The Benefits of Sunscreen: Why Do You Need to Wear SPF Every Day?

There are several benefits of sunscreen. (Photo via Pexels/cottonbro studio)
There are several benefits of sunscreen. (Photo via Pexels/cottonbro studio)

The benefits of sunscreen go beyond just protecting your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Of course, it provides protection from UV rays, but it also offers some additional long-term benefits for the skin.

This article discusses some of the top benefits of sunscreen along with how often it should be applied for maximum benefits.

Sunscreen protects the body from harmful rays of sun. (Photo via Pexels/
Sunscreen protects the body from harmful rays of sun. (Photo via Pexels/

Is Sunscreen Good for Your Skin? What Are the Benefits of Sunscreen?

If sunscreen isn’t already a part of your everyday skincare routine, it should be. It does not matter whether it is winter or summer, you must apply sunscreen every day of the year.

While you won’t see noticeable changes in your skin immediately, regular sunscreen application will definitely pay off in the long run by offering several benefits:

Sunscreen prevents premature aging

The benefits of wearing sunscreen on your face every day include preventing signs of early aging. Regular usage of sunscreen protects the skin from developing signs of premature aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, sagginess, hyperpigmentation, dryness, dark spots, and more.

In fact, several studies have shown that people who used sunscreen below the age of 55 had approximately 24% lesser chances of getting these signs of early aging compared to non-sunscreen and occasional users.

Sunscreen prevents sunburn on regular application

The benefits of sunscreen also include preventing sunburn and sun damage. Sunburn can make your skin thin and transparent and even increase the risk of spots becoming more visible. UV rays that are responsible for sunburns can lead to redness, peeling, itching, and swelling, and in some cases, might also cause serious skin problems, such as melanoma.

Applying sunscreen, however, reverses sun damage and keeps your skin healthy and beautiful and shields it from all kinds of diseases.

Sunscreen lowers the risk of skin cancer

One of the most well-known benefits of sunscreen is its ability to prevent skin cancer. Skin cancer is one of the worst types of cancer and is more likely to affect women.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends using broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 15 or more every day to reduce the risk of developing skin cancer.

Sunscreen prevents skin cancer. (Photo via Pexels/Moose Photos)
Sunscreen prevents skin cancer. (Photo via Pexels/Moose Photos)

Sunscreen prevents redness and inflammation

The benefits of sunscreen also include preventing redness and inflammation. Too much sun exposure can lead to severe skin inflammation, which can further cause other skin problems.

Using sunscreen, however, prevents the sun from damaging your skin, thereby keeping inflammation, redness, and all kinds of problems at bay.

Sunscreen application keeps your complexion even

Regular use of sunscreen on the face and body helps keep your overall complexion even. Sun damage can cause uneven skin tone, but using sunscreen every day can prevent these effects and keep your skin healthy and glowing.

Sunscreen promotes overall skin health

If you want to improve your overall skin health, the best thing you can do is apply sunscreen every day. While moisturizers and other treatment products are important too, they won’t benefit you unless you are protecting your skin with sunscreen.

Keep in mind that all essential skin proteins, such as elastin, collagen, and keratin – all are protected by sunscreen, and thus, using it is a must.

Choosing a Sunscreen

To attain the benefits of sunscreen, it's equally important to choose the right product. Hence, when buying sunscreen, read the ingredients carefully and make sure it consists of the following:

  • zinc oxide
  • titanium dioxide
  • mexoryl SX
  • avobenzone
  • oxybenzone
  • octinoxate
Always choose a sunscreen depending on your skin type. (Photo via Pexels/Armin Rimoldi)
Always choose a sunscreen depending on your skin type. (Photo via Pexels/Armin Rimoldi)

It is also important that you opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen gel or lotion depending on your skin type and go for one that is hypoallergic and non-comedogenic. These properties will not only protect the skin from sun damage, but will also keep clogged pores, acne, and rashes at bay.

Always choose sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 and one that’s waterproof so that it doesn’t melt away while sweating.

How often should you apply sunscreen?

When it comes to application, however, it is important to apply sunscreen at least half an hour before you go out in the sun. When you are indoors, on the other hand, apply it after a moisturizer and re-apply after two to three hours.

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