6 Yoga Poses to Lift and Build Your Butt

Your buttocks can be toned into a proportionate posterior using yoga asanas. (Image via Unsplash/ Wesley Tingey)
Your buttocks can be toned into a proportionate posterior using yoga asanas. (Image via Unsplash/ Wesley Tingey)

Would you believe me if I said that yoga can help build your butt? Although yoga is sometimes perceived as a simple and light form of exercise, this isn't necessarily the case.

While there are yoga poses that require less effort, many of them can be fairly difficult when done properly. The best strategy for tightening and shaping your booty is to combine strength training with a flexible regimen.

For this reason, you should combine your current strength training program with 6 of our favorite yoga poses that lift and tighten your butt.

Build Your Butt with the Best Yoga Poses

Your buttocks can be toned into a proportionate posterior using yoga asanas. The most effective method to develop and build your butt is to practice a strict schedule of specific yoga poses.

Buttocks that have been slightly elevated and tightened will work and give you confidence. Yoga poses that work your lower back muscles might help you achieve your goals.

Check out these yoga poses if your focus is to build your butt:

1) Three-legged dog pose

The three-legged downward dog pose can be used as a warm-up pose for more difficult asanas like the standing split stance or hand balance poses. It is one of the best yoga poses to build your butt.


Instructions to follow:

  • Begin by getting down on your hands and knees, keeping them inner hip-width apart.
  • Push up and back into the Downward Facing Dog position as soon as you exhale again.
  • With your toes pointed forward and your glutes contracted, extend your right leg high into the air.
  • To equalize your weight and prevent it from shifting toward your upper body, be sure to use the rest of your body as well.
  • Throughout the position, lift your leg steadily higher while maintaining its straightness. Your glutes and core will help support the raised leg.

2) Upward plank pose

This pose is also known as Purvottanasana. It tones the entire body while strengthening the back and legs and stretching the front of the ankles. The legs are greatly stretched, and your core strength and stamina also increase, helping you build your butt.

Check out the best plank variation exercises for weight loss.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Your hands should be on the floor with your fingers pointing forward as you begin in the staff position.
  • Put your feet on the ground, flex your knees, and push your hips off the mat with each exhalation.
  • After holding the upward plank position for 30 seconds, switch to the staff position.

3) Low lunge pose

The hamstrings, quads, and core are lengthened and strengthened with this pose. For the full benefit of this pose, make sure to hug your inner thighs together.


Instructions to follow:

  • Put your right foot in front of your hands as you advance from the downward dog.
  • Draw your shoulders down and away from your ears by pressing your fingertips into the ground. In addition, inflate your sternum.
  • Squeeze your inner thighs together as you press down firmly on the back heel.
  • Exhale causes the belly to constrict and rise; inhale causes ththeper back to widen.

4) Goddess pose

The Goddess Pose is empowering and rooted. It helps build your butt and thighs as well as ignites a fire in your bellies while grounding you to the earth through the soles of your feet.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Step out with your big toes while keeping your feet apart.
  • As you lift your kneecaps towards your thighs, contract your pelvic floor.
  • Exhale while bending your knees and bringing your sitting bones closer to the floor. Inhale to bring your belly button closer to your spine.
  • Hands might rest on the thighs or press their fingertips against the chest. Spend five to ten breaths in the pose.

5) Locust pose

The benefits of locust pose are endless. It helps build your butt, strengthens your back, opens up your chest, helps with back pain relief, and tones your hamstrings. It is an excellent pose all around and is suitable for yogis of all abilities.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Rest your arms straight by your sides while lying on your stomach, and place your left or right cheek on the ground. Additionally, make sure your legs are joined.
  • Lift as much as you can off the ground on your subsequent inhalation while maintaining your legs close together.
  • As your legs raise together into the air, allow your head to become neutral and gaze ahead. Your arms should also remain at your sides.

6) One-legged bridge pose

An excellent exercise to test your strength is the one-legged bridge. Your glutes and core are activated, and this pose helps build your butt and balance.

Check out the 5 essential core yoga poses you should do every day.


Instructions to follow:

  • Knees bent, feet flat on the ground, and legs within hip distance apart, roll back onto your back. By your side, place your hands flat on the ground.
  • To the point where your fingertips can touch your heels, lift up just enough to wriggle your shoulder blades underneath you.
  • Next time you exhale, rise through your pelvis while using your glutes to assist you.
  • You can either wait here or, if you're feeling brave, lift one leg off the ground to enter the one-legged bridge.
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