Try these ankle-strengthening exercises to bid farewell to ankle sprains

Ankle-strengthening exercises (Image via Unsplash/Jan Romero)
Ankle-strengthening exercises (Image via Unsplash/Jan Romero)

Ankle-strengthening exercises are way more essential than you think, as strong ankles are key to preventing injuries. They bear your body's weight and face impact during everyday activities like walking or running.

By strengthening them, you're less likely to suffer from sprains or strains, especially in situations where you might twist your ankle, like in sports. Strong ankles also help in distributing the stress evenly across the joint, which is essential to avoid overuse injuries.

Keeping your ankles strong is a straightforward way to maintain good foot and leg health.

Ankle-Strengthening Exercises you should add to your routine

Ankle-strengthening exercises (Image via Unsplash/Nino Liverani)
Ankle-strengthening exercises (Image via Unsplash/Nino Liverani)

1. Ankle Circles

How to Do: Sit or lie down and extend one leg. Slowly rotate your foot in a circular motion. Do 10 circles in each direction, then switch to the other foot.

Purpose: This improves mobility and flexibility in the ankle joint.

2. Resistance Band Flexes

How to Do: Sit with your legs stretched out. Wrap a resistance band around the ball of your foot and hold the ends with your hands. Flex your foot backward against the band's resistance, then slowly return. Repeat 10-15 times, then switch feet.

Purpose: Strengthens the muscles in the shin and improves ankle stability.

3. Heel and Toe Raises

  • How to Do: Stand up straight, lift onto your tiptoes, hold for a few seconds, then slowly lower. Next, lift your toes while keeping your heels on the ground. Do 10-15 repetitions.
  • Purpose: Strengthens the calf muscles and the muscles under the foot.

4. Alphabet Writing

How to Do: Sit down and extend one leg. Use your big toe to 'write' each letter of the alphabet in the air. Switch feet after completing the alphabet.

Purpose: Improves ankle flexibility and range of motion.

5. Single-Leg Balance

How to Do: Stand on one foot, trying to balance for at least 30 seconds. Increase difficulty by closing your eyes or standing on a cushion. Switch feet after each attempt.

Ankle-strengthening exercises (Image via Unsplash/Alex Ware)
Ankle-strengthening exercises (Image via Unsplash/Alex Ware)

Purpose: Enhances balance and stabilizes ankle muscles.

6. Side-to-Side Hops

How to Do: Stand and slightly bend your knees. Hop side to side over an imaginary line or a small object, landing softly each time. Continue for 30 seconds.

Purpose: Improves lateral movement and ankle stability.

7. Walking on Heels/Toes

How to Do: Walk 20 steps on your heels, then switch and walk 20 steps on your toes.

Purpose: Strengthens the muscles in the front and back of your ankles.

8. Toe Curls with Towel

How to Do: Sit with your feet flat and a towel under them. Using your toes, scrunch the towel towards you, then push it away. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

Purpose: Strengthens toe flexors and enhances foot control.

How often should you perform these?

To effectively strengthen your ankles, aim to incorporate these ankle-strengthening exercises into your workout routine about three times a week. It's a good idea to do them at the beginning of your workout when your muscles are fresh and less prone to injury.

You can also slot them in at the end of your session as a cool-down. Remember, consistency is key.

Ankle-strengthening exercises (Image via Unsplash/Barbora Polednova)
Ankle-strengthening exercises (Image via Unsplash/Barbora Polednova)

It doesn't take too long to perform these ankle-strengthening exercises – about 10 to 15 minutes is enough. If you're pressed for time, you could even do them on off days from your regular workout. Just make sure not to overdo it; like any exercise, it's important to give your muscles time to rest and recover.

Listen to your body and adjust the frequency accordingly. By steadily integrating these exercises into your routine, you’ll gradually build stronger, more resilient ankles.

Incorporating ankle-strengthening exercises thrice weekly into your workout can significantly enhance ankle stability and prevent injuries, ensuring healthier, more resilient lower limbs with just a small investment of time.

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