Try this Pilates 100 routine to get a good physique

Pilates 100 (Image via Unsplash/Anastassia Hisel)
Pilates 100 (Image via Unsplash/Anastassia Hisel)

Pilates 100 is a well-known exercise in the Pilates world, famous for its ability to strengthen the core and build endurance. It mainly works on the abs, helping improve your core strength and how you carry yourself. Created by Joseph Pilates, the founder of this exercise method, Pilates 100 is a key part of his overall vision for keeping fit, focusing on being precise, in control, and breathing correctly.

This exercise combines steady breathing with rhythmic motions, which makes it a fundamental part of Pilates practice for both newbies and pros. The "100" in its name refers to the goal of doing 100 beats or pulses while you exercise, timed with deep, regular breaths. This mix of movement and breathing not only makes your core muscles stronger but also helps your lungs work better and boosts blood flow.

Pilates 100 routine

Pilates 100 (Image via Unsplash/Jonathan Borba)
Pilates 100 (Image via Unsplash/Jonathan Borba)

Preparation Phase

Find a Comfortable Spot: Choose a quiet, spacious area with a mat or soft surface.

Starting Position: Lie down on your back with your legs bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms by your sides.


Deep Breathing: Inhale deeply through your nose, expanding your abdomen, and exhale slowly through your mouth, pulling your navel towards your spine. Do this 5 times.

Pelvic Tilt: Gently rock your pelvis back and forth to release tension in your lower back. Repeat 5 times.

Pilates 100 Routine

Leg Extension: Extend your legs upward towards the ceiling, keeping them straight. If you're a beginner, a slight bend in the knees is acceptable.

Head and Shoulder Lift: Inhale, then as you exhale, lift your head and shoulders off the mat, reaching your arms towards your feet. Your gaze should be towards your knees.

Arm Positioning: Extend your arms alongside your body, just above the mat, palms facing down.

Engage Core: Activate your core muscles by pulling your navel towards your spine.

Begin Pumping: Start pumping your arms up and down in small, controlled motions. Keep your arms straight and energized, moving from your shoulders.

Breathing Rhythm: Inhale for five arm pumps, then exhale for five pumps. This completes one cycle.


Pilates 100 (Image via Unsplash/Karsten Winegart)
Pilates 100 (Image via Unsplash/Karsten Winegart)

Maintain Position: Keep your head and shoulders elevated and your core engaged throughout.

Continue Pumping: Perform the arm pumps in rhythm with your breathing. Focus on steady, controlled movements.

Count to 100: Complete 10 full breathing cycles (each cycle consists of an inhale and exhale), totaling 100 arm pumps.

Cool Down

Release Position: Gently lower your head and shoulders, then bend your knees and place your feet back on the floor.

Windshield Wiper Legs: With knees bent and feet on the floor, gently sway your knees from side to side to release any tension in your lower back.

Full Body Stretch: Extend your arms overhead and lengthen your legs. Stretch your entire body for a few seconds.

Final Relaxation: Take a few moments to relax on the mat, breathing deeply.

How does the Pilates 100 help you?

Pilates 100 (Image via Unsplash/Kelly Sikkema)
Pilates 100 (Image via Unsplash/Kelly Sikkema)

Boosts Core Strength: It really zeroes in on your middle section - think abs and back. This helps you stand straighter and feel steadier on your feet.

Better Breathing: You'll learn to breathe in a way that helps your lungs work better. This not only feels great but also helps you chill out and relax.

Up Your Stamina: Those arm movements aren't just for show. They build up your staying power, especially in your core and arms, so you feel stronger in your everyday tasks.

Keeps You Upright: With a stronger core from this workout, you're less likely to slump over your desk. It's all about keeping your back happy and pain-free.

Mind and Body Sync: This isn't just a physical workout; it gets your brain in the game, too. You'll be more tuned into your body and sharper in your focus.

More Bendy and Mobile: While it's big on strength, it also helps you move more easily, making your back and shoulders feel more flexible.

Remember, Pilates 100 is not just about the physical movement but also about syncing your breath with the motion for a holistic workout experience.

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