5 possible destinations for Marouane Fellaini

Chelsea v Manchester United - Premier League
Marouane Fellaini is seeking a final destination to settle.

The human wrecking ball needs a home. After bundling around as a reserve or as a demolitions expert when needed for Manchester United for the past few years, Marouane Fellaini is seeking a final destination to settle as he enters his thirties.

While many have lauded the big Belgian in the past, that’s not stopped a number of big clubs being linked with his signature and there are a fair few options out there, especially with just six months left on his current deal.

Here are five destinations for the afro-haired maestro to seek in the near future.

#5 Besiktas

Besiktas Fans Celebrate First Game At New Vodafone Arena
Fellaini will add an extra dimension to an already good team.

The club that’s predominantly linked with a move, maybe it’s time for another player to be phoned up by the Black Eagles.

Besiktas have jumped a huge hurdle for Turkish sides in recent seasons by making the knockout rounds of the Champions League as their ambitious project continues to grow. Having secured a number of big names in the summer, including Pepe and Ricardo Quaresma, Fellaini will add an extra dimension to an already good team.

His ability to mix things up in the fiery Istanbul derbies won’t hurt him and the fact he can give them some added height and strength can only be a good thing. In a team that maybe need another body in midfield, with Atiba Hutchinson not getting any younger, he could be a really valuable asset to the Vodafone Arena.

Although, he might want to invest in some earplugs because it does get a little loud.

#4 China

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Almost a retirement home!

While it might have resulted in a big payday a few years ago, a move to China now is the go-to move for middle-of-the-line footballers looking for a solid paycheck in a relatively quality-deprived league.

Who can argue with them? Some see it as money-grabbing but with a career so finite, why not set you and your family up forever by lazing it in China. In fact, his Belgian double Axel Witsel is already pulling up trees over there, he could even be his doppelganger if needs must.

Some see it as almost a retirement home and at this point in his career, no one should blame Fellaini for chasing the money if the opportunity arises. A number of clubs will see him not only as a quality addition but an easy marketing tool for their fanbase as well.

#3 West Ham United

Tottenham Hotspur v West Ham United - Premier League
Marouane Fellaini is a solid defensive midfielder.

The Hammers are crying out for a midfielder. It’s been a position of weakness for a few seasons now but it’s clear for all to see that there’s just not enough quality in the middle of the park for West Ham to truly believe they can completely pull away from any relegation fears.

This is where Marouane Fellaini should step in. He’s a solid defensive midfielder, having even stated in the past that is his preferred position and David Moyes knows exactly what he would be getting, having signed him twice in the past.

If anything, imagine the attacking tandem that could be created with him and Andy Carroll when the club needs a goal. Twin titans blowing the doors off defences will be a sight to see for some, others might not be so willing to enjoy the mayhem that pair could do in the final moments.

Alas, it might not be the West Ham way but wouldn’t it bring something a little different to a team lost in the murky waters of mediocrity?

#2 Manchester United

Everton v Manchester United - Premier League
Why not stay where he is?

He’s never going to be a starter for the team and his position might be weakened should others come in during the summer, but why not stay where he is?

Jose Mourinho clearly likes him and he has improved under the Portuguese boss, becoming more effective as a midfielder rather than simply a battering ram used to hammer down opponents. Injuries have played their part but honestly, he was the most admirable replacement for Paul Pogba after his own fitness issues during the first half of the season.

Not only that, he allows United to play in a different way if they need to. Need an extra defensive midfielder? An annoyance who can play up top as well? He has a surprising dynamism that is absolutely crucial in the modern game to mix things up a little.

Sometimes you don’t really know what you’ve got until it’s gone. That’s not to say the club should beg him to stay but if they can sensibly do it within budget, it’s not the worst idea in the world.

#1 Paris Saint-Germain

Paris Saint-Germain v Celtic FC - UEFA Champions League
PSG still have some interest in the Belgian.

Seriously. It’s even been in French reports, too.

One of the richest clubs in the world forked out a lot of dollar on attacking players in the summer but forgot they had a pretty big hole in the middle of the pitch. With Thiago Motta spending some time on the sidelines, PSG have realised they have no defensive midfielders to fill that void.

They scoured the market and while it looks like Lassana Diarra might be drafted in soon, they still have some interest in the Belgian as well. His ability to disrupt opposition and offer them a change in style might just be enough to convince them.

The blocks in the road for January will be their need to sell and the fact he’s cup-tied for the Champions League but an extra body for the league and cups certainly won’t go amiss on a squad looking to win it all.

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