5 directions Bryan Danielson fka Daniel Bryan can go in AEW after his incredible debut

Will we see CM Punk vs. Bryan Danielson at AEW Full Gear?
Will we see CM Punk vs. Bryan Danielson at AEW Full Gear?

Bryan Danielson made his AEW debut at the end of All Out, saving Christian Cage and Jurassic Express from a beatdown at the hands of The Elite.

This is a huge move, especially as Bryan was a WWE Superstar for over a decade. He even main-evented WrestleMania a few months ago, shortly before leaving Vince McMahon's company, while maintaining a good relationship with the Chairman of WWE.

AEW could really benefit from The American Dragon's arrival, more so than most of the other signings. Danielson is such a good performer that he can slot into any position on the card in AEW, without anybody truly objecting to it. His brilliance can lift a generation of talent, both in the ring and as characters. But what will he do first?

There are several directions Bryan Danielson can go in following his cathartic debut at All Out. What would you like to see him do in AEW? Sound off down in the comments.

#5 Bryan Danielson may run through The Elite following his AEW debut

Based on his debut, it might be a safe assumption that Bryan Danielson's first act as an AEW wrestler will be taking on The Elite. He could team up with Christian Cage and Jurrasic Express against the heels, or possibly go at them alone.

Danielson can run through all members of the faction, defeating The Young Bucks and The Good Brothers in singles matches. This would be a fun way to build the dream match between The American Dragon and Kenny Omega, with the AEW World Championship on the line.

We have seen Bryan Danielson battle those in charge of a wrestling company before. His feud against The Authority in 2014 remains one of the greatest storylines in WWE history. He thrives in scenarios like this and, with the talent involved, the in-ring work would be stellar.

Matches against Omega and Adam Cole sound particularly enticing. Bryan has unfinished business with the latter, who pinned him clean on an episode of SmackDown in November 2019. A match like that would be a smash hit on AEW Dynamite.

#4 Bryan Danielson can target Miro's TNT Championship

Bryan Danielson arrived in AEW having accomplished nearly everything possible in WWE. However, he did not get to have a proper reign as Intercontinental Champion and could not implement his vision for the belt. Bryan can do so with the TNT Championship and raise its prestige.

For that to happen, though, The American Dragon will need to slay the beast. Miro is near unstoppable at the moment and will want to keep the TNT Title for a long time. A clash between Bryan Danielson and 'God's Favorite Champion' is a mouth-watering 'David vs. Goliath' match-up.

#3 Bryan Danielson can help elevate talent on every AEW show

If Bryan Danielson becomes the TNT Champion, he may defend it every week. It could be on Dynamite, Rampage, Dark, or Dark Elevation. Multiple young stars will be elevated as a result. However, The American Dragon doesn't need a belt to give them the rub.

Bryan is already a massive star and has stated that he just wants to "wrestle". So why not get him in the ring every week? He can have weekly exhibitions against the entire AEW roster, improving everyone's stock in the process. Bryan Danielson may also put some of these youngsters over, like Darby Allin and Jungle Boy.

#2 Daniel Bryan can fulfill his New Japan desires

Bryan Danielson has made it no secret that he wants to wrestle wherever he can. His move to AEW opens that gate even more so than in WWE, who were willing to allow him to wrestle outside the company. The American Dragon has tons of dream matches he can have against the biggest stars in Japan.

Whether it happens sooner or later, Danielson has to go on an extended run in NJPW. Matches against Kazuchika Okada, Will Ospreay, and Tomohiro Ishii, among many others, sound like absolute treats. They are all made somewhat possible thanks to AEW opening the 'forbidden door.'

#1 Bryan Danielson vs. CM Punk – The biggest match in AEW history

Based on AEW's booking of monumental moments in quick succession, it would not be surprising to see Bryan Danielson take on CM Punk later in 2021. In fact, the two former WWE Champions could face each other at Full Gear on November 13th.

A match between AEW's two greatest signings would be the biggest in the promotion's history. Punk and Danielson have wrestled before, most notably during their 2012 feud in WWE. All of their matches were excellent, but their next one could surpass it based on the likely atmosphere.

AEW can book a storyline between CM Punk and Bryan Danielson in multiple different ways, all of which would lead to magic in the ring. It has to happen at some point, be it this year or beyond.

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