AEW Dynamite Results: CM Punk attacked, WWE Hall of Famer turns heel, Steel Cage chaos ends show

The Elite sent a strong message ahead of AEW All Out
The Elite sent a strong message ahead of AEW All Out

The go-home episode of AEW Dynamite ahead of All Out didn't disappoint. We got a stacked show, including an appearance from CM Punk, who was attacked by three AEW stars before hitting the GTS on television for the first time in seven years.

We also had a WWE Hall of Famer turning heel and taking out Paul Wight. The main event saw The Young Bucks teaming up with Gallows and Anderson to take on the Lucha Bros and Jurassic Express.

Read on for the full AEW Dynamite Results.

Santana and Ortiz vs. FTR kicked off AEW Dynamite

Dax Harwood and Santana started things off trading chops. Both members of FTR were soon out on the floor as Santana and Ortiz dived at them. Santana then caught both members of FTR with a cannonball.

Back in the ring, Wheeler tagged in as the legal man and was all over Ortiz. Cash Wheeler clutched his arm as he tossed Ortiz shoulder-first into the corner. Harwood tagged, and he inflicted more punishment by stomping on Ortiz's arm. He continued to work on it as Wheeler ripped one of the turnbuckle covers off.

Ortiz hit back with a boot, forcing Harwood to tag out. The Inner Circle member took Wheeler down with a clothesline and tagged Santana in.

Santana was all over Harwood and Wheeler, hitting both men with clotheslines. He then paid tribute to the late Eddie Guerrero, hitting Harwood with the three amigos followed by a Frog Splash for a nearfall.

Harwood rolled Ortiz up, but it wasn't enough to put him away. Dax then hit him with a brainbuster, but it was still just a nearfall.

Santana and Ortiz had the advantage after this, hitting Wheeler with a double suplex. Ortiz was tagged in as the legal man as Santana headed to the top rope. Harwood pushed The Inner Circle member off the top as Wheeler hit Ortiz with a Gory Special.

Harwood hit Ortiz with a superplex before FTR got the Big Rig. It looked over but Santana managed to break up the count.

Santana and Ortiz then hit back with a Lungblower/Thrust kick combo followed by a double suplex, which was enough to put Cash Wheeler away.

Result: Santana and Ortiz def. FTR

Grade: B-

Daniel Garcia sends a warning to Darby Allin ahead of AEW Rampage

Daniel Garcia was backstage with 2.0. They had a warning for Darby Allin ahead of his match against CM Punk at All Out. Garcia warned Allin that he wouldn't make it to All Out after he was done with the former AEW TNT Champion on Rampage.

CM Punk attacked during his promo on AEW Dynamite

CM Punk started off his segment on AEW Dynamite by asking the fans if they were sick of him yet. He added that he was nervous and scared ahead of his in-ring return against Darby Allin at AEW All Out, which would be his first match in seven years.

As Punk continued, he was attacked by 2.0 and Daniel Garcia. Punk was quickly outnumbered as Darby Allin's music hit, and he came down to the ring with Sting.

Darby quickly took Garcia out, sending him face-first into the ring post as Sting took out Matt Lee. Meanwhile, Punk was back on his feet, throwing rights and lefts at Jeff Parker.

CM Punk then hit Parker with the GTS as Sting laid out Matt Lee with the Scorpio Death Drop and Darby finished off Garcia with a Coffin Drop.

Punk and Darby then got in each other's faces as Sting took the mic. The Icon said he had always wanted to stand in the ring with CM Punk and added that it was great to see Punk hitting the GTS in front of his eyes.

Sting added that Darby Allin was ready and he would not be at ringside at AEW All Out.

Tony Schiavone interviews MJF ahead of AEW All Out

Up next on AEW Dynamite, we got a backstage interview with MJF, which had been recorded earlier in the day.

Tony Schiavone introduced MJF as one of the most despicable people he knew. The Pinnacle leader slammed Schiavone for the interview before addressing Chris Jericho, saying that the former AEW Champion's career was unparalleled, adding that he deserved to be on wrestling's Mount Rushmore. However, MJF said he would replace Jericho by the time his career was over.

MJF added that like Muhammad Ali, Jericho had come back one too many times even though his body was unable to keep up.

He added that beating Jericho three times had led to the Le Champion now putting his career on the line.

He also added that the same reason Jericho had put his career on the line, his craving for the spotlight, would be the same reason why the "music died."

Another dark promo from MJF, but it was incredible and a fantastic way to build to his match at AEW All Out this Sunday.

Orange Cassidy vs Jack Evans on AEW Dynamite

Orange Cassidy was in action next on AEW Dynamite against Jack Evans of the HFO.

