Emu oil for the skin: Everything you need to know

Emu oil for the skin offers several benefits. (Photo via Pexels/Mikhail Nilov)
Emu oil for the skin offers several benefits. (Photo via Pexels/Mikhail Nilov)

Have you considered emu oil for the skin? If not, now is the time to add this amazing product to your skincare routine.

Emu oil has become a popular product recently due to its amazing uses and benefits. It is believed that this oil is an attractive ingredient, especially for people with dry skin, scars, and eczema. Experts suggest that emu oil can be used for everything from healing wounds and reducing inflammation to repelling bugs and promoting nail and hair growth.

When it comes to skin benefits, however, emu oil can be used to moisturize the skin as well as to promote healthy skin cells. This Australian beauty product can work as a great anti-ageing product, too.

How is emu oil made?

Emu oil is basically a yellow liquid that is made from the fat of emus – a large flightless bird that is native to Australia. The production process involves collecting fat and then filtering the liquid until pure oil is produced.

Emu oil contains a good amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, compounds, and antioxidants, including omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, vitamin A, polyphenols, carotenoids, tocopherol, flavones, and phospholipids.

Emu oil is a yellow liquid that is made from the fat of emus. (Photo via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)
Emu oil is a yellow liquid that is made from the fat of emus. (Photo via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)

What are the benefits of emu oil for the skin?

Some top emu oil skin benefits include:

Moisturizing the skin

One of the most popular benefits of emu oil for the skin is its ability to moisturize and hydrate the skin. The oil easily gets absorbed into the skin, which further helps lock in skin moisture and prevents dryness, too.

Emu oil also works as an occlusive moisturizer that moisturizes the skin by providing perfect hydration while also preventing water loss.

Studies suggest that body lotions and face creams that have emu oil as their base penetrates the skin better compared to pure emu oil. Experts also believe that emu oil can be a safe option for people with eczema and dermatitis since it has fewer side effects.

Preventing skin aging

Another benefit of emu oil for the skin is its positive effects on wrinkles and fine lines. Regular usage of emu oil helps increase collagen production, thereby making your skin plump and healthy.

Thanks to the oil’s antioxidant properties, it can also target signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and other issues caused by oxidative stress.

Emu oil can be used as an anti-aging moisturizer. (Photo via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)
Emu oil can be used as an anti-aging moisturizer. (Photo via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

Promotes healthy skin cells

The benefits of emu oil for the skin also include stimulating healthy skin cells. Several studies suggest that applying the oil may enhance the production of healthy skin cells, thereby keeping skin problems such as sun damage and wrinkles at bay.

Many doctors recommend using emu oil for skin problems, including seborrheic dermatitis, hypopigmentation, and skin wounds. Additionally, it may also be used for rosacea and shingles.

Emu oil for scars

Emu oil contains linoleic acid that may potentially help lighten dark spots and reduce acne scars. It can also be used to heal burns, cuts, and bruises.

How to use emu oil for the skin?

The best way to use emu oil for the skin is to apply it topically all over the face and body. The oil can also be taken orally, however, the benefits will be digestive and not skin related.

You can incorporate emu oil as a moisturizer into your skincare or body care routine and layer it on top or under your everyday moisturizer. It can also be mixed with other lotions, creams, and oils.

Emu oil can be mixed with other lotions, creams, and oils. (Photo via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)
Emu oil can be mixed with other lotions, creams, and oils. (Photo via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)

Is there any risk of using emu oil for the skin?

Emu oil is a natural product and there are no known side effects of emu oil on the skin. However, if you are using it for the first time, it is best to do a small patch test to avoid any kind of allergy or skin irritation.

If you think you are having allergic reactions or any kind of side effects, avoid using the oil and consult a dermatologist.

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