Gary Busey talks about his near-death motorcycle accident: “I was surrounded by angels”

Gary Busey THE MAN (Image by thegarybusey/Instagram)
Gary Busey THE MAN (Image by thegarybusey/Instagram)

Gary Busey, a Hollywood legend, reality show winner, and a brain damage survivor, met with a motorbike accident twenty-five years ago. While cruising on his Harley, Gary suddenly fell and smashed his skull, which gave him a subdural hematoma and nearly killed him as he was not wearing a helmet that day.

He said in his interviews that when he had this near-death experience, he went to the other side of the realm, saw angels, and got closer to god-like no man ever.

Who is Gary Busey?

Gary Busey never stops inspiring his fans (Image by thegarybusey/Instagram)
Gary Busey never stops inspiring his fans (Image by thegarybusey/Instagram)

Born on the 29th of June,1944, Gary Busey is an American actor who has featured in more than 150 films, reality shows and interviews, and has also won major awards for Best Actor.

In 1988, after his severe motorbike crash, when everyone thought that Busey’s career was over, he proved everyone wrong by coming back stronger and showing more passion and spirit in his acting and music.

Continuing to inspire his fans after surviving the motorcycle accident, Gary has proved to the world that setbacks are only temporary, and we can always bounce back if we have the will.

Gary Buseys's Brain

Because of Busey's outspoken and erratic nature, he has faced several consequences. Some people laugh at him but his behavior is brought on by a condition that happened after his motorbike crash, resulting in brain trauma.

His brain injury affected the filtering process of his brain, resulting in impulsive thoughts and behavior that his brain was not able to control. Gary also suffers from bipolar disorder and has spoken publicly about it.

Busey’s trip to heaven


In an interview with The Guardian, Busey spoke about his accident and said:

“I went off the bike without a helmet, hit my head into a kerb, split my skull, passed away after brain surgery, and went to the other side – the spiritual realm where I got information, and I came back, and these messages, these definitions, came to me first-class. I’ll think of a word and write the word down without thinking.”

He says in his interview that he went a step closer to God, giving him clarity about things he never thought had existed, and when he came back, he started looking at things from a broader perspective- The world is not as easy as we think it is.

He says, “I was surrounded by angels. Balls of light floating all around me. And I felt trust, love, protection and happiness like you cannot feel on earth. It’s the feeling the angels live in.

Even when he thought that his soul had left his body and he was transcending to another realm, the angels were protecting him, as if hinting to him that his purpose on earth was not fulfilled yet and he had to go back because that was God's plan.

Gary Busey has seen angels according to him (Image by thegarybusey/Instagram)
Gary Busey has seen angels according to him (Image by thegarybusey/Instagram)


Gary Busey, along with Steffanie Sampson, wrote a book called Buseyisms: Gary Busey's Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, an uplifting narrative that contains words of wisdom and incredible untold life stories from Gary Busey's life.

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