Is beauty rest the real deal or a myth?

Is beauty rest real? (Image by Freepik)
Is beauty rest real? (Image by Freepik)

There have been many debates about whether beauty rest is a myth or not. Fortunately, it is real and highly recommended, as when you sleep, your skin recovers and heals itself from the damage done to it throughout the day. The hours you put into sleeping heal your whole body and reboot your entire system. Beauty rest implies that if you get good sleep, you will look better, and it is true.

Try looking at yourself in the mirror every morning and note the differences. When you're not sleeping enough, you start to feel less energetic in the morning. Lack of sleep could cause stress and anxiety, swollen eyes, dark circles, pale skin, hanging eyelids, and more droopy corners of the mouth, which are also signs of sleep deprivation.

Beauty rest is therefore necessary, as your blood flow increases, and organs start to rebuild their collagen and repair damages done by UV rays, reducing wrinkles and aging spots.

Here are a few ways to embrace beauty rest

Take good care of your skin before you sleep (Image by Kimia Zarifi/Unsplash)
Take good care of your skin before you sleep (Image by Kimia Zarifi/Unsplash)

Start by getting a proper sleep of at least 7 to 9 hours at night for beauty rest. Wash your face before you go to sleep, with a gentle cleanser, as it removes dirt, makeup, and extra oil, which prevents clogging, rashes, acne, and infections.

After that, use a moisturizer to hydrate your face and body. Use clean pillowcases and bed sheets, and rest with your head elevated since it helps with snoring, acid reflux, and all the issues that can disturb the quality of your sleep. Elevating your head can be as simple as using an extra pillow or a wedge under your mattress.

Why is beauty rest important?

By now, you already know that having beauty rest restores and repairs the body and also your physical appearance. Let us now see why beauty rest is important:

1. Reducing wrinkles

Beauty rest reduces wrinkles (Image by theblowup/Unsplash)
Beauty rest reduces wrinkles (Image by theblowup/Unsplash)

Our skin is made up of different proteins, such as collagen and elastin. This makes the skin flexible. Various research shows that insufficient sleep reduces the quality and strength of collagen produced in the body, because of which the skin quality deteriorates, causing wrinkles.

Lack of sleep can cause wrinkles, fine lines, and frown lines. Try getting beauty sleep to avoid wrinkles.

2. Improves complexion

Beauty rest improves complexion (Image by Freepik)
Beauty rest improves complexion (Image by Freepik)

Good quality sleep helps to enhance the complexion, as during the night, the skin has the highest level of blood flow, which repairs the damages done by the sun’s UV radiation.

Insufficient sleep and late bedtimes cause peeling, skin dehydration, and oily skin.

3. Reduces dark circles

Dark circles can be because of no sleep (Image by cookie_studio on freepik)
Dark circles can be because of no sleep (Image by cookie_studio on freepik)

Several elements can be associated with dark circles, which is also known as periorbital hyperchromia. Marks under the eyes can be a sign of fatigue, lack of sleep, or stress. Quality sleep can reduce dark circles.

4. Strengthens the hair

Better hair quality (Image by Christin Noelle/Unsplash)
Better hair quality (Image by Christin Noelle/Unsplash)

Insufficient sleep can cause high levels of stress in the body, releasing the stress hormone cortisol. When the levels are raised, the body produces sebaceous oil at the hair roots, which makes it greasy.

Stress is another reason that causes hair loss. The hair grows in a repeating cycle of three stages--growth, degeneration, and fallout. Stress hormones disrupt this cycle and stop the growth cycle after the fallout. This is why beauty sleep is important for proper hair growth and strength.

5. Happy and healthy mood

Makes you happy (Image by Fernando Brasil/Unsplash)
Makes you happy (Image by Fernando Brasil/Unsplash)

Beauty sleep can put your mind and body at ease, as it reduces stress and makes you energetic. When there is a lack of sleep, you may see the edges of your face tend to droop down, impairing a sad and subtle expression, and making you look exhausted and depressed.

If you are finding it hard to get good sleep, create a proper routine. Stop drinking coffee or alcohol close to bedtime and keep your phone away. Turn the lights off, and create a calm environment that will automatically encourage you to sleep.

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