5 Foods To Avoid If You Have Gluten Allergies

Wheat-based bread contains gluten (Image via Unsplash/Brands&People)
Wheat-based bread contains gluten (Image via Unsplash/Brands&People)

Gluten allergies are caused by a protein known as gluten. Gluten is a naturally occurring plant protein found in selected species of grains, including wheat, barley, and rye.

Some people are genetically allergic to gluten, as their immune system identifies gluten as an antigen. Gluten is otherwise essential for maintaining the texture of wheat-based baked goods.

The review paper, published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, elaborates on gluten and its characteristic properties.

Dr. Paul Mason shares his thoughts on gluten sensitivity and its role in causing depression in affected individuals. This phenomenon is observed in both celiac and non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

What Are Gluten Allergies?

Gluten can cause gastrointestinal irritation in people suffering from gluten allergies and sensitivity. That's common in people with celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and other intestinal disorders.

Celiac disease is a type of autoimmune disorder in which the immune system of the affected individual synthesizes antibodies against gluten. It's estimated that 1% of the world's population might be affected by this disorder.

A gluten-free diet can reduce the symptoms of celiac disease. Affected individuals should avoid all foods containing gluten.


Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is another similar condition that occurs in some people. In this case, gluten causes stomach and intestinal irritation without triggering any autoimmune reaction.

How to Diagnose Gluten Allergies?

The genetic predisposition of the body to release antibodies and histamines in response to gluten can be confirmed by allergy tests. One such test is the tissue transglutaminase IgA (tTG-IgA) test.

Allergy to gluten can also be confirmed by performing a biopsy of intestinal tissues. These tests are usually performed when a person exhibits most of the symptoms of gluten sensitivity. People suffering from gluten allergies usually show the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • stomach pain
  • discomfort after a meal
  • bloating
  • allergic rashes on the skin
  • breathing difficulty
  • fatigue
  • anemia
  • depression

Food To Avoid

It's advisable to avoid all grains and cereals that contain gluten. Other foods might not contain gluten but are processed alongside gluten-rich foods. These foods might contain traces of this protein as well. Here's five foods to avoid:

1) Gluten-rich grains

The following grains naturally contain gluten:

  • wheat
  • barley
  • rye
  • triticale
  • spelt
  • kamut
  • wheat berries
  • farina
  • farro
  • couscous

You can check out the list of foods that can be consumed on a gluten-free diet, here.

Buckwheat is naturally gluten-free. You can check out the nutritional facts and health benefits of buckwheat here.


2) Bread products made from wheat

Bread and buns made from wheat contain high amounts of gluten. They're not recommended on a gluten-free diet.

If you have gluten allergies, avoid the following products:

  • white bread
  • whole wheat bread
  • potato bread
  • rye bread
  • sourdough bread
  • wheat crackers
  • whole wheat wraps
  • flour tortillas
  • flatbread
  • bagels

3) Baked goods containing wheat

Most baked goods are made from regular wheat. Wheat contains gluten, and hence any baked product made from wheat is not safe for people with gluten allergies.

Some of the baked goods are:

  • cakes
  • cookies
  • pastries
  • pretzels
  • doughnuts
  • muffins
  • pancakes and waffles

You can check out whether oatmeal is gluten-free here.


4) Noodles and pasta

Conventional noodles and pasta are made from gluten-rich wheat. Gluten-free products are available for people who don't consume gluten-based products, though. Some gluten-rich products include:

  • spaghetti
  • gnocchi
  • dumplings
  • noodles

Rice noodles can be consumed on a gluten-free diet.

You can check out whether rice is gluten-free here.


5) Wheat-based snacks

Some readymade snacks contain wheat or traces of wheat. These products are also not safe for people with gluten allergies. Similar products made from gluten-free grains can be used as a substitute for these products.

Here's the list of processed snacks that contain gluten:

  • pretzels
  • granola bars
  • cereal bars
  • chips
  • energy bars
  • cookies
  • snack mixes


Gluten allergies can be extremely problematic for the gut health of affected people. To avoid allergic reactions, it's advisable to avoid all grains and products that can contain gluten.

Wheat, rye, and other grains mentioned in this article must be completely avoided. Products made from these grains are not safe as well. Other products such as condiments, sauces, and flavoring agents can contain traces of gluten, as they're also manufactured in facilities along with wheat.

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