5 Best Oblique Exercises for Women for Stronger Core

Want to get stronger abs? Try these home-based five best oblique exercises. (Image via Pexels /Annushka Ahuja)
Home-based best oblique exercises (Image via Pexels/Annushka Ahuja)

While you work on getting a sculpted core, most of us tend to forget the most crucial muscles - obliques.

These are the muscles either side of the eight-pack. When we exercise them, they become stronger and more visible. Oblique exercises can help you achieve that coveted hourglass shape.

Crunches and Other Best Oblique Exercises for Women

Here are the top five exercises for women who want not just a six-pack but a strong core for staying healthy boost your overall well-being:

1) Bicycle Crunch

It's an effective and useful exercise, targeting not only the usual abs but also the obliques.

The bicycle crunch strengthens the core. It's an easy oblique exercise you can do anywhere. Use it as part of your core strengthening workout, or add it to any full body workout.


How to do it?

  • You can do this exercise by lying on your back and slightly lifting your right leg straight out in front of you.
  • Bring your left leg in toward your chest, and place your hands behind your head.
  • Bring your right elbow to meet your left knee; switch and bring your left elbow to meet your right knee.
  • Each rotation is counted as one rep. Repeat till you complete your set.

2) Windshield Wiper

It's a unique ab exercise that combines the benefits of stability training with range of motion. It also requires serious strength and control in the obliques.


How to do it?

  • Lie on your back with your knees at a 90-degree angle, with hands out wide or beside you to anchor yourself.
  • Move your knees towards the right such that they are almost touching the floor.
  • Lower them till you feel yourself struggling; return to neutral before repeating on the other side.

3) Russian Twist

Russian twists strengthen the core and the muscles that wrap around the spine. They also boost balance and build stability in the spine, which is important for injury prevention.


How to do it?

  • Sit up tall on your mat, with your knees up and heels off the floor.
  • Lift your torso to one side by rotating it, and touch the floor with both hands.
  • Do that as many times as you can till you’ve completed your set.
  • For an added challenge, grab a dumbbell or medicine ball, and hold it in your hands while you rotate to each side.
  • If you have trouble balancing on your feet, try planting them firmly on the ground.

4) Side Plank

Side planks work the obliques - the two layers of muscles along the sides of the core. The obliques help you bend and rotate your trunk and protect the spine. Abdominal exercises like crunches and planks can also help build six-pack abs.


How to do it?

  • Lie on your right side with your elbow directly beneath your shoulder.
  • Stack your legs on top of each other, and lift your hips up, keeping the chest open.
  • Your left arm can be straight or rest on your hip. Hold for 5-10 breaths, and switch sides.
  • To modify the pose, you can place your top leg on the ground in front of or behind you for added support.
  • Bend your knees to about 90 degrees before lifting off the floor to ensure you don't use much of your bodyweight.

5) Bird Dog

It's a simple core exercise that improves stability and encourages the body to use its natural alignment. It uses the body to target and strengthen your core, hips, and oblique muscles.


How to do it?

  • Stand with your wrists beneath your shoulders, knees under hips, and belly pulled in.
  • Exhale as you extend your right arm forward while reaching your left leg to the back.
  • Hold for a second. Inhale, and gently return your arm and leg to the tabletop position.
  • Switch sides. Make sure to do this move slowly and consciously; you don't want to strain anything.


Regardless of whether or not you have strong obliques, remember to focus on proper form when doing any exercise. That will help you avoid injuries, get the most out of each exercise, and reduce the risk of future pain.

If you've already started an ab workout routine, try adding one or two of the aforementioned moves. If you've just started, give these poses a shot, and see how they help you get stronger and more flexible.

Remember that a combination of diet and exercise will help strengthen your core and improve posture.

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