#41. Deep Side Part with High Fade Sides
The deep side part which is made using razors makes the distinction between the different levels of hair. While the sides are short and highly faded, Ronaldo keeps the top long and wavy as usual.
#42. Curly and Wavy
This is Cristiano Ronaldo’s hair at its natural best. The curly form and the waves are both retained giving Ronaldo a look to die for. The curls are left long on the top, the sides are cut slightly to give it that wave like appeal.
#43. Classic Slick Back
Ronaldo goes Italian in this look which is fairly simple and is perfect for formal occasions. All one has to do is cut the hair to medium length, apply lot of hair products and then neatly comb it to the back. Your classic slick back is ready which Robert De Niro would be proud of.
#44. Curly Mullet
The mullet shape is achieved by Ronaldo by keeping the hair at neck length and the crown hair curly. It combines the two popular faux hawk techniques and Ronaldo pulls it off with panache.
#45. Side Cut Razor Parting
Ronaldo has experimented with the side cut more often in his Real Madrid days. This variation has a deep side cut with a razor and is coupled with two small razor cuts on the faded side to strike a contrast between the thick parted hair and the sides which is relatively short.