The All India Football Federation has confirmed that the national team will play an international friendly match against Philippines on November 15 at home. The venue for the same will be finalised in the coming days as both Delhi and Chennai are in the reckoning.
Wim Koevermans’ men, who had their last assignment in Nepal wherein they finished as runners-up at the SAFF Championship 2013 as they lost the finals to Afghanistan, will look to bounce back and put up a good show against a team who are ranked 141st in the FIFA rankings, 14 ranks above India who remain at 155 after the latest standings were released in September 2013.
The two teams have face off four times in past with the Blue Tigers having won two and their Asian counterparts having one victory to their name, while one game ended in a draw.
The last time the two teams met was at the AFC Challenge Cup in Kathmandu in March, 2012 where Philippines rode on Phillip James Younghusband’s brace to win the match 2-0.