5 steps Barcelona must take to recover from the Lionel Messi situation

Lionel Messi could be leaving FC Barcelona after 20 years
Lionel Messi could be leaving FC Barcelona after 20 years

The inevitable is happening. Lionel Messi and FC Barcelona are splitting. A marriage of 20 years has been on the rocks for the last few months, and now Messi is ready to call it quits.

While FC Barcelona is clawing and scrambling to find some way back into Messi's heart, they also need to think about a future without the Argentine superstar.

We look at 5 things Barcelona need to do to recover from this tricky situation:

#1 Reach a compromise with Lionel Messi, fast

Lionel Messi's non-arrival at the fitness camp for the new season vanquished any lingering doubts in the minds of hopeful Barcelona fans who thought he might stay. Still, rumors are going around that the board hopes for Messi to stay, but at the same time, they are negotiating with Messi over a move to Manchester City. So which one is true?

FC Barcelona's president, Josep Bartomeu has been quiet about this. Bartomeu had no problem running his mouth about which players are expendable in his team. But now he is keeping his mouth shut as FC Barcelona and Messi are being used by hungry tabloid writers to create rumors out of thin air.

So whatever it is, do it fast FC Barcelona. Lets us get this over with. Sell him for a fee or not. Make him stay for another year. Whatever it is, FC Barcelona needs to find a middle ground and do it without causing a mess.

Lionel Messi has given enough for this club so they should respect his wish. But at the same time, they should do not forget this is a club with hundreds of employees that needs money to run. So Barcelona should negotiate a fee that is reasonable and not out of this world.

#2 Barcelona should ensure Bartomeu steps down

Barcelona President - Josep Maria Bartomeu
Barcelona President - Josep Maria Bartomeu

Bartomeu is like a movie villain who throws whoever is beside him in front of the hero just to escape. First, it was Quique Setién, then Eric Abidal. Then he suggested he will sacrifice many of Barcelona's current squad, just to please Lionel Messi. The last statement alone makes it clear that he is not fit to lead this club. No president of any club should say what he said.

Furthermore, his shady dealing in the past with Neymar's transfer from Santos to Barca should also be reason enough for him to step down. But he won't. Like a stubborn child, he clings on to the chair of the president. He remains adamant, stating that he still is the right man to lead a club like Barcelona, even after repeated blunders.

So it is time to bring in a no-confidence vote against him and kick him out, whether Lionel Messi stays or not. He has disgraced Barcelona enough.

#3 Lower expectations

La Liga should be the top priority for FC Barcelona, not the Champions League
La Liga should be the top priority for FC Barcelona, not the Champions League

Whether Lionel Messi stays or not, La Liga and Copa del Rey should be Barcelona's main objective next season. Barcelona should forget that the Champions League exists for at least two seasons. That's how long it will take for them to at least seriously challenge for it once again.

The truth is that Messi's obsession with the Champions League has shifted Barcelona's focus from the most important title for the Catalans, La Liga. Yes, winning seven out of ten in the last decade may have taken the shine off the trophy. But that does not mean it should be taken for granted. The humiliation of Bayern could have been a softer blow had Barcelona won the La Liga title.

Just look at Bayern. They were 4th when Hansi Flick took over. They then marched to the title and that momentum is what they carried into the Champions League. If you cannot beat the teams in your own league, how are you supposed to stand a chance against the champions of other leagues?

Barcelona needs to start dominating the La Liga once again. Just like they did during Pep Guardiola's era. Only then can they even dream about winning the Champions League title once again.

#4 Tactical overhaul at Barcelona

Time may have come for Bartemou's "Expendables" to step aside
Time may have come for Bartemou's "Expendables" to step aside

There is a sad truth in Bartemou's Expendables. Though players like Busquets, Alba, Pique, and Suarez are legends of the club, they have lost their form in the last few seasons. They are all above 30 now, and in footballing terms that is old age. Only Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo defy that rule. So, hurtful as it is to say this, they need to step aside for younger players.

But just personnel changes wouldn't do it. Barcelona's problems started way before the aforementioned players losing their form. The high press nature of Barcelona has come to bite them in the back (literally) many times. How many times has Barca been left thin at the back by a diagonal ball across the field? How many times have speedy players (like Alphonso Davies) turned Barcelona's wingbacks inside out and fed the ball to the middle for a goal?

The key to playing high press is keeping the ball at all times. And if you lose possession, you must win it back almost immediately. If you even give five seconds, top teams will punish you.

While this sort of football is generally attacking, without the lack of a strong defense, it will crumble. When the wingbacks go marauding down the last third, you need to make sure that ample cover is given in case they lose the ball. You cannot expect the wingbacks to come running back to defend as soon as the ball is lost.

The best tactic though, is to find one that suits the players you have. High press and attacking football needs high stamina and concentration. If the players cannot do it, find a tactic that suits them. There is no Barcelona way. No use of Cruyffismo if the players cannot follow it. No use of beautiful football if that brings results like 8-2. Barcelona has been playing all style no substance football. That is not the Barca way.

#5 Do NOT replace Lionel Messi

Philippe Coutinho may not replace Messi, but he can become the player he was at Liverpool
Philippe Coutinho may not replace Messi, but he can become the player he was at Liverpool

This is the most important step. Lionel Messi may leave, and Barcelona may get a lot of money. Money enough that people like Bartemou may think they can buy any player in the world to replace Messi (looking squarely at you Neymar). But here is the thing, Lionel Messi is one of a kind, and replacing him is impossible.

In fact, that is true with every football player. Barcelona tried to "replace" Neymar, and in the end, wasted all that money in players who were just not ready. Dembele, Coutinho, and Griezmann are all good players but they just aren't Neymar. It has nothing to do with talent. They all just have different styles.

Instead of using the money to "replace" Lionel Messi, use it to strengthen other areas of the squad. A striker is essential even with Suarez and Griezmann. Bring in a good right-back and left-back who will actually start games. Barcelona had a certain Cucurella in their squad, a perfect successor to Alba. Even after he proved himself at Getafe, Barcelona chose to sell him. A worthy backup to Ter Stegen is also required, so that he feels the heat next time he misplaces a pass.

Keeping Coutinho can help Barcelona. Yes he flopped for two seasons. But in Messi's absence, he can be the playmaker he was at Liverpool. If you pay over $100 million for a player, you need to use him properly. He should be starting along with De Jong and Pjanic. If the board cannot remove the itch of selling Coutinho and successfully find him a newclub, then start Riqui Puig. He is a gem and one that has the potential to terrorize defences in the future; if handled well.

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