Are your nails turning orange? Know the reasons and how to deal with it

Nails turning orange (image via Unsplash/Ellie Eshaghi)
Nails turning orange (image via Unsplash/Ellie Eshaghi)

If your nails are turning orange, or they took an unexpected orange hue, it can evoke a melange of emotions and concerns. Initially, there may be a jolt of surprise or even a tinge of amusement at this curious transformation. Yet, this amusement often quickly morphs into worry or confusion, prompting questions about health and hygiene.

The experience is not merely cosmetic; it's a silent conversation between one's body and environment, hinting at dietary habits, interactions with substances, or underlying health conditions. As the orange deepens, so does the concern, driving one to seek answers or remedies.

The reasons why your nails turn orange

Nails turning orange (Image via Unsplash/Element5)
Nails turning orange (Image via Unsplash/Element5)

Nail Polish Staining: Think of your nails like a sponge with dark nail polish. Over time, those deep reds and oranges can leave a lasting mark, sort of like spilling dye on a white shirt. Even after you take the polish off, a shadow of the color might hang around.

Fungal Infections: Imagine a tiny invader sneaking under your nail, turning it a weird shade of orange as it grows. It's not just a color change; your nail might get thick or break easily, all thanks to this unwelcome guest.

Nicotine Staining: If you're a regular smoker, it's like your nails are slowly getting stained by the smoke, turning them yellowish-orange over time. It's as if they're holding onto the memory of every cigarette.

Diet and Nutrition: Eating a lot of orange veggies like carrots or sweet potatoes is usually good for you, but go overboard, and you might start seeing the evidence on your nails. It's like your body's way of showing off what you've been snacking on.

Nails turning orange (image via Unsplash/Giorgio Trovato)
Nails turning orange (image via Unsplash/Giorgio Trovato)

Chemical Exposure: Using strong cleaners without gloves can leave your nails looking like you've been playing in the paint, especially if you're not careful. Those chemicals can be harsh, and your nails end up telling the tale.

Health Conditions: Certain illnesses can make your nails look orange, kind of like a warning light on your car's dashboard. It's your body's way of saying something's not quite right inside, especially with conditions that affect your liver.

Medications: Some drugs have side effects that show up in odd places, like your nails. Taking certain antibiotics or undergoing treatments like chemotherapy might change your nail color, almost like a signal of the battles happening inside your body.

The solution to nails turning orange

Baking soda & lemon juice: Think of a clear base coat as your nail's personal shield against those bold polishes. It's like sunscreen for your nails! If the color's already there, a little baking soda and lemon juice concoction can act like a gentle eraser, scrubbing and fading those stains away.

Nails turning orange (image via Unsplash/Sarah)
Nails turning orange (image via Unsplash/Sarah)

Anti-fungal creams: Picture yourself fighting an annoying weed in your garden. Over-the-counter anti-fungal creams are your first line of defense, like a weed killer. For tougher cases, you might need something stronger from the doctor. And just like keeping your garden tidy, keeping your nails clean and dry helps keep the fungus away.

Rubbing with lemon: Quitting smoking is like breaking free from a bad habit's grip, but it's tough. While you're working on it, rubbing your nails with lemon can act like a mini spa treatment, brightening them up and reducing those stubborn smoke signals.

Change in Diet: If carrots and sweet potatoes are turning your nails orange, think of moderating them, like balancing your diet. Too much of a good thing can be surprising! It's like switching up your menu for a bit until things go back to normal.

Soap and brush: Wearing gloves with harsh cleaners is like giving your nails their own little armor. If you've skipped the gloves and ended up with stains, a gentle soap and brush can act like a mini clean-up crew, buffing away the damage.

Medical help: When your nails hint at something more serious, like a liver issue, it's like a check engine light. You need a professional mechanic (in this case, a doctor) to diagnose and fix the underlying issue.

Nails turning orange (image via Unsplash/Designecologist)
Nails turning orange (image via Unsplash/Designecologist)

Change in Medications: If medicine is changing your nail color, it's like dealing with a tricky side effect. Chat with your doctor as if they're your personal health consultant, seeing if there's a different path or solution.

Remember, your nails are like little billboards displaying what's going on inside your body or in your life. So before you see your nails turning orange, keeping them clean, trimmed, and moisturized is of utmost importance.

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