AEW Dynamite Results (November 11th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights 

He's back; What's MJF planning?
He's back; What's MJF planning?

It's the post-Full Gear show, and AEW Dynamite brought out a stellar night of wrestling for fans. MJF and Wardlow joined The Inner Circle, but would the group be willing to accept them?

AEW Champion Jon Moxley and new AEW Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks revealed what was next for them, and when they'd be putting their titles on the line. We also got one incredible hardcore brawl in the Bunkhouse Match featuring the Natural Nightmares and The Butcher and The Blade.

Taz kicked off AEW Dynamite, addressing the new AEW TNT Champion Darby Allin, claiming that if he comes near the ring during the next match, Team Taz will take him out. The same went for Cody Rhodes. Taz then went on to talk about the exciting, well respected Matt Sydal. In fact, Sydal holds a victory over Chris Jericho. Still, he won't have a chance against the FTW World Champion.

It's Speed vs Power to kick off AEW Dynamite tonight
It's Speed vs Power to kick off AEW Dynamite tonight

Brian Cage w/Team Taz vs Matt Sydal on AEW Dynamite

Brian Cage struggled to get his hands on Matt Sydal, as the man with the third eye tripped him up, sending him into the corner for a running dropkick. However, Cage recovered quickly, battering Sydal with clotheslines.

Cage dumped Sydal with an overhead belly-to-belly and followed up with a pair of backbreakers for a two-count. A vicious clothesline decapitated Sydal, nearly turning him inside out.

Cage curled Sydal several times before launching him overhead with a standing fallaway slam. Set up in the corner, Sydal was pelted with a series of strikes ending with a step-up enzuigiri. Still, Sydal avoided a German Suplex and countered a hurricanrana from The Machine with a powerbomb.

Sydal dove onto Cage on the ramp with a meteora. Back inside, Sydal looked to pick up a surprising victory on AEW Dynamite. Cage stood up before the Shooting Star Press, but was chopped down by Sydal. A swinging leg hooked fisherman suplex dropped Cage for a two-count. Sydal followed up with a series of kicks, and countered a discus lariat with a rolling savate.

However, Cage escaped a second fisherman and hit the big clothesline. As Cage took Sydal up for the Drill Claw, but it was countered with a dragonrana. Sydal nearly got the win there, and when he went up top, Cage caught him. The Drill Claw put him away in a fantastic opener on AEW Dynamite.

Results: Brian Cage defeated Matt Sydal via pinfall on AEW Dynamite.

Grade: A

Ricky Starks grabbed a mic and called out AEW TNT Champion Darby Allin. When it comes to the rankings, they don't matter. Team Taz will run through everyone they need to in order to get what they want.

Cody Rhodes addresses the fans on AEW Dynamite

What's next for Cody Rhodes?
What's next for Cody Rhodes?

Cody Rhodes came to the ring next on AEW Dynamite, thanking the fans in attendance for sticking around through the storm. He also congratulated Darby Allin on his big win at AEW Full Gear. As far as what was next, he wasn't looking for a rematch. He wanted to go after MJF.

When Rhodes turned around, a mysterious woman in red appeared. She revealed that her name was Jane Cargill, and she's the total package. She claimed that she'd been sitting on the sideline week after week studying her competition...and also Cody Rhodes. The American Nightmare claimed to be a giant, but she knows a real one.

Who was Cargill talking about? Who was the so-called "giant?" It turned out that it was Shaq. Before we could continue, Brandi Rhodes came to the stage to stand up for Cody. Cargill agreed to leave but slapped Brandi's butt first. As Cody was distracted, he was attacked by Team Taz. Brian Cage planted him with a powerbomb.

Darby Allin rushed the ring and took out Ricky Starks with a springboard Coffin Drop wearing a jacket covered in thumbtacks. Cody sent Cage to the corner, and Dary followed up with a running body splash on The Machine.

The former and current AEW TNT Champions stood tall against Team Taz, and Will Hobbs came in a little late for the assist. But what was that about Shaq? Will Shaquille O'Neal be coming to AEW Dynamite soon?

When will Jon Moxley defend against Kenny Omega?
When will Jon Moxley defend against Kenny Omega?

Fans got a huge announcement regarding the first AEW Dynamite of December. Alex Marvez spoke to AEW World Champion Jon Moxley about his match at Full Gear and his new No. 1 contender. Moxley said that, as far as Eddie Kingston, he wanted to say I quit, but he couldn't.

The AEW World Championship represented everyone struggling through life right now, and all the kids made fun of for being pro wrestling fans. His next challenge is Kenny Omega. Mox said he's already beaten him, and he'll beat The Best Bout Machine again. Mox will defend his title against Kenny Omega on AEW Dynamite on December 2nd.

Bunkhouse Match: The Butcher & The Blade w/The Bunny vs The Natural Nightmares on AEW Dynamite

QT Marshall faced off with Blade while Butcher looked to send Dustin Rhodes through a chair with a powerbomb. Dustin escaped, hitting the Final Reckoning on the steel instead, in a stunning initial few moments in AEW Dynamite's Bunkhouse Match.

