Argentine World Cup legend Diego Maradona will be offering his analysis and opinions on the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil for Venezuelan TV station Telesur.
“It will be political football,” Maradona said. “That’s what I like. I’ve just signed the most exciting contract of my career.”
“This is how the Commandante [late Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez] would have wanted it. From here I say to Venezuelans that we are watching all the lies being told and created by the imperialists. I am willing to become a soldier of Venezuela for whatever lies ahead, because the truth is that these gentlemen, if that can be said of them, already sicken me,” Maradona also spoke out over the recent protests in Venezuela.
Maradona will be co-hosting the show with renowned journalist Victor Hugo Morales.
“We will have with Diego an analysis programme and it will be a show that mixes the game with politics,” told Morales. “I will be behind whatever Diego does. When they told me about the money I would make I said it seemed great. I believe that when Diego learned what I was going to earn he said he could not work with someone who makes so much less than him, so that was how Diego himself raised my salary.”