Exploring the Benefits of Geranium Oil: Top Uses and Effects

Geranium oil has amazing benefits (Image via Unsplash/ Christin Hume)
Geranium oil has amazing benefits (Image via Unsplash/ Christin Hume)

Geranium oil, derived from the leaves of Pelargonium graveolens, native to South Africa, charms us with its delightful, fresh, floral fragrance. Although commonly found in perfumes and cosmetics, its uses, benefits and composition run widely. It's gained quite a following in aromatherapy circles. And the key benefits of using this oil?

Research has highlighted its countless benefits. This oil has lots of benefits from acting like an antioxidant to showing off antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and astringent powers.

Your skin says thank you!

Revolutionize Your Skin Care Routine (Image via Unsplash/ Chelsea Shapouri) Impact on Health and Beauty (Image via Unsplash/ Anshu)
Revolutionize Your Skin Care Routine (Image via Unsplash/ Chelsea Shapouri) Impact on Health and Beauty (Image via Unsplash/ Anshu)

Geranium oil might be a cure for acne, dermatitis, and skin flare-ups. A 2017 review found that its antibacterial, germ-fighting, and cleansing skills can help put a stop to acne, skin irritation, and infections when applied to the skin.

What's more? Owing to its anti-inflammatory properties, the oil could help with other inflammatory afflictions too.

Legs and feet giving trouble? Find relief here!

Impact on Health and Beauty (Image via Unsplash/ Towfiqu Barbhuiya) Enter caption Enter caption
Impact on Health and Beauty (Image via Unsplash/ Towfiqu Barbhuiya) Enter caption Enter caption

Relief from leg and foot swelling caused by edema? Yes, geranium oil may offer help there too, thanks to its anti-inflammatory characteristics. Though this evidence is anecdotal, adding geranium essential oil to bath water could be a potential treatment. Studies are still underway to confirm these findings.

Ear, nose, and throat troubles? Geranium oil might have you covered

This oil have many benefits (Image via Unsplash/ Towfiqu Barbhuiya)
This oil have many benefits (Image via Unsplash/ Towfiqu Barbhuiya)

A small observational study suggested the use of geranium essential oil might ease nasal symptoms, such as bleeding, scabbing, pain, dryness, and sores, caused by nasal vestibulitis - a condition often associated with cancer drug treatments. The treatment included geranium essential oil mixed with sesame oil used as a nasal spray for women undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer.

Fighting bacteria

Antibacterial properties of this oil helps fight bacterial (Image via Unsplash)
Antibacterial properties of this oil helps fight bacterial (Image via Unsplash)

A cool thing about geranium oil is its antimicrobial and antibacterial vibes. Research hints that it might help deal with bacterial infections.

It was found to work as effectively as amoxicillin against bacterial strains like Staphylococcus aureus. Listeria monocytogenes though was a party pooper, showing resistance to the oil's effectiveness.

Readily available, multiple benefits

This oil is not hard to find (Image via Unsplash/ Kelly Sikkema)
This oil is not hard to find (Image via Unsplash/ Kelly Sikkema)

Uniquely, geranium essential oil and rose geranium essential are derived from different varieties of the same plant species, Pelargonium graveolens. Both have almost identical properties and compositions, bringing the same beneficial effects to the table. But, Rose Geranium oil has a slightly more floral scent, offering a rose-like aroma.

Whether diluted with a carrier oil for use on the skin or used as an aromatherapy treatment, Geranium oil is versatile and safe for most people. It should, however, not be swallowed. Some people may experience a rash or burning sensation when applying it to the skin, especially without diluting it with a carrier oil. So, do not forget to do a patch test. Wound care, reducing allergic reactions, alleviating high blood sugar, and even pain management.

Geranium oil seems to be the jack-of-all-trades you never knew you needed. Remember to consult a doctor before adding it or any essential oil to your wellness routine. After all, being better informed is being better prepared. So, say hello to your happier, healthier self!

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