5 Best Pull Exercises to Get Rid of Arm Fat

Here are the best pull exercises for arm fat loss! (Image via unsplash/Anastase Maragos)
Here are the best pull exercises for arm fat loss! (Image via unsplash/Anastase Maragos)

If you want to get rid of arm fat, you need a workout targeting the biceps and triceps. While most people know about bicep curls, many other effective exercises can help you get ripped in no time. Here's a list of five top-notch pull exercises:

Chin-ups and 4 other Pull Exercises To Help Get Rid Of Arm Fat

1. Rows

This is a great exercise for your arms, back, and shoulders. It's one of the best exercises you can do to build up your upper body. Rows also help target your core while providing an excellent toning effect on your whole body.

  • Row (as in "rowing") means to pull something toward you with your hands or arms.
  • In this case, it involves pulling a weight upward by bending at the waist and flexing at the elbows until they're almost fully extended.
  • Doing so will help develop strength in both arms and quickly eliminate arm fat!


2. Pull-Ups

Pull-ups are not just great for your arms, but they also work the back and shoulders.

  • To do a pull-up, grab a bar with an overhand grip that is wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Hang with your arms straight and feet off the floor.
  • Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar, then lower yourself back down slowly to complete one rep.


3. Chin-ups

This is another great exercise for building up your biceps and pulling muscles.

  • To do chin-ups, grab the bar with an underhand grip (palms facing you) that's just beyond shoulder width apart.
  • Then hang down to let your arms hang straight.
  • Use your back muscles to pull yourself up until your chin passes over the bar, then lower yourself back down slowly and repeat.

The chin-up is a simple movement but can be very difficult when done at high reps because it requires a lot of strength in the arms and shoulders to keep you from falling out of position while exerting force on each rep.

This means that if you're doing several sets of them with heavy weights, you'll likely feel this exercise in places like your lats or traps - the muscle groups responsible for holding your body upright during various other exercises such as squats or deadlifts - as well because they're helping out with stabilization.


4. Lat Pulldown

This exercise is performed using either a lat pulldown machine or a cable pulley system. The lats (latissimus dorsi) are large muscles along each side of your back that help you bend forward at an angle.

By lifting weights against gravity during exercises such as pulldowns, where we're pulling our arms back toward us instead of pushing them away, as we would with pushups or chest presses, you'll feel those strong muscles working throughout different parts of both arms.

  • Sit at the bench and grasp the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Lean back slightly as you lower the weight behind your head by bending at the elbow.
  • Your arms should be fully extended when they're parallel to the floor, and then squeeze your shoulder blades together as you bring them up toward your ears.
  • Repeat for 8–12 repetitions per set, 3–4 sets total, depending on fitness level and goals. Rest for 90 seconds between sets so that you don't waste energy by working too hard too soon.


5. Bicep Curl

This is a great workout, as it works both your arms' brachialis and brachioradialis muscles. The biceps curl is a classic exercise that can help eliminate arm fat, strengthen your upper back and shoulders, and improve hand-eye coordination.

To perform this movement:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with dumbbells at sides, palms facing inward toward each other externally rotated (thumbs facing out).
  • Begin by bending elbows to 90 degrees so that wrists are over elbows; then extend them again until they return to starting position to complete one repetition of this move.



We have covered a lot of information in this article, but the takeaway is that you can use these five pull movements to eliminate arm fat. They all have different benefits and will help you achieve your goals more effectively than doing just one type of movement.

When choosing which ones are best for you, think about what areas need the most work, then consult our list above before starting any program.

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