Massive Hecarim nerfs might be on the way as Riot outlines champion updates in League of Legends patch 11.9 preview

Hecarim nerfs are coming in League of Legends patch 11.9 (Image via Riot Games)
Hecarim nerfs are coming in League of Legends patch 11.9 (Image via Riot Games)

It’s almost been a week since League of Legends patch 11.8 was out on the live servers, and the devs have already released a preview of the upcoming update.

League of Legends patch 11.9 is set to be a big one. Gameplay design director Mark “Scruffy” Yetter recently highlighted a significant number of nerfs and buffs coming to the champion pool with the new update.

In a tweet, Yetter announced that at least 19 champions will be receiving tweaks to their kit in 11.9.

The jungle role will also be in the spotlight again, and champions like Diana, Morgana and Hecarim will be on the nerf list this time around.

In patch 11.8, the League of Legends devs introduced significant buffs to both Morgana and Diana in the jungle. They will be toning that down a bit but in a way that does not hamper their capabilities in any of the other lanes.

While these jungle champions are getting nerfed, Trundle, Kindred and Kayne (Rhaast) will be receiving a boost to their jungle presence in League of Legends patch 11.9.

Champion changes outlined in League of Legends patch 11.9 preview

League of Legends champion nerfs:

  • Hecarim
  • Morgana
  • Diana
  • Dr. Mundo
  • Rumble
  • Vladimir
  • Jinx (bug fix nerf)
  • Gragas
  • Heimerdinger
  • Garen

AP Gragas in the top lane has been one of the most difficult champions to deal with in the current League of Legends meta.

With high damage output, lane sustain and innate tankiness, Gragas has been one of the most sought-after picks in the top lane by professional League of Legends players across all regions.


Hence, Gragas getting his name added to the nerf list in patch 11.9 shouldn’t really come as a surprise.

The Hecarim nerfs were something that the devs had talked about previously. As he still boasts an insanely high pick rate in both pro play and standard matchmaking, a nerf to his kit and his core mythic, Turbo Chemtank, might just be the solution to tone him down a notch.

League of Legends champion buffs:

  • Kindred
  • Shen
  • Xerath
  • Kog’Maw
  • Taric
  • Lulu
  • Trundle
  • Kayne (Rhaast)
  • Sett

Kindred, Trundle and Kayne (Rhaast) have fallen off considerably in pick rate ever since the start of season 11.

Rhaast, in particular, has been hit quite hard with the new item updates in patch 10.23. While Kayne’s blue Shadow Assassin form has gained a lot of power with the lethality mythics, Rhasst has been struggling for quite some time now, and a buff in patch 11.9 might just be the thing that helps him out.

League of Legends patch 11.9 is scheduled to hit the live servers on April 28, with Mid-Season Invitational 2021 to follow on May 6.