The Natural Nightmares looked to follow up, but were blocked by The Bunny. Marshall and Rhodes set up a table, and Blade hit Marshall with a guitar. Rhodes sent Blade to the ring and brought in a bull rope. With the ropes wrapped around Blade, Rhodes looked to take Blade to school, but he was run over by Butcher with a chair.

QT struggled to get up, as blood poured from his face. Bunny handcuffed Rhodes to the ring post as AEW Dynamite went to break. Throughout the commercial, Butcher and Blade demolished Marshall as Dustin was forced to watch. A flapjack onto a ladder in the corner nearly knocked QT out, and they could've ended the match there. However, The Butcher and The Blade weren't finished.

Dustin Rhodes tried his best to reach his opponents, using a kendo stick to extend his reach. Eventually, Rhodes broke free of the cuffs, and took out Butcher and Blade, firing up just like his old man. A ladder hammered Blade, but Butcher knocked it out of his hands with a chair. They began clubbing one another with all kinds of weaponry around ringside as they moved towards another part of the arena.

QT managed to catch Butcher with some spray from a fire extinguisher, allowing Rhodes to send Butcher through some wood with a bulldog. Back in the ring, Blade and QT went to war. A big clothesline and a shot from a trash can lid left Blade discombobulated. Setting up a ladder, Marshall went to the very top for a massive elbow drop. 1-2-no, Blade kicked out.

At that time, Butcher and Rhodes made it to the ring. Rhodes planted Marshall with his classic snap powerslam. Butcher kicked out of Code Red from Rhodes, and Blade rocked the legendary son of a son of a plumber with a steel chain.

Bunny sent some chairs inside, and they hit Full Death on Rhodes through the steel. That would've been it had Marshall not broken up the pin. QT planted Butcher with a Diamond Cutter, but Blade caught him with a low blow. Bunny held QT in place for a chair shot, only for Marshall to avoid it. Bunny was sent through the table, and Rhodes rocked Blade with the cowbell. A Diamond Cutter from Marshall ended the first Bunkhouse Match on AEW Dynamite.

Results: The Natural Nightmares defeated The Butcher and The Blade via pinfall on AEW Dynamite.

Grade: B-

The Inner Circle is going to Vegas!
The Inner Circle is going to Vegas!

MJF joins The Inner Circle on AEW Dynamite

Justin Roberts revealed that it was time for the 2020 Inner Circle Induction Ceremony on AEW Dynamite. We got a special short hype package before the introduction of Le Champion, Chris Jericho.

The former AEW World Champion said that they weren't just bringing MJF into the fold, as Wardlow would be joining as well. The Inner Circle came in, sans Sammy Guevara. Jericho was worried about him but had to move on. The show must go on.

The new members of The Inner Circle were introduced. MJF and Wardlow are now officially part of The Inner Circle. MJF took to the podium to talk about his struggle to get here. Five hard years of work with a small loan of $1,000,000 from his father crafted him into the diamond of AEW Dynamite on Wednesday Nights.

MJF brought out a poem, claiming his "homies" in Proud and Powerful would appreciate it. Spoiler alert, they didn't. After all, he stole it from Drake. Ortiz was upset about MJF joining the group. Jericho knew that, and knew that Guevara hated it as well. However, he beat him at AEW Full Gear, so he's in. That's that.

MJF claimed that he didn't even know who Drake was before claiming that he'd started from the bottom, and now he's here. After that, he brought out a surprise birthday party for his leader Chris Jericho.

MJF handed out tickets to Vegas for all the members of The Inner Circle before leading the crowd in a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday" for the Demo God.

Scorpio Sky was brutalized by Shawn Spears
Scorpio Sky was brutalized by Shawn Spears

The Young Bucks were asked what was next for the new AEW Tag Team Champions. Matt and Nick Jackson apologized for kicking Alex Marvez in the face and said that they were looking for new competitors.

On AEW Dynamite next week, Top Flight will face The Young Bucks.

Shawn Spears w/Tully Blanchard vs Scorpio Sky on AEW Dynamite

Scorpio Sky looked to bring Shawn Spears' impressive winning streak to 15-3 tonight. Though he and Scorpio Sky haven't been seen that much on AEW Dynamite as of late, they've been racking up a lot of wins on AEW Dark on Tuesday nights.

Scorpio pelted Spears with punches and cross chops, sending him to the floor for more punishment. Sky bit Spears' ear and laid him out with a clothesline. During the break, Spears took over. In the ring, Spears brought Sky to the mat for some good old fashioned ground and pound offense.

Sky moved up for a missile dropkick, but Spears dodged. As Spears went for C-4, Spears escaped his grasp, sending him to the floor for a slingshot crossbody. Back inside, a slingshot cutter dropped Spears for a two-count. Spears turned things around with a sidewalk slam on the steel steps.

Spears lost control and was trapped in a Sharpshooter. As he crawled to the ropes, Tully Blanchard slipped Spears a slug. He threw a second one to Scorpio Sky, which distracted him, allowing Spears to knock him out cold.

Results: Shawn Spears defeated Scorpio Sky via pinfall on AEW Dynamite.

