6 Best Bodyweight Exercises for Men That Build Big Muscles

Bodyweight exercises also let you mix both cardio and strength training, allowing you to complete the workout as quickly and effectively as possible. (Image via Unsplash/ Fortune Vieyra)
Bodyweight exercises also let you mix both cardio and strength training, allowing you to complete the workout as quickly and effectively as possible. (Image via Unsplash/ Fortune Vieyra)

Bodyweight exercises are activities that just use your own weight.

You will only be utilizing your weight as resistance as you pull, push, jump, and perform any other type of exercise. You'll be shocked by how much more difficult you can make something by making even the simplest adjustments, like adjusting the position of your hands or varying the number of sets and repetitions you perform.

Although bodyweight exercises are often thought of as beginner-friendly routines, you can really make them tough for you, even if you are an experienced lifter, by including modifications and changes. It won't be dull or repetitive because there is something for everyone.

Best Bodyweight Exercises

With the help of bodyweight exercises, you'll have more mobility, flexibility, and stability to carry out daily tasks like getting up from a chair or carrying groceries from the car to the kitchen (all in one trip!).

Here are some of the best bodyweight exercises:

1) Spider crawl

This bodyweight exercise, also referred to as the "spider walk," strengthens your muscles all around and tightens your core.


This is how you do it:

  • Begin with a push-up
  • Lift one foot off the ground, bringing the knee near the elbow.
  • Hold for a second and check that your abs are contracting.
  • Go back to the starting point.
  • Then switch sides once more.

2) Crab walk

Almost every muscle in your body—from the shoulders to the hamstrings and quads—is worked by this bodyweight exercise. To make your core work up, keep your hips lifted.


Here’s how to do this:

  • Your hands should be behind your back as you sit on the floor with your legs bent in front of you.
  • Just your hands and feet should be on the ground while you lift your hips up.
  • Start moving ahead while walking using your hands and feet.

3) Chest flick press-up

In order to develop explosive strength and accelerate growth, plyometric press-ups focus on your chest's fast-twitch muscles. A neutral spine must be maintained the entire time, and you should land softly to minimize impact.


To do this exercise, follow these steps:

  • Keeping your hands shoulder-width apart and your spine erect, lower yourself into the press-up position.
  • Then, pull up explosively by completely extending your arms and lowering your body until your chest is just an inch off the ground.
  • To return to the starting position, slap both hands against your chest.

4) Triceps dips

Your triceps, chest, and shoulders will all benefit greatly from triceps dips. The amount of weight passing through your upper body will directly correlate to the bend of your knees. Consider placing your feet up on a bench so they are at the same level as your hands to advance the workout.


Here's how to do it:

  • Hold a bench with both hands spread apart while facing away from it.
  • When your arm at the forearm forms a 90-degree angle, slowly lower your body by flexing your elbows.
  • Return to the beginning position by raising yourself using your triceps.

5) Inchworm

This bodyweight exercise is (nearly) as entertaining as it sounds. It will make you feel like a kid again while strengthening your triceps, shoulders, chest, abs, glutes, and quadriceps.


Here's how to do it:

  • Place knees slightly bent while standing.
  • Reach down and gently touch your toes while bending at the hips.
  • Then, "crawl" your hands away from your torso until you are in a plank posture.
  • Start by placing your hands on the ground.
  • Move forward in insect-sized increments until your hands and feet touch.
  • Repeat 10-15 times.

6) Groiners

Your body may move over a far wider range of motion when your hips and thoracic region open up with this bodyweight exercise. You'll experience noticeable extra muscle gain from your workout if you complete these exercises with a wider range of motion (ROM).


Here’s how to do it:

  • Start the exercise by performing a press-up.
  • So that both legs touch down next to your hands and leap forward.
  • Go back to your starting point.


Bodyweight exercises, fortunately, don't need a specific gym, so you may work out anytime you have some free time, wherever you are. These exercises also allow you to mix both cardio and strength training, allowing you to complete the workout as quickly and effectively as possible.

You can work out to burn body fat without using weights. Use any combination of these 6 bodyweight workouts to start seeing benefits in a month or two.

Keep in mind that another component of the equation is eating a good, balanced diet.

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