National Cricket Team Captain Parash Khadka and Karate Star Ganga Devi Adhikari were declared the Player of the Year in the Men’s and Women’s category of the Pulsar Sports Award 2013 organized by Nepal Sports Journalist Forum to mark the World Sports Journalists Day here at Kathmandu, Nepal.
Pulsar Sports Award 2013 is the one and only sports awards in Nepal which is organized by Nepal Sports Journalists Forum annually to mark the World Sports Journalists Day.
Winners of the other categories are
- Best Para-Athlete of the Year: Bikram Bahadur Rana of Nepal Army
- Special Award: Pawan Ghimire of Nepal Blind Cricket Association
- Coach of the Year: Pubudu Bathiya Dassanayake (Nepal National Cricket Coach)
- Youth Player of the year: Chahana Bonjom (Wushu)
The male, female and popular players of the year award winners received Pulsar motorcycles each while young player of the year, coach of the year, lifetime achievement award, special and para-athletics winners got Rs. 50,000 each.