Grade: B-

By the time the ref checked Spears again, the slug was nowhere to be found.

Backstage, we were going to get an interview with Kenny Omega, but the No. 1 contender to the AEW World Championship actually left AEW Dynamite. Alex Marvez caught him just in time before he left the parking lot. Omega said that he's been an afterthought for a while, but not much longer.

Omega knows he should be the face of AEW, and on AEW Dynamite on December 2nd, The Cleaner returns. As far as their match last year, it's not on the records, so as far as he's concerned, they're 0-0 against one another.

Why was Sammy Guevara not at the 2020 Inner Circle Induction Ceremony?
Why was Sammy Guevara not at the 2020 Inner Circle Induction Ceremony?

Tay Conti w/Anna Jay vs Red Velvet w/Brandi Rhodes on AEW Dynamite

Tay Conti and Red Velvet traded pinfalls and arm drags, leading to a bit of a stalemate. Velvet caught Conti with a leg lariat and standing moonsault on AEW Dynamite. Conti kicked out, but just barely.

Conti battered Velvet with a few shots before dumping her repeatedly on her head with judo tosses. A heel kick to the back of the head nearly knocked Velvet unconscious. A urinage slam planted Velvet as the show moved into the commercial break.

When we returned, some heavy kicks rocked Conti, setting her up for a stunner. Conti and Velvet threw roundhouses, taking one another out. With referee Aubrey Edwards checking on Velvet, Anna Jay slid a chair in for Conti.

Conti kicked it out, refusing to cheat. Turns out that she didn't need it. The Pump kick set up a Gory Special into a knee for the win.

Results: Tay Conti defeated Red Velvet via pinfall on AEW Dynamite.

Grade: C

Alex Marvez was with The Inner Circle, who were excited to head to Las Vegas via first class. Sammy Guevara showed up, claiming that MJF sent him an email saying to meet the group at the beach. The rest of The Inner Circle got another email telling them to show up at AEW Dynamite instead.

Chris Jericho said it was okay, and that Guevara was coming to Vegas with them next week. MJF handed Guevara a ticket, reminding him that it was all on him.

Next week on AEW Dynamite, Kip Sabian will take on Orange Cassidy. We'll also get two tag team matches, as the AEW Tag Titles will be on the line as stated before. However, AEW TNT Champion Darby Allin and Cody Rhodes will face Team Taz in a tag match as well.

Things got personal on the AEW Dynamite main event between the Lucha Bros
Things got personal on the AEW Dynamite main event between the Lucha Bros

Eddie Kingston showed up on AEW Dynamite to address his loss last weekend. At Full Gear, Kingston quit, and it's something he has to deal with. However, just because he quit then, it doesn't mean he's giving up on his dream of becoming AEW World Champion.

Rey Fenix vs Penta El Zero M on AEW Dynamite

The Lucha Bros traded kicks, rocking each other with some heavy blows. Eddie Kingston, on commentary, claimed that his best friend Penta El Zero M was the better of the two.

Fenix caught his brother in a victory roll for a two-count. The fight for a quick pin raged on for several minutes before Penta was sent to the floor. Fenix's dive was stopped as Penta rolled back in and launched him overhead to the floor.

However, Fenix stopped Penta's dive with a slingshot dropkick. Penta responded with a standing Texas Cloverleaf. He tore at Fenix's mask, nearly revealing his face. A superkick almost sent Fenix's head into the crowd, and left him in a heap.

During the final break for AEW Dynamite, Penta took Fenix to the floor, sending him careening head-first into the ring post. Back in the ring, a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker left Fenix struggling to get to his feet.

Back from the break, Fenix had recovered and began lighting up his brother. A series of kicks rocked Penta, and a double jump springboard hurricanrana earned Fenix a nearfall. A handspring cutter dropped Penta for another close call.

For Fenix, turnabout is fair play, and he tore at Penta's mask. They both held onto their masks, trading right hands and headbutts. Penta countered another high-flying maneuver with a flip reverse DDT. Fenix kicked out at two.

Fenix countered another one with a mid-air head scissors, sending Penta to the floor for a tope corkscrew crossbody. Back inside, a double jump diving senton bomb gave Fenix yet another two-count in this excellent AEW Dynamite main event.

Penta brought Fenix to the apron for the Penta Driver. Following a superkick, he connected, spiking his younger brother. Even Eddie Kingston agreed that was a bit too much. On the floor, Penta hit a Canadian Destroyer, landing Fenix on his head once again.

The Penta Driver in the ring finished Fenix for the win.

Results: Penta El Zero M defeated Fenix via pinfall on AEW Dynamite.

Grade: A+

After an exceptional AEW Dynamite main event, Eddie Kingston came to the ring to celebrate his best friend Penta El Zero M. He kicked Fenix to the floor, telling Penta that he was dead weight.

However, he was interrupted by PAC. He called Kingston a scumbag and a mistake, but before he could take on Kingston, was held back by AEW officials. Next week on AEW Dynamite, PAC returns to the ring to take on one of the members of Eddie Kingston's Family, The Blade.

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