How Yoga Blocks Can Revolutionize Your Daily Asana Practice

Yoga block can help alleviate your asana practice. (Image via Pexels / Mikhail Nilov)
Yoga block can help alleviate your asana practice. (Image via Pexels/Mikhail Nilov)

Yoga blocks are a staple in every asana practice, but many people don't understand their full potential. They've been around for thousands of years, but not many use them to their full potential.

The truth is that yoga blocks are an amazing tool for all types of practitioners from beginner to advanced. However, it's up to students and teachers alike to explore what the blocks can do for them in the context of their practice and goals.

Understanding Importance of Yoga Blocks

You can chose different type of yoga blocks to practice. (Image via Pexels/Yan Krukau)
You can chose different type of yoga blocks to practice. (Image via Pexels/Yan Krukau)

As you begin your journey, it's important to understand the role yoga blocks play in your practice.

These blocks can be used in many ways: they can help you find a more comfortable position while practicing asanas, they can elevate the body so that you are able to perform certain poses more easily or safely. Some blocks come with straps attached so that they can also be used as a tool for resistance training.

When choosing a block, consider what kind of material would suit your needs best-- wooden ones tend not to slip around, while rubberized ones are easier on floors but may be harder to grip when wet from perspiration. If storage space is an issue for you (and who doesn't want everything neatly tucked away), look for collapsible options.

What is a Yoga Block Made of?

Yoga blocks come in various materials, including foam, cork and wood. Some can also be made out of rubber, plastic and stone.

The type you choose depends on your personal preference and the size of your hands. If you have large hands, it's best to use a bigger block so that it doesn't slip through them during practice.

Benefits of Using Yoga Blocks

Reduces stress on wrists and arms (Image via Pexels/Nicholas Fu)
Reduces stress on wrists and arms (Image via Pexels/Nicholas Fu)

Yoga blocks are a handy tool that can help you achieve deeper stretches and more challenging poses.

They can reduce stress on the wrists, elbows and shoulders, making it easier for you to perform asanas without pain.

These rectangular blocks also provide stability in poses by keeping the body balanced so that the muscles are engaged evenly throughout the pose. That gives you more control over your alignment while practicing yoga postures on the mat or off it.

Yoga blocks can be used as props in various ways:

Types of Yoga Blocks

Wooden block is mostly preferred during practice. (Image via Pexels/Mikhail Nilov)
Wooden block is mostly preferred during practice. (Image via Pexels/Mikhail Nilov)

There are many types of yoga blocks, but not all of them are created equally. The type you choose depends on the type of asana you're practicing and your personal preference.

Here's a quick rundown of some common types:

  • Wood blocks are typically made from cedar wood or pine. They have rounded edges and come in varying heights (4", 6", 8"), so they're great for beginners who need help with alignment but don't want anything too high off the ground.
  • Foam blocks are light weight and easy to carry around at home or on the road. However, they tend to break down over time due to exposure to sweat during practice sessions. So if that's something important for you, plastic might be better.
  • Plastic blocks are durable enough to withstand regular use without breaking apart like foam models might do after long periods of heavy use/sweaty palms etc. However, they aren't quite as comfortable underfoot, as they lack any kind cushioning material inside their hollowed-out center sections. That means less stability during poses like tree pose (Vrksasana).

Yoga blocks can help you modify poses in a variety of ways. They can be used for poses that require a lot of flexibility, strength, or balance.

They're an excellent way to support the body while you work on increasing flexibility. If you're having trouble getting into a pose due to tightness in the muscles or joints, placing a block under one leg will help raise it off the floor. That will help ensure you have better access to those areas and can stretch them more easily than if they were completely resting on the ground.

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