Blackhead causes: How to reduce them?

Blackhead causes and treatment (Image via Unsplash/Ayo Ogunseinde)
Blackhead causes and treatment (Image via Unsplash/Ayo Ogunseinde)

Understanding blackhead causes will help reduce them and keep the skin healthy and smooth. Blackheads usually form when the hair follicle becomes clogged or plugged. Dead skin cells and excess oil accumulate in the follicle’s opening, producing a bump.

Blackheads are a type of acne vulgaris (also known as hormonal acne). Hormonal shifts in puberty, menstruation and pregnancy can trigger blackhead formation. In this article, we discuss blackhead causes and ways to reduce or prevent them.

Blackhead causes

Oily skin is one of the main blackhead causes (Image via Unsplash/Kevin Laminto)
Oily skin is one of the main blackhead causes (Image via Unsplash/Kevin Laminto)

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, nearly 50 million Americans are affected by acne, pimples and blackheads. Factors that can increase your chances of developing different types of acne and blackheads include:

  • excess skin oil production
  • growth of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria on the skin
  • irritation of the hair follicles when dead skins cells accumulate
  • hormonal changes that cause an increase in oil production
  • menstruation or birth control pills
  • certain drugs, like corticosteroids, lithium or androgens

Certain blackhead causes are hormonal and cannot be controlled, while some causes can be prevented by following a hygienic skincare routine.

How to prevent blackheads?

As we know the blackhead causes now, we start with the most basic step in skin care.

Wash your face with a skin-friendly facewash after reaching home and before going to bed. Washing your face more than twice can make the skin dry, hence using face wash twice daily. You can also use apple cider vinegar for acne. It's advisable to use a skin-friendly face wash that's free from harsh chemicals, artificial fragrances and colors.

Exfoliation is another important step and is also known as scrubbing. There are two types of skin scrubs available: physical scrubs and chemical scrubs. Physical scrubs are usually synthetic or plant-derived particles that remove dead skin cells while rubbing.

Chemical scrubs, meanwhile, are acidic solutions available in the form of serums or gels to deep-clean pores. Pore blockage is among the main blackhead causes.

Blackheads treatment

Acidic peeling solutions dissolve dead skin cells, blackheads and whiteheads without any effort.

Some of these solutions include glycolic acid, phenols and AHA. A skincare routine should include exfoliation to remove dead cells and reduce blackheads. Chemexfoliation or derma peeling refers to chemical exfoliation.

Salicylic acid is considered one of the best treatments for acne and blackheads. Another effective all-natural treatment for acne is apple cider vinegar. It contains organic acids, including citric acid, which can kill the bacteria P. acnes, which is among the blackhead causes.


  • Mix one part apple cider vinegar and three parts water.
  • After cleansing with a face wash, gently apply the solution to the affected areas using a cotton swab.
  • Wait for 5-20 seconds; rinse with water, and pat dry with a soft towel.

Blackhead extraction

Blackhead extraction should be done by a skin specialist. (Image via Unsplash/Antonika Chanel)
Blackhead extraction should be done by a skin specialist. (Image via Unsplash/Antonika Chanel)

Dermatologists and skin care professionals use an instrument called a round loop extractor to remove the blackhead. Skin clogs are among the blackhead causes, and the doctor applies pressure with the extractor to remove the clog after removing the skin plug above.

During microdermabrasion, a doctor or skin care professional uses a special instrument to sand the top layers of the skin and remove the clog.

Laser and light therapies are often used to decrease oil production or kill bacteria. Both lasers and light beams treat blackheads and acne without damaging the top layers of the skin.

These are costly techniques, though, and should only be performed by professionals. Easy and simple remedies for blackheads mentioned above are some of the better options to consider.

Indranil Biswas is a nutritionist and personal trainer with a diploma in dietetics and personal training with a specialization in sports nutrition and strength training.

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