You’ll wonder after seeing all these videos that where was she all this while. We are happy she came to the fore and call this a late Christmas present from us. You’ll know why after you see some of her phenomenal work below.
Tania Tare is a professional golfer from New Zealand who graduated from Florida International School in 2013. We don’t know how good she is as a professional but she is a game-changer as far as trick shots go. Keep watching until you have had enough which I’m not sure about:
Most of us decorate our Christmas trees with a star or an angel on top but this trick shot artist decided to do it her own way. Here’s “Flip-cup” with Christmas:
This is as Christmassy as a trick shot can get. Hoping that you have spent your Christmas with your loved ones and been treated to fun and food. This is an extra Christmas present for those who are feeling the post-Christmas blues and cannot wait for the new year to come sooner.
This girl has exceptional skills. To balance yourself on that ball and do the “Flip-Cup” is out of this world:
A few weeks ago, we showed you a trick shot that we claimed to be the hardest. Well, here’s Tania one-upping the Utah based, Taylor Laybourne in her own spectacular version of the flip shot:
Is there anything she cannot do? Watch her do some never seen before moves and yes, you guessed it right, find the cup!
Another version of the “Flip-cup”:
There’s more, here’s an amazing cross-bar challenge. This is just getting out of hands now: