5 Diverse Benefits of Using Wheat Germ Oil in Your Routine

Wheat germ oil (Image by azerbaijan_stockers on Freepik)
Wheat germ oil (Image by azerbaijan_stockers on Freepik)

Wheat germ oil is one ingredient that is gradually becoming popular for its potential health benefits and various applications in fields other than food like cosmetics and medical industries.

Wheat germ oil is produced from the wheat germ itself which is usually obtained in the milling process of wheat. Since wheat germ is loaded with various nutrients like fibers, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and proteins, the oil extracted from wheat germ is believed to be equally loaded and beneficial as well.

In this article, we will discuss more about wheat germ oil and the various benefits of it.

What are the benefits of wheat germ oil?

Wheat germ benefits (Image by KamranAydinov on Freepik)
Wheat germ benefits (Image by KamranAydinov on Freepik)

Wheat germ has the potential benefits of acting as a rich antioxidant, face cleaner, reducing cholesterol, treatment of skin scars, and nourishment of hair. Let's take a look at these in details:

#1 Source of antioxidants

Wheat germ oil is a rich source of antioxidants like Vitamin E. Vitamin E helps in the fight against free radical damage. It travels throughout our body and neutralizes free radicals. This is quite important as, if not neutralized, they may be responsible for damaging fat-containing structures like cell membranes and brain cells.

Further, wheat grain also consists of other nutrients like Vitamins A, B, and D which contribute to our well-being. Moreover, due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids, wheat germ can help with better regulation of the nervous system.

#2 Reduced Cholesterol

Wheat germ has the potential to effectively reduce cholesterol. It is rich in octacosanol, which is a type of long-chain fatty acid that enhances your physical performance including stamina as well as strength. Further, it has also been found that it can affect fat metabolism along with a decrease in cholesterol production.

Another benefit of octacosanol is that it prevents the hardening of arteries, which can be beneficial for your heart health.

#3 Face cleaning

Face cleansing properties (Photo by Amanda Dalbjörn on Unsplash)
Face cleansing properties (Photo by Amanda Dalbjörn on Unsplash)

Wheat germ oil benefits further extend as a face cleanser. It being non-comedogenic, effectively cleans the face while keeping it moisturized. Further, its natural properties allow an effective removal of excess sebum and it is even said that it can prevent acne as well as pimples.

#4 Skin benefits

Along with being a face cleanser, wheat germ can also be beneficial for the skin as potentially it can enhance blood flow to the skin, which may offer anti-aging effects. Further, the high content of Vitamin E supports the production of collagen, which can contribute to the repair of skin and the healing of scars.

A regular application of it may reduce scars significantly and offer natural hydration to the skin.

#5 Hair nourishment

Good hair (Image by Freepik)
Good hair (Image by Freepik)

Other than benefits to the skin, wheat germ oil can also effectively help with the nourishment of hair. Wheat germ is rich in linoleic acid, which, when used with some carrier oil like coconut oil, effectively helps you improve your scalp health and hair.

Along with understanding all the benefits, it is also necessary to take care of the side effects as some may be allergic to wheat thus, if any symptoms of swelling or difficulty in breathing occur, one must get in contact with healthcare to get it treated.

There are many potential benefits of wheat grain oil, however, proper research is needed for concrete evidence of these benefits. The inclusion of this oil should only be done after consultation with medical experts in order to safeguard your health.

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