Matt Hardy attacked Cassidy as soon as the latter entered the ring. This forced the referee to eject the leader of the HFO.

Jack Evans took advantage, pummeling Cassidy in the corner. Orange Cassidy hit back by sending Evans crashing out to ringside before hitting him with a dive.

Back in the ring, Orange Cassidy hit his patented lazy kicks before trading waistlocks with Jack Evans. Cassidy then headed to the top rope, but Evans met him on the top turnbuckle.

The HFO member maneuvered off the turnbuckle before coming back and hitting Cassidy with a German Suplex. It wasn't enough to put Orange away, but Evans followed up with a couple of running boots. Orange replied with a roll-up, and it was enough to put Jack Evans away.

Result: Orange Cassidy def. Jack Evans

Grade: B-

Jack Evans wasn't happy with the decision, and Matt Hardy ran out and blindsided Orange Cassidy. Matt Hardy went to lock in The Leech, but Best Friends came out. As Hardy stalled, the rest of the HFO came out and outnumbered them on AEW Dynamite.

As the HFO circled Orange Cassidy, Jurassic Express came out to save, forcing the Hardy and his crew to retreat.

Jim Ross interviews Chris Jericho inside the ring on AEW Dynamite

Jim Ross introduced Chris Jericho to address his match against MJF at AEW All Out this Sunday.

Jericho said that he started his main-event journey as a wrestler in Chicago, and it was JR who had recruited him. Jim Ross asked Jericho why he had selected the stipulation of putting his in-ring AEW career on the line at All Out.

Before Jericho answered it, he called MJF a "piece of s**t." Jericho said that there were many similarities between him and MJF, and the only difference was that the latter had three wins over him.

Jericho said that these losses were burned into his brain, and he needed to beat MJF. Le Champion added that he had been in AEW since day one more than two years ago, and now he was here on the 100th episode of Dynamite.

Jericho then said he needed to beat MJF because he didn't want his time inside the AEW ring to end.

Chris Jericho then added that MJF wouldn't take this away from him, and the only way he would do it was by breaking every bone in his body, adding that MJF didn't have the b***s to get rid of him.

Brian Cage vs. Powerhouse Hobbs on AEW Dynamite

Next up on AEW Dynamite was the grudge match between Powerhouse Hobbs and 'The Machine' Brian Cage.

Cage attacked Hobbs from behind as he made his way down to the ring. The match officially began after Cage rolled Hobbs into the ring.

A distraction from Hook gave Powerhouse the opening to take back control of the match. Hobbs and Cage went back and forth during the picture-in-picture ad break.

Neither man was in the mood to back down and hit eachother with everything they had.

Brian Cage hit a jumping knee strike back from the break, but Hobbs rolled out to the apron. Cage then hit a Deadlift Vertical Suplex back into the ring, and the crowd was behind him.

Hook then distracted the referee as Ricky Starks smashed Cage in the face with the FTW Championship on AEW Dynamite.

Hobbs then hit Brian Cage with the Town Business to pick up another big win. It looks like Cage could definitely use some backup.

Result: Powerhouse Hobbs def. Brian Cage

Grade: B

QT Marshall calls out Paul Wight ahead of AEW All Out, WWE Hall of Famer attacks Wight

Ahead of AEW All Out on Sunday, QT Marshall was in the ring with members of The Factory as he called out Paul Wight, imploring the WWE Legend to come down to the ring and meet him.

Wight obliged and was quickly swarmed by members of The Factory. However, Wight was just too powerful. He took out the members of The Factory single-handedly before Gunn Club came out to back him up.

QT tried to bring a steel chair into the ring, but Billy Gunn grabbed it, forcing him to back off.

As QT Marshall stared down Paul Wight, Billy Gunn hit the WWE Legend in the hip from behind with the steel chair.

Wight tried to get back to his feet, but Billy caught him in the head with another shot from the steel chair, almost bending it.

Gunn Club then left as QT, and The Factory regrouped. The Factory helped Paul Wight up as QT Marshall hit him with an assisted Diamond Cutter.

What kind of shape will Paul Wight be at AEW All Out after this vicious attack?

Dr. Britt Baker makes a big announcement ahead of AEW All Out

AEW Women's Champion Dr. Britt Baker was backstage with Jamie Hayter and Rebel for an interview with Tony Schiavone. Baker's big announcement was that she had signed a new long-term contract with AEW.

She added that Tony Khan had given her one concession and that she had asked for Rebel and Jamie Hayter to face Kris Statlander, her opponent at AEW All Out, on Rampage in a handicap match.

Both Jamie Hayter and Rebel will be in the Women's Casino Battle Royale at AEW All Out.

