WWE Video: Watch Jeff Hardy fall down in the middle of the ring, once again

The nefarious Brother Nero slipped and fell, at a live event

What’s the story?

History repeated itself once again, as Jeff Hardy, one-half of the Raw tag team champions, slipped and fell at a live event in Ireland. This transpired when the charismatic duo of Matt and Jeff were in the middle of the ring, posing in front of the crowd! You can watch the video below:

In case you didn't know...

While accidental falls like these can occur in such high-octane environments as the WWE, what makes this situation unique is that Jeff Hardy fell in much the same manner, less than a month ago.

You can check out a video of the same, as well as Matt Hardy’s hilarious response to the incident, at this location. Even then, Jeff slipped and fell when he was posing before the crowd, after his match.posing before the crowd, after his match.

The heart of the matter

As part of WWE’s European tour, Jeff Hardy was in Belfast, Ireland, with his brother Matt putting on a show for his fans, with his impeccable in-ring skills and charisma. Unfortunately, when the Hardy brothers were pumping the crowd up, with their trademark mannerisms, Jeff Hardy fell down.

What’s next?

We wonder if Jeff Hardy is making these falls part of his gimmick and whether it was planned and premeditated.

WWE will continue their European tour for a while, before heading back to the states. We’ll have to keep our eyes peeled to see whether Hardy continues this gimmick, over the course of time. We wonder if these falls will finally ‘break’ Jeff Hardy.

Author’s note

For someone who's as nimble-footed as Jeff Hardy, he sure seems to be falling down a lot more than he should be.

I am keen on seeing the Broken Hardyz make their presence felt on WWE television and personally, hope this is the untelevised prelude to the gimmick’s WWE debut. Knowing that the lawsuit is not settled, it’s probably just a botch from Jeff.

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