs Becky Lynch (for SmackDown Women's Championship)

Charlotte, Carmella and Becky put on a fantastic match.The hit some incredible moves including a suicide dive from Carmella and an incredible Corkscrew Moonsault from the top rope to the floor from Charlotte.

Becky came close to making Charlotte tap out with the Dis-Arm-Her but Carmella broke it up. She then hit a modified Uranage and came close to pinning Charlotte but Carmella broke it up again.

Carmella then hit Charlotte with a superkick, sending her crashing out of the ring. Becky locked in the Dis-Arm-Her and came close to getting Carmella to tap when Charlotte came in and hit the Natural Selection before pinning Becky.

Charlotte def. Becky Lynch and Carmella

Charlotte and Becky hugged after the match when Becky stuck Charlotte across the face, taking her frustration out on her best friend. Becky then tossed her into the barricade before throwing her over the German announcer's desk


AJ Styles (C) vs Samoa Joe (for the WWE Championship)


Joe took a verbal jab at Styles' family who were at ringside for this match. The match started slowly with Joe and AJ feeling each other out. Styles hit a nice dropkick but couldn't follow through with a sliding knee from the apron, with Joe countering and sending him knee first into the apron.

The slow pace of the match continued with applying a number of rest holds. Joe went for a suicide dive but Styles caught him with an enzeguiri followed by a moonsault into a reverse DDT in the corner.

Joe looked in a precarious position on the top rope but he recovered and knocked Styles off and hit a flying leg drop. Styles replied with a Ushi Goroshi but looked like his knee buckled under Joe's weight. Styles went for the Styles Clash but Joe pushed him away, breaking free. AJ then went for the Phenomenal Forearm but Joe dodged it and hit a nasty powerslam. Styles kicked out at the last second.

Styles then hit the Styles Clash but Joe kicked out at 2. Joe got back to his feet but looked rocked. He hit Styles with a couple of Palm Strikes before hitting an Uranage Slam.

Styles replied with a Calf Crusher but Joe pounded Styles' head into the mat and locked in the Coquina Clutch. Styles somehow managed to reach the ropes with his bottom leg.

Joe then signalled for the muscle buster but Styles broke out. Joe hit an enzeguiri, knocking Joe out of the ring. Joe then sent AJ face first into the steel steps. Joe then took the mic and told AJ's wife who was in the crowd the Styles wouldn't be coming home and he'd be their "new daddy".

Styles snapped and attacked Joe, hitting him with a steel chair and getting DQ.

Samoa Joe wins by DQ


The Miz vs Daniel Bryan


The Miz and Daniel Bryan match had a feeling of visceral hatred throughout as their mutual contempt came out in the wrestling. Bryan and Miz traded Surf Board locks as Bryan got the better of Miz. Bryan and Miz traded strikes before Miz crotched Bryan the top rope before hitting him with a clothesline that turned Bryan inside out.

After more back and forth, Bryan knocked Miz out of the ring and launched himself into Miz from the top rope. Bryan then hit a belly-to-back suplex from the top rope and went for the Yes Kicks.Miz countered with a snap DDT.

Bryan replied with a series of nasty slaps before hitting Bryan with a kick to the head. Miz managed to hit a Skull Crushing Finale but it wasn't enough as Bryan kicked out at 2 and a half.

Bryan went for a clothesline in the corner but Byan caught him with a kick to the head. Miz replied by sending Bryan's leg into the ring post before locking in Figure 4. Bryan managed to reverse it forcing both men to let go.

Bryan managed to have the Yes Lock locked in but Miz reached the ropes. He crawled out of the ring and Bryan hit him with a running dropkick, sending Miz crashing into the barricade near Maryse. Maryse handed Miz brass knuckles which Miz used to knock out Bryan for the win.

The Miz def. Daniel Bryan


Finn Balor vs Baron Corbin


Finn Balor came out as the Demon for the first time in 10 months. Corbin didn't last long and Balor beat him in a matter of minutes, hitting the Coup de Grace for the win.

Finn Balor def. Baron Corbin


Shinsuke Nakamura (C) vs Jeff Hardy (for the US Championship)

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Hardy mocked Nakamura early on and Nakamura hit a knee to the back of the head of Hardy. After a brief exchange, Hardy hit a slingblade and followed it up with an inverted atomic drop.

Hardy looked to be in trouble as Nakamura caught him with strikes against the rope. Hardy followed it with a Whisper in the Wind but Nakamura replied with a knee to the midsection.

Hardy attempted a Twist of Fate but he missed. Nakamura tried to get in a low blow but missed. Hardy finally hit the Twist of Fate before missing the Swanton bomb on the apron.

Nakamura finally connected with a Kinshasa for the win.

Shinsuke Nakamura def. Jeff Hardy


Alexa Bliss (C) vs Ronda Rousey (for the RAW Women's Championship)


Ronda caught Bliss with a right hand which sent the Champion scurrying out of the ring immediately. Bliss refused to go back inside to Rousey turned her back and sat down, waiting for Bliss to come in.

Bliss came in and tried for a chokehold bu Rousey deadlifted her and hit a Death Valley Driver. Rousey then went after Alexa's arm before finally locking in the armbar. Bliss tapped out immediately. Ronda Rousey is our new RAW Women's Champion.

Ronda Rousey def. Alexa Bliss


Brock Lesnar (C) vs Roman Reigns (for the WWE Universal Championship)

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Braun Strowman came out after the match and said he would cash-in as soon as the match ended.

Reigns started the match with a trio of Superman punches and 3 spears. On the 3rd punch, Brock caught him in a chokehold. Roman powered out with a spinebuster. Brock locked in the chokehold again in response. Roman deadlifted Brock and hit him with another Spinebuster.

Brock followed it up by taking Reigns to Suplex City with a trio of German suplexes. The crowd greeted Roman and Brock's performance with a chant of "You both suck".

Reigns went for another spear but missed Brock and went through the ropes and hit Braun. Lesnar took advantage of the situation bu hitting Braun with an F5.

When Lesnar entered the ring, Reigns hit him with a Spear and pinned him for the 3 count. Roman Reigns is Universal Champion.

Roman Reigns def. Brock Lesnar


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