Try this ancient ayurvedic way of drinking water and improve your heart health 

Drining water in copper cup has many benefits (Image via Vecteezy)
Drining water in copper cup has many benefits (Image via Vecteezy)

Here's a fact about drinking water that could change your life! There's an old health secret involving drinking water, but not from glass or plastic, but from a copper cup.

The secret comes from Ayurveda, a very old knowledge about health and healing from many, many years ago. One thing they teach is that drinking water from a copper cup can be really good for you.

Let's understand how drinking water from copper cup can be a big boost to your heart health

1) The might of copper

More than a shiny metal (Image via Vecteezy)
More than a shiny metal (Image via Vecteezy)

Copper, the shiny metal, is not just pretty to look at. It's great for our health too! People have used it for a very long time in Ayurveda, an old way to stay healthy. Our bodies need copper for making good red blood cells and for keeping the tiny cells in our nerves happy and working well.

Our bodies can't make it by themselves. We need to get it from sources outside our bodies - like food, drink, and yes, even water sipped from a copper cup.

2) Water plus copper – A powerful duo

The connection between water and copper (Image via Vecteezy)
The connection between water and copper (Image via Vecteezy)

So, let's blend the two. Start with some pure water, store it in a copper cup overnight, and the next morning, tada! You got yourself a glass of copper-charged water.

But why store it overnight? This gives time for the metal to seep into the water. This process called the Oligodynamic effect, does a neat clean-up job, killing harmful bacteria and other bad guys in the water. Not only does copper help cleanse the drinking water, but it also charges it up with its own health-loving goodies. Cheers to that!

3) Pump up your heart health

Keeps your heart rate accurate (Image via Unsplash/ Jair Lazaro)
Keeps your heart rate accurate (Image via Unsplash/ Jair Lazaro)

Copper is like a good friend to your heart. It can help reduce bad fats and add more good fats to your body. Your heart needs less of the bad fats and more of the good ones to stay happy and healthy.

It also helps make strong heart muscle cells, keeping your heart bouncy and active. Plus, it helps the heart rhythm stay steady. No surprise then, that Ayurveda has praised this metal as a heart helper for ages!

4) More bang for your sip

Antioxidant-rich elements (Image via Unsplash/ Louis Hansel)
Antioxidant-rich elements (Image via Unsplash/ Louis Hansel)

Apart from helping your heart, drinking water in copper glasses brings a lot more to the table. This metal is full of good things called antioxidants. These help fight off tiny bad things called free radicals. These free radicals are naughty because they can make you age fast and cause sickness.

Copper aids digestion and helps the body absorb nutrients better. It also helps make our bodies strong and our skin glow! When it comes to looking and feeling good, sipping water from a copper glass might well be your new best friend.

5) Anti-inflammatory benefits

This metal has qualities to reduce swelling and pain (Image via Vecteezy)
This metal has qualities to reduce swelling and pain (Image via Vecteezy)

Did you know copper can help reduce pain and swelling? Yes, it can! If you have conditions like arthritis that cause pain and swelling, it can help make you feel better. It's like a natural painkiller given to us by Mother Nature!

6) The all-round immunity shield

All round protection to your health (Image via Unsplash/ Pawel Czerwinski)
All round protection to your health (Image via Unsplash/ Pawel Czerwinski)

Copper cup water, in its miraculous way, provides general protection by boosting your immune system. Think about this: Under your skin, there are white blood cells, like soldiers, that fight germs. These soldiers work even better with copper. The stronger your body's defence system (immune system), the better your body can fight sickness and fix itself.

7) A check on obesity

Keep body fats under control (Image via Unsplash/ Towfiqu Barbhuiya)
Keep body fats under control (Image via Unsplash/ Towfiqu Barbhuiya)

Well, drinking water from a copper glass might even help keep your weight in check. It’s believed that drinking water in copper glasses can break down fat and eliminate it more efficiently, helping you lose excess weight. It’s gentle on your body and yet effective, working on your wellness with each sip.

8) Keep moving smoothly

Keeps you away from bone-related issues (Image via Towfiqu Barbhuiya)
Keeps you away from bone-related issues (Image via Towfiqu Barbhuiya)

And the gems don't stop coming. This fantastic metal even lends a hand to keep your joints running smoothly. It helps produce collagen – a protein that’s key to keeping your bones healthy and your joints supple. With the help of copper, you can keep dancing, jumping, and climbing all you want.

Dos and Don’ts

Drinking water in copper should be monitored (Image via Vecteezy)
Drinking water in copper should be monitored (Image via Vecteezy)

But as wise men say, moderation is essential. Like with all things, too much is not good, and too little is not good either. So, just drink one or two glasses of water in copper every day. The best time is in the morning when you haven't eaten anything yet.

Don't put sour things, like fruit juice or vinegar, in your copper glass. Also, don't forget to wash your copper glass at least once a week. This way, it stays in top shape!

How to Get Started

  1. Buy a high-quality, pure copper glass or vessel. Make sure it's not mixed with any other metals.
  2. Pour clean, drinking water into the vessel. Let it sit overnight or for at least eight hours.
  3. In the morning, pour the water into a glass. It's ready to drink!
  4. Start your day with this ancient Ayurvedic practice and keep your heart happy and healthy!

A Word of Care

Simple carefree ways to take care of copper (Image via Vecteezy)
Simple carefree ways to take care of copper (Image via Vecteezy)

Remember, balance is key. Drinking a glass or two of this metal-charged water gives us the benefits without overdoing them. And once a week, clean your copper cup with lemon or vinegar, and rinse it with water.

Hit a home run for your heart and overall health by trying this ancient Ayurvedic gem! It’s simple, easy, and who knew water could bring so much more goodness when paired with a humble copper glass. After all, sometimes the simple things in life turn out to be the most wonderful ones!

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