Effects of Drinking Tea In Evening: Does It Really Make A Difference?

Effects of drinking tea in evening (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by thirdman)
Effects of drinking tea in evening (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by thirdman)

Tea, a beverage enjoyed by many across the globe, is often a morning ritual that serves as a wake-up call for the majority. Second only to water in worldwide consumption, it has earned the reputation of being the 'elixir of life.'

Tea selections have simply expanded over time, from green tea to yellow teas to a range of herbal teas. It comes in a variety of flavors as well as variations that serve distinct purposes. If black tea curbs the desire to snack, green tea helps with weight loss.

However, drinking tea in the evening might impair the absorption of nutrients, increase anxiety, impair sleep quality, and induce heartburn. It is also crucial to know when to drink tea and to avoid combining it with your big meals. Strong tea should also be avoided on an empty stomach.

It's becoming popular for people to consume it at night. Proponents believe it helps them sleep better and wake up feeling more rested. However, consuming tea at night has significant drawbacks and may not be suitable for everyone.

Effects of Drinking Tea In the Evening

While there is little proof that the body absorbs nutrients better during sleep, the difference is most likely small.

Benefits of drinking tea in evening (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Mareefe)
Benefits of drinking tea in evening (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Mareefe)

If you consume tea, you can reap its potential advantages at any hour of the day or night.

You are advised to avoid putting sugar in your cup of tea before bedtime because sugar can cause drowsiness.

Side Effects Of Drinking Too Much Tea

1) Iron absorption is reduced.

Iron deficiency is one of the most frequent nutrient deficits worldwide, and if you're suffering from low iron levels, drinking too much tea may aggravate your problem.

2) Heightened anxiety levels

Caffeine is found naturally in tea leaves. Consuming caffeine through tea or any other source in excess may add to sensations of worry, stress, and restlessness.

anxiety caused by drinking tea in evening (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Nathan)
anxiety caused by drinking tea in evening (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Nathan)

If you realize that your tea indulgence is making you restless or anxious, it might be a sign that you are drinking too much and should cut back to alleviate symptoms.

3) Reduced sleep quality

Melatonin acts as a hormone that alerts your brain to the fact that it is time to sleep. According to certain studies, coffee may impede the production of melatonin, leading to poor sleep quality.

Effects on sleep by drinking tea in evening (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Valeria)
Effects on sleep by drinking tea in evening (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Valeria)

4) Nausea

Certain tea components can cause nausea, especially if eaten in excessive amounts or on an empty stomach. Tannins within tea leaves are to blame for tea's bitter, dry flavor. Tannins' astringent nature may also irritate digestive tissue, perhaps resulting in unpleasant symptoms like nausea or stomach ache.

Effects of drinking tea in the evening (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Bermix)
Effects of drinking tea in the evening (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Bermix)

5) Pregnancy complications

Caffeine exposure from liquids such as tea while pregnant may raise your risk of issues like miscarriage and poor infant birth weight.

To reduce caffeine exposure during pregnancy, some people opt to consume caffeine-free herbal teas instead of ordinary tea. However, not every single herbal tea is actually suitable for consumption during pregnancy.

Pregnancy complications due to caffeine (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Cotton Bro)
Pregnancy complications due to caffeine (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Cotton Bro)

Green tea includes caffeine, which might make falling asleep more difficult. Consuming this tea around bedtime may lead you to require a pee at night a lot more frequently, disrupting your sleep and leaving you exhausted in the morning.

Due to the complexity of green tea's chemical composition, scientists believe it may have both detrimental and beneficial effects on individual health; however, further research is required to establish this.

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