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  • Was Naruto inspired by Hunter x Hunter? The answer to the burning question
Both protagonists as shown in their respective anime (Image via Sportskeeda)

Was Naruto inspired by Hunter x Hunter? The answer to the burning question

Both Naruto and Hunter x Hunter are established anime that have redefined the shounen genre for generations to come. Both consist of numerous arcs that set up the story for their protagonists and others around them in a gruesome but satisfying way.

While Naruto progresses through comradeship and hope, Hunter x Hunter goes down the path of rage and despair.


However, since these two shows are some of the most popular ones in the genre, it is common for the audience to notice a few similarities. This further raises the question: Was Naruto inspired by Hunter x Hunter or was it the other way around?

The influence of Togashi sensei's Hunter x Hunter on Naruto's author, Masashi Kishimoto


Before starting things off, one must clear out the confusion of one story being copied from the other. The serialization of the Hunter x Hunter manga started way back in 1998, whereas Naruto began in 1999. The confusion here starts with Kishimoto's one-shot in 1997, which has little to no link to the original plot.

Kishimoto sensei is on excellent terms with Yoshihiro Togashi, author of Hunter x Hunter. In one interview, the former even confirmed that he took inspiration from Togashi's work as he considers the creator his favourite mangaka.

Heie from Yu Yu Hakusho, Kishimoto's favorite character (Image via Sportskeeda)

In an interview back in 2009, Kishimoto sensei claimed that the Kagebunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone technique) was significantly inspired by Suzaku's approach from Yu Yu Hakusho. He thought the idea of having after images being authentic was innovative.

Kishimoto also claimed to have learned a great deal about expressions during power reveals. When the serialization of Naruto started, he took inspiration from Togashi sensei's Hunter x Hunter, especially when it came to facial expressions.

Apart from these, Hunter x Hunter has also inspired plenty of minor aspects in Naruto.


To mention some, both the stories start with a gruesome exam that tests the patience of the main characters, where only the strongest will emerge victoriously. Hunter x Hunter introduced everyone to the main characters in the Hunter exam arc, while Naruto introduced numerous characters in the Chunin exam arc.

Killua and Sasuke as shown in the anime (Image via Sportskeeda)

Both the stories introduce the audience to their first antagonists, who are weirdly obsessed with kids carrying immense potential. Orochimaru and Hisoka from their respective series hold tremendous power compared to a starting arc in an anime.

Hisoka and Orochimaru as shown in the anime (Image via Sportskeeda)

Initially, the stories also introduced a sadistic older brother character, both of whom had a twisted love for the deuteragonist younger brothers.


Killua comes from a long line of assassins, with Illumi being the older brother. On the other hand, Sasuke comes from a family of curses, with Itachi being the older brother.

Sibling relationship as shown in both the anime (Image via Sportskeeda)

To sum up, Togashi sensei has always been an inspiration for Masashi Kishimoto, leading the latter to take references from Hunter x Hunter in several departments. While it is not a complete ripoff, one might say it's a form of flattery.

This is similar to how Togashi used the cell as a baseline for Mereum's (Hunter x Hunter's antagonist) development and paid homage to Toriyama sensei (Dragon Ball author) by giving a direct design.

Edited by
Abu Amjad Khan
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