6 Yoga Exercises for Beginners at Home

Yoga will help you relieve and relax your muscles (Image via Pexels @Tima Miroshnichenko)
Yoga will help you relieve and relax your muscles (Image via Pexels @Tima Miroshnichenko)

If you are a yoga newbie or somebody who has been thinking about trying yoga, it is natural to feel intimidated. However, yoga is nothing to be afraid of. In fact, if you got out of bed today and stretched your arms above your head, you have already performed a simple yoga pose.

Because our bodies naturally bend and fold, many fundamental yoga positions feel quite familiar. Learn beginner yoga poses mindfully and with conscious breathing. It is advisable to keep things basic when first starting out.

The introductory yoga positions described here will keep you occupied for a considerable amount of time. Then, as you develop your practice, you can progress to increasingly difficult poses.

Yoga Exercises for Beginners at Home

Check out the following yoga exercises that can be performed by beginners at home.

1) Cat Cow Pose

Cat cow stretches serve to awaken the spine and alleviate back pain and stiffness. They also improve blood circulation to the spine and promote mobility and flexibility of the entire back, neck, chest and shoulders.

To do this yoga pose:

  • Position your hands directly below your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips while on all fours on the mat.
  • Spread your fingers apart and distribute your weight evenly between your hands.
  • Inhale and arch your back while lowering your chin to your chest; feel the stretch from your neck to your tailbone, as if you were a cat.
  • As you exhale, drop your back till it forms a scoop and rise and tilt your head backward.

2) Vrikshasana

Vrikshasana helps to lengthen the entire body, from the heels to the fingertips. It improves your balance and uses your oblique muscles while doing so.

To do this yoga pose:

  • Begin by standing tall for this stance.
  • Bring your hands together in prayer and raise them above your head.
  • Maintain your balance on your right leg.
  • Extend the left knee to the left and place the left foot towards the inner thigh of the right leg. Maintain for 30 seconds.
  • Alternate legs and repeat.

3) Downward-Facing Dog

The downward facing dog pose calms the nervous system, improves overall flexibility, decompresses the spine, tones the arms, sculpts the legs, and opens the shoulders.

To do this yoga pose:

  • Place both hands, palms down, on the mat in front of you; your hands should be slightly in front of your shoulders.
  • Place your knees directly beneath your hips on the ground.
  • Exhale as you pull your knees off the ground and your buttocks and hips upwards.
  • Pull the tops of your thighs back while extending your heels towards the floor.
  • Keep your head between your upper arms, in line with them, and not drooping.
  • If your lower back is rounding, try bending your knees to extend it.
  • Typically, the pose is held for five breaths per side, or longer for additional strength-building benefits.
  • Inhale to lengthen from your wrists to your hips, and exhale to deepen your roots from your hips to your heels.

4) Balasana

Child's Pose is one of the most restorative yoga positions, and one of the easiest. It reawakens the link between our breath and the body and distributes calming energy to every muscle.

To do this yoga pose:

  • From Downward-Facing Dog, bend your knees and lower your butt to your heels while bringing your chest closer to the floor over your knees.
  • Reduce your head and shoulders to the floor.
  • You can support your head by placing your arms along your sides, palms down, or by folding your arms under your forehead.
  • Breathe and unwind for as long as necessary.

By waking your breath from the inside out, you may center yourself, turn inside, and leave your busy mind and enter your body.


5) Baby Pigeon Pose

This yoga pose is favored by runners because it increases hip mobility and relaxes the glutes and lower back. You may find this stance challenging at first, but you will come to appreciate it.

To do this yoga asana:

  • Move your right knee forward between your hands while on all fours.
  • As if performing a lunge, slowly extend your left leg behind you, maintaining your knee and the top of your foot on the ground.
  • Now, swivel the right knee towards the right wrist and lower it to the floor, placing the right calf flat on the floor and the right foot beneath the left groin.
  • Lower your upper body over the bent leg to the floor or to your elbows, depending on your comfort level.
  • Inhale and exhale slowly five times.
  • Before switching sides, extend your left calf by pushing back on your left leg.
  • Repeat with the left leg extended and the right leg bowed.

6) Viparita Karani

The Viparita Karani is an excellent, rejuvenating yoga pose that can benefit both beginners and advanced yoga practitioners.It's a fantastic closing pose that will leave you feeling both relaxed and energized.

To do this yoga pose:

  • Lie on the ground with your butt against the wall.
  • Your body should be in a L shape with your torso flat on the floor and perpendicular to the wall as you "walk" your legs up the wall.
  • To feel a stretch at the backs of your legs, flex your toes.
  • Deeply inhale and maintain the position for as long as you desire.
  • Bring your knees to your chest and roll onto your side to release.


There are numerous benefits to incorporating yoga into your training regimen. Yoga improves muscle tone, flexibility, and balance, and its signature pranayama breathing technique aids in relaxation and stress reduction.

In addition, research has demonstrated that yogic practices lower stress, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain, improve sleep, and boost general health and quality of life.

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