Excellent Ab Workouts with Weights for a Solid and Firm Core

Ab workouts with weights strengthen the entire core muscles. (Photo via Pexels/Krzysztof Biernat)
Ab workouts with weights strengthen the entire core muscles. (Photo via Pexels/Krzysztof Biernat)

Do you want solid and firm core muscles? If your answer is "yes," be sure to incorporate ab workouts with weights into your workout routine and strengthen your entire core, including your abdominal, lower back, and pelvic muscles.

A strong core not only gives you impressive abs but also improves your overall appearance. It helps you gain stability and builds up your coordination, balance, and posture as well. While you can always perform bodyweight core exercises, ab workouts with weights, however, can make your workout routine more intense and strenuous, and help you achieve better results.

Adding weight to your workouts can also be interesting if you are bored with bodyweight exercises or if they are no longer challenging you. Here, we have listed some of the top-weighted abs exercises for you to train and strengthen your core muscles. If you are a beginner, start with light weights and aim for fewer reps. Do not force your muscles, and stop immediately if any exercise feels uncomfortable or painful.

Top 5 Ab Workouts With Weights To Try For A Solid Core

Give the following exercises a try in your next strength training routine and see how they work for you:

1. Kettlebell Halo

The kettlebell halo is one of the best ab workouts with weights that not only target the abs but also work wonders on the shoulders and upper back muscles. This exercise strengthens the entire core and boosts athletic performance by increasing strength and improving mobility.

To perform a kettlebell halo:

  • Stand with your feet at a hip-width distance, and hold a kettlebell with both hands.
  • Place the kettlebell in front of your face, and keep your elbows bent and wide open at the sides.
  • Now with your elbows bent and the rest of your body stable, circle the kettlebell around your head while keeping it at eye level at all times.
  • Complete a few reps.
A kettlebell halo is one of the most effective ab workouts with weights. (Photo via Pexels/Taco Fleur)
A kettlebell halo is one of the most effective ab workouts with weights. (Photo via Pexels/Taco Fleur)

2. Low-to-High Woodchop

Among effective ab workouts with weights features low-to-high woodchop, which is a dynamic exercise that targets your upper abs and obliques. It is a full-body workout that gets your heart rate up and can be done using a medicine ball or a dumbbell.

To perform a low-to-high woodchop:

  • Stand straight with a dumbbell in both hands.
  • Squat down and twist to your right, and hold the dumbbell outside of your right leg.
  • From there, lift the dumbbell diagonally across your body while twisting to your left until the dumbbell gets above your head.
  • Pivot on your right foot to maintain balance.
  • Control the dumbbell back to the initial position and complete a few more reps.

3. Single-Arm Kettlebell Push Press

The single-arm kettlebell push press is among the most effective ab workouts with weights that not only strengthen the core but develop massive strength throughout the upper body and improve your range of motion as well. This exercise can be done either seated or standing, depending on your preference.

To perform a single-arm kettlebell push press:

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips and hold a kettlebell in your left hand while keeping your left arm bent and your elbow close to your body so that the dumbbell rests on your shoulder muscles. Place your right hand on your right hip.
  • Now bend your knees and push your hips back to get into a quarter squat, and from there push through your feet and extend your legs.
  • At the same time, press the kettlebell up until your left arm gets completely extended over your head.
  • Lower the kettlebell back and complete a few reps more.
Kettlebell push press is an effective ab workout with weights. (Photo via Pexels/Anastasia Shuraeva)
Kettlebell push press is an effective ab workout with weights. (Photo via Pexels/Anastasia Shuraeva)

4. Renegade Row

The renegade row is one of the most productive ab workouts with weights that equally engage your back muscles and help strengthen them. This is a compound workout that targets your back and core, improves your stability, and also works on the muscles in your upper back area.

To perform the renegade row:

  • Take a high plank position on the floor with your wrists under your shoulder muscles and your legs extended at the back.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand and be sure to keep your feet slightly wider than your shoulder width.
  • Now pull your left elbow back while raising the dumbbell towards your chest and keeping your elbow close to your torso.
  • As you pull the dumbbell back, make sure to keep your abs tight and hips down.
  • Lower the dumbbell to return to the plank position and repeat the exercise on the opposite side.

5. Wall Ball Sit-Ups

If you are bored with regular sit-ups, try this advanced variation to challenge your abs even more. This is one of the best ab workouts with weights that is sure to burn your abs and strengthen even deeper core muscles.

To perform wall ball sit-ups:

  • Sit straight in front of a wall and hold a medicine or stability ball in front of you with both hands.
  • Position the soles of your feet together and keep your knees wide out.
  • Now, with the ball at your chest level, slowly lean back and lie down on the floor.
  • Bring the ball over your head and tap it on the floor.
  • Perform a sit-up and bring the stability ball just in front of your face. Throw it at the wall and then catch it at your chest level.
  • Complete a few more reps.
A stability ball is a great tool to add to your abs training session. (Photo via Pexels/Photo by Andrea Piacquadio)
A stability ball is a great tool to add to your abs training session. (Photo via Pexels/Photo by Andrea Piacquadio)

A strong and solid core is an essential part of a healthy and active body. Practicing the aforementioned ab workouts with weights is sure to strengthen and stabilize your core. Moreover, they’ll also help support your spine and promote good posture.

The key is to focus on your form and perform each move correctly to target the right muscles. If you are unsure about any exercise, it’s best to consult a certified trainer and work under their guidance.

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