Five ways in which making your bed every morning can positively influence your life

Here is how making your bed every morning is linked to better returns on your health. (Image via Vecteezy/ Mix and Match Studio)
Here is how making your bed every morning is linked to better returns on your health. (Image via Vecteezy/ Mix and Match Studio)

Admiral William H. McRaven said, "If you want to change the world, start by making your bed." Yes, you heard that right!

Are you someone who's struggling to bring morning discipline to your life? If yes, then this is your cue. After opening your eyelids and getting up from the bed, what are the things you like to do? Is it catching up with the digital world, is it lazing around the couch, or is it simply savoring a hot cup of coffee?

Whatever your morning rituals are, you're definitely missing out on the most underrated of them all: making your bed!

When starting out your day, try with your personal space first. It can do wonders. (Image via Unsplash/ Joel Overbeck)
When starting out your day, try with your personal space first. It can do wonders. (Image via Unsplash/ Joel Overbeck)

5 Benefits of making your bed every morning

When you put your heart to it, it returns with love and care. (Image via Unsplash/ Andrew Neel)
When you put your heart to it, it returns with love and care. (Image via Unsplash/ Andrew Neel)

Making your own bed may sound boring at first, but this simple act has transformed millions of lives around the world. Hidden beneath this everyday task lies a golden opportunity for you to take charge of your entire day. Let's look at the various benefits of making your bed every morning.

1. Starting the day with an accomplishment

Right after getting up from the bed, if you maintain the awareness to make up your own bed every single day, it fills you up with a sense of accomplishment and sets a positive outlook for the day. This simple feeling of taking charge of the simple aspects of your life can result in you effectively managing various things through the day.

2. Helps you orient your routine

Making your bed helps to discipline yourself. (Image via Pexels/ Ron Lach)
Making your bed helps to discipline yourself. (Image via Pexels/ Ron Lach)

Inculcating this ritual into your mornings brings about discipline and perspective for the entire day. This small and achievable task of making your bed sets you up to deal with various uncertainties life can throw at you. This simple act can help you do everything by following an organised and disciplinary approach.

3. Enhances being in the present moment

The task of tucking in bedsheets and nearly arranging pillows can prove to be be meditative experience. It roots one to the present moment. Once anchored to the reality of the here and now, the person is naturally in a state of well-being. The aesthetic beauty of the neatness of a well-organized bed can prove to be a calming experience, lowering any form of anxiety and encouraging relaxation.

4. Enhances sleep hygiene

You sleep is also influenced by how you sleep. (Image via Pexels/ Vlada Karpovich)
You sleep is also influenced by how you sleep. (Image via Pexels/ Vlada Karpovich)

Making you bed in the morning results in better sleep regulation during night hours. A well-maintained bed is the place to rest and sleep, seeing one after returning home further instills a sense of rest and rejuvenation that sets you up for the next day. In fact, in some cases it also works as a natural remedy for sleeplessness.

5. Visually pleasing environment

A neat and tidy bed immediately uplifts the outlook of your room, making it appear more welcoming and cozy. Moreover, by organising the bedsheets and airing out the mattress, you lower the chances of dust mites and related allergens. Transition into making this task a part of your daily life will demand some concious efforts at first, but will gradually become your second nature.

The benefits of making the bed every morning aren't just limited to cleanliness; it’s a whole new path which leads to an organized mind, quality sleep, and enhanced well-being. This act goes deeper than mere aesthetics of the room, it's about bringing about a sense of discipline, self-awareness, and willingness to take charge of your life everyday. Welcome this small morning ritual of making your bed into your life and witness the transformation it brings forth in your every day life.

Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.

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