Tay Conti vs. Penelope Ford on AEW Dynamite

Tay Conti didn't have her trademark smile as she came down to the ring, clearly meaning business. She dived off the apron at Penelope Ford and The Bunny before quickly rolling Ford back into the ring to officially start the match.

Conti hit Ford with her spinning facebuster into her knee before hitting her patented pump kick. It wasn't enough to put Penelope away.

Conti then headed to the top rope, but Ford ran into them, causing Tay to lose her balance and crash down.

As the referee had her back turned, The Bunny laid into Conti from ringside. Ford took firm control as she booted Conti out to the apron. Ford then hit a knee drop out onto the apron, and that looked devastating.

Back from the commercial break, Ford was still in control. She went for a handspring elbow but missed. Conti tried to follow up with a pump kick but missed. Ford went for a running boot of her own, but Conti dodged it. Conti then headed to the top rope and hit a crossbody, following it up with a clothesline.

Conti then locked in a modified Calf Crusher, but Ford reached the bottom rope. Conti followed it up with a series of pump kicks in the corner, and Ford replied with a Gutbuster for a nearfall.

Conti replied with a rollup but only got a two-count. The Bunny tried to get involved from ringside, but Conti pushed Ford into her before rolling up her opponent for the three-count.

Result: Tay Conti def. Penelope Ford

Grade: B

Penelope Ford and The Bunny laid into Tay Conti after the match. Anna Jay's music hit as she made her return to save her BFF. Anna Jay will also be in the Women's Casino Battle Royal at AEW All Out.

Lucha Bros and Jurassic Express vs. The Young Bucks and The Good Brothers (AEW Dynamite main event)

The AEW World Tag Team Champions and The Good Brothers had Don Callis and Brandon Cutler with them as they came down to the ring on Dynamite.

Luchasaurus and Gallows started things off. Both men traded right hands and then strikes in the corner.

Luchasaurus got a massive vertical suplex, but Gallows hit back with a right hand and tagged out.

Nick Jackson tagged in and Fenix came in for the babyfaces. Both men quickly tagged in their brothers as the four men faced off in the middle of the ring on AEW Dynamite.

Gallows and Anderson attacked the Lucha Brothers from behind as we headed to the commercial break.

Jungle Boy tagged in during the ad break and was all over Matt Jackson. He was quickly outnumbered by the heels and tossed out of the ring. The Elite quickly isolated Jungle Boy in their corner and continued to wear him down while trading tags, keeping themselves as fresh as possible.

Jungle Boy looked to be in trouble and clearly had to tag out as soon as possible.

Lucha Bros and Jurassic Express vs. The Young Bucks and The Good Brothers (AEW Dynamite main event continued...)

Back from the ad break, Jungle Boy fought off all four members of The Elite before tagging in Fenix on AEW Dynamite. Fenix took on The Young Bucks and Karl Anderson before hitting Nick Jackson with an incredible arm drag.

Penta El Zero M tagged in, and he hit a dropkick from the top rope. Nick Jackson came in with a superkick to Penta, who hit back with one of his own. Penta and Nick Jackson then hit a superkick to Matt Jackson and Fenix, respectively, before taking each other out.

Luchasaurus came in as the legal man, taking out both Gallows and Anderson. He then tossed Nick Jackson over the top rope, taking out Matt Jackson and Gallows. Jungle Boy then took out all three men at ringside with a dive over the top rope. Meanwhile, inside the ring, Luchasaurus hit Anderson with a standing moonsault for the nearfall on AEW Dynamite.

Penta and Fenix looked to finish the match, but Brandon Cutler caught Fenix in the face with the spray again. Gallows and Anderson then hit Fenix with the Magic Killer, but Luchasaurus broke up the cover.

The Young Bucks then went for the BTE Trigger but ended up catching each other. Fenix hit a double cutter before going for a springboard, but The Young Bucks caught him in midair and hit the Meltzer Driver for the win on AEW Dynamite.

Result: The Young Bucks and The Good Brothers def. Lucha Bros and Jurassic Express

Grade: A

After the match, Kenny Omega came down to the ring and directed traffic as The Elite destroyed Lucha Bros and Jurassic Express. Christian Cage tried to make the save on AEW Dynamite, but the numbers game was just too much.

The cage descended as The Elite continued to destroy Lucha Bros and Christian Cage with kendo sticks. Frankie Kazarian and Dante Martin tried to come down to the ring to save, but the cage kept them out.

Both Penta and Fenix were handcuffed in opposite corners as Nick Jackson hit multiple superkicks. Omega and The Bucks then hit Christian Cage with a triple BTE Trigger to end this week's AEW Dynamite.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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