Fortnite pros hate Trios gamemode, and with good reason

Trios are having a tough time in the professional Fortnite scene (Image via Twitter/PandaPeaStudios)
Trios are having a tough time in the professional Fortnite scene (Image via Twitter/PandaPeaStudios)

Trios gamemode has been a part of Fortnite for as long as loopers can remember. However, in recent years, the mode has started getting more attention due to minor in-game Cash Cups. Although the competition is tougher in these games, that is far from the issue currently plaguing the professional scene.

According to many pros, the Trios gamemode is completely broken. While a few specific weapons have always been the culprit in most instances, this time around, the problem revolves around a simple yet effective healing item - Chug Splashes.


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Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 Trios Pgod Cup go "brrr" due to Chug Splashes

Chug Splashes got unvaulted in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8. Ever since then, they have provided some quick healing in-game. With the ability to restore 20 shields and/or HP, this utility item is a godsent.


Obtaining this item in duos, trios, or squad matches is beneficial for players, as they can heal their entire team with ease. However, given how easily the item can be obtained from Coolers found across the island, professional players have started spamming it to gain the upper hand.

Fortnite content creator Aussie Antics elaborated:

"Right now, the meta does not fit trios. We've never seen a trio-meta with Coolers. I imagine if trios do become meta, Epic Games will either take Coolers out or not have as many of them in one POI - like we currently have in the mid-map."

While this may seem like an exaggeration, the area surrounding Loot Lake has about 20 Coolers in close proximity to each other. Thus, a well-coordinated trio team could easily collect all the Chug Splashes in under five minutes.

Concentration of Coolers on the map (Image via Fortnite.GG)
Concentration of Coolers on the map (Image via Fortnite.GG)

Coolers have been the most overpowered utility item since the start of Fortnite Chapter 3. In Season 1, Chonker's Speedway was notorious for players landing there in a bid to find Chug Splashes and gain an early-game advantage. Aussie Antics continued:

"Nevertheless, it does go to show that it is one of the main issues trios are facing at the moment. It's already OP for duos, but when you can your trio just splash their health up as they run around it's just a bit broken."

To put things into perspective, one trio carried a combined total of 48 Chug Splashes. When used, that is a grand total of 960 HP/shields. Since they have an AOE effect, all members of the team benefit from just one Chug Splash.


Such a vast amount of healing can easily break the game and cause unfair advantages. Here is what a few pros and fellow loopers had to say about the tournament:

The prize pool is too shallow

Chug Splashes are not the only problem plaguing the Pgod Cup. For a prize money of $600, which was split three ways, players had to play in the tournament for six hours. Given that other cash cups offer significantly more for the same amount of effort, the prize pool seems insignificant.

Aussie Antics opined:

"If Epic is going to run these tournaments in the future, they just need to run them as a one-round cash cup tournament. It took too long and wasn't worth the prize pool. Now, I know $600 is not a small amount of money, but for pros who usually play for hundreds of thousands of dollars - it puts things into perspective."

Hopefully, Epic Games fixes things in Chapter 3 Season 4 by limiting the number of Coolers on the island and increasing the prize pool of the Trio Cash Cups. With the developers looking to make Fortnite a larger name in the professional esports scene, things need to change soon.

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